2000字范文 > 国际环境犯罪 International Environmental英语短句 例句大全

国际环境犯罪 International Environmental英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-25 14:00:47


国际环境犯罪 International Environmental英语短句 例句大全

国际环境犯罪,International Environmental

1)International Environmental国际环境犯罪

1.Legal Research on China and Central Asia PunishingInternational Environmental Crime;中国与中亚惩治国际环境犯罪的法律问题研究


1.Study on the Countermeasures to Restrain the International Environmental Crimes;惩治与防范国际环境犯罪的对策研究

2.Legal Research on China and Central Asia Punishing International Environmental Crime;中国与中亚惩治国际环境犯罪的法律问题研究

3.On International Environmental Crime and Criminal Responsibility of State;论国际环境犯罪与国家刑事责任的承担

4.Punishment and Prevention of International Environmental Crime: Status, Problems and Strategies;国际环境犯罪的惩治与预防:现状、问题与应对

5."Mankind is plagued by trans-national problems such as environmental degradation, arms proliferation, international crimes and terrorism."环境恶化、武器扩散、国际犯罪、恐怖主义等跨国问题困扰着人类。

6.The Study on International Criminal Law Controlling of the Solid Waste Pollution Environmental Crime between China and Central Asia中国与中亚对固体废物污染环境犯罪的国际刑法控制研究

7.People are still plagued by such problems as regional conflicts, environmental degradation and transnational crimes.地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题依然困扰着人们;

8.People are still plagued by regional conflicts, environmental degradation and transnational crimes, among others.地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题仍然困扰着人们;


10.An Inquiry into the Environmental Criminal Law Crime to the Environment;英美法系国家环境刑法与环境犯罪探究

11.A Probe into the Theoretical Problems of the Control of Environmental Crimes through the Criminal Law and their Relative Solutions论我国环境犯罪刑法控制的理论困境及对策

12.He was forced into crime by circumstances他为环境所迫而犯罪。

13.Centre for International Crime Prevention国际预防犯罪中心(预防犯罪中心)

14.International Society for Criminology国际犯罪学学会(犯罪学学会)

15.Environmental Crime was firstly stipulated in Penal Code of our country systematically.我国刑法典首次对环境犯罪作了系统、体的规定。

16.An Analysis of the Shortcomings of the Environment Crime Provisions in the Penal Code;我国刑法有关环境犯罪规定的缺陷分析

17.Study on the Analysis and Countermeasure of Information Crimes under the Network Environment in China;网络环境下我国信息犯罪的分析及对策研究

18.China s Adaptation to Strict Responsibility in Environmental Crimes;论环境犯罪中的严格责任在我国的适用


unlawful acts against certain internationally protected elements of the environment危害国际环境犯罪

1.In the non-compulsory legal order of international communities,each country has to face many obstacles in enhancing cooperation between countries,effective control on occurrence and spreading ofunlawful acts against certain internationally protected elements of the environment.国际社会的非强制法律秩序,使国家间密切合作、有效控制危害国际环境犯罪的发生和蔓延存在着重重障碍。

3)International Marine Environmental Crime国际海洋环境犯罪

4)international crime国际犯罪

1.Althoughinternational crime,foreign related crime and transnational crime have indelibly historical relations in the origins,they have not identical or embracing relationships for contents at all,but an interlock or independent relationship.国际犯罪与涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪之间虽然在起源上具有不可磨灭的历史渊源,但它们在内容上并不具有同一或者包容关系,而是一种即相互交叉又彼此保持一定独立性的关系。

2.As a result to different understanding of theinternational crime s essence,the country legal liability nature,the national crime standard s,the scholars of international criminal varies to the international subject of crime s scope limits.由于对国际犯罪的本质、国家法律责任性质、国家犯罪标准的不同认识,学界对国际犯罪主体的范围界定不一。

3.On theoretical Level, the scope ofinternational crimes includes 31 crimes such as war crime, aggression crime, crime against humanity and etc.在理论研究的层面,国际犯罪的范围包括战争罪、侵略罪、危害人类罪等31种犯罪。

5)international crimes国际犯罪

1.And finally,the author points out that due to the flexibility and low-cost of hybrid tribunals,they are likely to take the place of the ad hoc international criminal trbunals in the legal system to combatinternational crimes.由于混合型审判机构的具有较强的适应性和灵活性及其他优点 ,决定了其可能替代国际特设刑事法庭 ,在惩治国际犯罪司法体系中占据一席之地。

2.The international criminal responsibility of individuals is the necessary and essential problem when we discuss the criminal responsibility ofinternational crimes.个人国际刑事责任是探讨国际犯罪的刑事责任必须直面的首要问题。

3.on July 1st ,2002,the International Criminal Court (ICC )which was expected for a long time was established ,which strongly impacted the pattern of punishinginternational crimes ,and dawned a new era of the international criminal justice .2002年7月11日,国际社会期盼以久的国际刑事法院终于从理想变成现实,它的建立必将对惩治国际犯罪的格局产生巨大影响,国际刑事司法由此进入一个新的历史时期。

6)environmental crime环境犯罪

1.Discussions on problems ofenvironmental crimes;环境犯罪的若干问题探讨

2.Discussion on the Necessity to Establish Dangerous Criminal of Environmental Crime;试论确立环境犯罪危险犯的必要性

3.The Reason and the Countermeasure of Environmental Crime in China;我国环境犯罪的原因和对策研究


人民法院受理在国际列车上的犯罪的职权人民法院受理在国际列车上的犯罪的职权:在国际列车上的犯罪,按照我国与相关国家签订的有关管辖协定确定管辖。没有协定的,由犯罪发生后列车最初停靠的中国车站所在地或者目的地的铁路运输法院管辖。――――《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释 第10条
