2000字范文 > 农民工二次分化 The Second Division of Migrant Worker英语短句 例句大全

农民工二次分化 The Second Division of Migrant Worker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 20:32:57


农民工二次分化 The Second Division of Migrant Worker英语短句 例句大全

农民工二次分化,The Second Division of Migrant Worker

1)The Second Division of Migrant Worker农民工二次分化


1.Research on the Second Disintegration and the Classified Social Security for Migrant Worker农民工二次分化与分类社会保障研究

2.Second disintegration of migrant workers and its system obstacles--a survey on 2,834 migrant workers;农民工二次分化及其制度障碍——基于对2834名农民工的调查

3.The Second Disintegration and Different Social Levels of Urban Farmers;都市农民的二次分化与社会分层研究

4.City farmer dividing and their social security policy planning;都市农民的二次分化与分类社会保障对策

5.the second great division of labor took place: handicraft separated from agriculture.于是发生了第二次大分工:手工业和农业分离了。

6.How to Do a Good Job of Admitting New Party Members Who are Migrant Workers从农民流动分化看发展农民工党员工作

7.In the first step of this transition, the peasants become collective peasants and in the second step workers on state farms.农民头一步过渡到集体化的农民,第二步要变为国营农场的工人。

8.On the Phenomenon of Claim for Wage in Urbanization of Rural Migrant Workers;农民工市民化过程中的“讨薪”现象分析

9.The Second-generation Immigrant Workers Involution on the Impact of Our Country s Urbanization;第二代农民工内卷化对我国城市化的影响

10.The Analysis of Income Critical Value on the Transformation between Farmers and Migrant Workers;农民与农民工相互转化的收入临界值分析

11.2. Protect the industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock enterprises of the national bourgeoisie.(二)保护民族工商农牧业。

12.Analysis on Social Capital During the Course of Occupation Re-mobility of Peasant Worker;农民工再次职业流动中的社会资本分析

13.In the Chinese population the workers rank second to the peasants in number.农民之外,中国人口中第二个部分就是工人。

14.Chinese Peasants Second Liberation--Family Contract Operation,Integration of urban and Rural Areas;我国农民的二次大解放——家庭承包经营、城乡一体化探讨

15.Study on the Mechanism,Function and Policy of Differentiation of Peasant Worker Stratum;农民工阶层分化机制功能与政策研究

16.From Holism to Differentiation:On the Perspective Turn of Peasant Workers Research;农民工研究视角的转向:从整体到分化

17.Using the Economics to Analysis of Cultural Incentive in the Process to Identify the Status for Off-farm Workers;农民工多元身份形成的文化诱因分析

18.The Obstacle to the Industrialization and the Urbanization--Understanding "The Translated Farmer s Double Income";工业化城镇化建设的障碍——解读农民工的“二重收入”阅读体会


differentiation of peasants农民分化

1.This article is to discuss thedifferentiation of peasants of England in the 16~(th) and 17th century and questions the model of social polarization proposed by Classical Modernization Theory and Marxist.本文旨在探讨英国早期现代化时期英国农民分化过程,并在此基础上反思经典现代化理论和马克思主义的资本主义两极分化模式在认识英国农民分化问题上的不足。

3)Peasant Differentiation农民分化

1.Based on the inspection of peasant households,the peasant differentiation situation of Xiantao city of Hubei province is analyzed.在深入实地调研、定点观察、走访农户的基础上,对湖北省仙桃市的农民分化情况进行了分析,对新农村建设时期农民分化问题进行了实地研究。

4)Second generation peasant workers农民工二代

5)culture of migrant workers农民工文化

1.At the same time,it lays the deep social foundation for constructing theculture of migrant workers.随着我国农民工群体的不断扩大以及在社会经济发展中作用的不断凸显,农民工文化建设开始成为社会关注的热点问题。

6)peasant workers citizenization农民工市民化

1.China s R-U migration has a special two-stage "China route" that could not be explained fully by classical theories of development economics,leading to our special attention topeasant workers citizenization.本文提出了农民工市民化进程的度量方法,并利用3月进行的武汉市进城农民工情况调查对此进行了实证,最后根据分析结果提出了加快农民工市民化进程以促进和谐社会建设的建议。


