2000字范文 > 标准比较 standards comparison英语短句 例句大全

标准比较 standards comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-06 08:40:43


标准比较 standards comparison英语短句 例句大全

标准比较,standards comparison

1)standards comparison标准比较


1.Dimensions, quantity, or capacity as ascertained by comparison with a standard.度量用标准比较确定的尺寸、数量、容量

2.A Comparative Study on Certification Standards of Main Forest Certification Scheme;主要森林认证体系认证标准比较研究

parison on Curriculum Criterion for Native Language in Compulsory Education between China and Laos;中、老义务教育语文课程标准比较研究

4.Analysis of Practical Functions and Comparison of Criteria Used in Anti-dumping;反倾销成立标准比较及实际功效分析

5.A Comparison of Two Early Literacy Curriculum Standards and the Inspirations;两种早期读写课程标准比较及其启示

parison between sport and entertainment industry classification standards of China,America and Australia;中、美、澳体育与娱乐业划分标准比较

7.A Comparison of SN/T1443.1- Standard and ISO22000: Standard;SN/T1443.1-标准与ISO22000:标准的比较

8.They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence.它们将科学证据标准与其他标准相比较.

parison and Evaluation of American Standards for Curriculum Standards;美国课程标准之评价标准的比较、评价与借鉴

10.ASME Ultrasonic Examination Standard for Welded Joints and A Comparison with the Chinese StandardASME焊缝超声检测标准及与中国标准的比较

11.A Comparison of Design of Target Standards under Inflation Targeting Regime;通货膨胀目标制的目标标准设计比较研究

12.What is your backup solution compare to the criteria?与标准相比较,您的替代方案是什么?

13.an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another.对某群人比较严格的一种道德标准。

14.Extensibility is a difficult metric to gauge.可扩展性是一个比较难衡量的标准。

15.an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared.虚构的衡量或者比较的线或者标准。

16.a measure or standard used for comparison.用来比较的尺度或者标准。

17.To compare Lyon′s PAS standardized staining and traditional PAS staining.Lyon′s PAS标准法与传统PAS法的比较。

parative Studies on Chinese and Foreign Quality Standards of Rice and Wheat;稻米与小麦质量标准的中外比较研究


Comparative standard比较标准

3)comparable standards可比较标准

4)comparison standard比较标准器

5)comparing the standard标准水平比较

6)unified comparision standard统一比较标准


德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of GermanyOeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。
