2000字范文 > M1 Unit2 Growing pains—Project学案_高一英语教案

M1 Unit2 Growing pains—Project学案_高一英语教案

时间:2022-08-17 13:22:08


M1 Unit2 Growing pains—Project学案_高一英语教案

i. teaching aims: a) try to remember some important words and expressions; b) pay attention to the usage of some language pointsⅱ. teaching yourself: a) main words:1. valuable (宝贵的,珍贵的) 2. period (时期;阶段)3. argument (争论;辩论)4. freedom (自由)5. relationship(关系)6. mainly(主要地;大体上)7. spare(空闲的;多余的)8. selfish (自私的)b) important words: 词汇词汇用法词汇拓展forbid vt.禁止;阻止(forbade/forbad,forbidden,forbidding)forbidden adj禁止的forbidden cityforbidding冷峻的,令人生畏的a forbidding appearance/look/manner冷峻的样子/面孔/态度ban/ prohibit表示禁止,不准keep/ stop/ prevent/ prohibit/ discourage+ sb from doing sthsuggest v.建议;暗示suggestion n. suggest sth/suggest sth to sb,/suggest (to sb)that sb (should) do sth. suggested answer/it’s suggested that +虚拟/put forward a suggestion that+虚拟

advise sth/doing sth

advise sb to do sth

advise that+ 从句

propose to do sth



fightfight pollution/fight a disease/fight about[over]/fight against slavery/ fight for freedom/ fight one’s way/win[lose] a fightfight /battle/war/campaignargue with sb about/ over sthvaluablesome valuable advice /valuable experience/be valuable to sb.=be of great [some, little, no]value to/value for money/value your friendshipvalue n. valueless=worthless adj. invaluable= pricelessc) main phrases:1. be upset over对某事沮丧 2. deal with 处理3. ask for some help求助 4.refuse to do sth拒绝做某事5. treat sb well/ badly 待某人好 6. be rude to sb 对某人粗鲁7. insist on doing sth坚持做某事 all the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ___badly wounded and that he ___at once.
