2000字范文 > 灵感来源 source of inspiration英语短句 例句大全

灵感来源 source of inspiration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 19:39:50


灵感来源 source of inspiration英语短句 例句大全

灵感来源,source of inspiration

1)source of inspiration灵感来源

1.On the basis of the application of clothing fabric s re-design in dress design,itssource of inspiration,processing techniques,appearance and style,qualities of function,etc.从面料二次设计在服装设计中的应用出发,对其灵感来源、处理技法、外观风格以及功能性等多方面进行了分析研究和总结,有利于我们更系统地应用,以提高服装设计水平。

2.This article aims to provide some clothing designers and creativesource of inspiration for the material,thus creating better products.本文旨在为服装设计从业人员提供一些创作的素材和灵感来源,从而创作更好的产品。

3.Based on analysis of the typical works designed by Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima,explained her uniquesource of inspiration,design concept and express methods,and put forward for Chinese architects three suggestions worthy thinking,so as to grasp the essence of creating,promote the development of Chinese original enterprise.通过对日本女建筑师妹岛和世经典作品的分析,阐释了其独特的灵感来源、设计理念与表现手法,并提出了值得中国建筑师思考的三点建议,从而掌握其创作的精髓,促进我国原创性建筑的发展。


1.This paper draws a conclusion that the Bible is an important source of inspiration of Faust.可见 ,圣经是《浮士德》的重要灵感来源。

2.Traces the Source: The West Epresentative Personage and School of Inspiration Origin Theory;溯源:西方灵感来源理论的代表人物及流派

3.Many impressionistic painters" inspiration stems from the brilliant sunshine.许多印象派画家的灵感来源于明媚的阳光.

4.Designer idea: My inspiration comes from the elegant of Athena.设计构思:我的灵感来源于雅典娜的优雅。

5.Designer idea: This collection represents my understanding of fashion in new epoch.设计构思:灵感来源于对新时代着装文化的一种态度。

6.It originates from the perfect scenery that red-crowned crane larks freely beside Poyang lake and the sun shines brightly.灵感来源于大自然中之鄱阳湖边仙鹤嬉戏,太阳剪影之意境。

7.Chinese consciousness revival is the most important source that inspires CITY MAGAZINE.中国意识的重新复苏,是《生活月刊》最重要的灵感来源。

8.Central Living Area is a coastal garden area, who gets its planning inspiration from the experience of famous port cities worldwide.中央居住区是一个海岸花园区,这个设计规划灵感来源于全球著名港口城市的经验。

9.Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences.她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。

10.fount of inspiration to his audiences对他的听众来说(他的演说, 歌唱等)是灵感之源

11.an unfailing source of inspiration用之不竭的灵感的源泉

12.On the Key Origin of Designing Inspiration,a Few Points of Understanding about Sketch Practice and Hand Drawing;设计创作灵感的主要来源——对写生实践和手绘草图的几点认识

13.Just like that, I got the inspiration for my picture!就这一下,我的灵感来了!

14.For photographer Baron Wolman that has been the inspiration for some of his best work.对摄影师巴伦·沃尔曼来说,他的一些优秀作品的灵感就来源于这座大桥。

15.Genius is one percent inspiration and99percent perspiration.天才一分来自灵感,九十九分来自勤奋。

16.His journey to South America was a source of fresh ideas and inspiration.他的南美之行是新意念和灵感的泉源。

17.an untapped source of wealth, talent, inspiration未利用的财源、 聪明才智、 灵感

18."O"Neill"s plays were inspired by Greek tragedy.“奥尼尔创作戏剧的灵感源自希腊悲剧。





5)Resulting from inspiration.由灵感而来的

6)The inspiration came in an unusual way.灵感是有来历的。


观音灵感歌观音灵感歌南无观世音菩萨 大发慈悲心功行海洋深 架慈航渡迷津 感化有缘人十四种无畏 三十二化身千手及千眼 降伏众魔军大慈大悲救苦救难 灵感观世音莲座涌慈云 随处现金身杨枝水 洒凡尘 甘露润群生朝念观世音 暮念观世音念念从心起 念佛不离心永离八难 一切灾殃 苦厄化为尘
