2000字范文 > 中小型出口企业 Small and medium export-oriented enterprise英语短句 例句大全

中小型出口企业 Small and medium export-oriented enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 10:40:01


中小型出口企业 Small and medium export-oriented enterprise英语短句 例句大全

中小型出口企业,Small and medium export-oriented enterprise

1)Small and medium export-oriented enterprise中小型出口企业


1.Study on the Advantages of International Factoring in Small and Medium-sized Export Enterprises;国际保理在中小型出口企业中的应用优势分析

2.The Dilemma Currently Faced by Small and Medium-sized Export Enterprises;当前中小型出口企业面临的困境及原因探析

3.The company was nominated the Leading Medium-and Small-Sized Exporter in 1987.本公司于1987年被评分“先进出口中小型企业”称号。

4.Reflection on Strengthening Accounting Functions for Middle and Small Clothing Export and Process Enterprise;强化中小型服装出口加工企业会计职能的思考

5.To Analyse on SWOT of Export-oriented Mid-Small Enterprises During the Financial Crisis对金融危机时期出口型的中小企业SWOT分析

6.The Countermeasure to the Problem Existing in China s Medium and Small Sized Scientific and Technological Enterprises Exporting at PresentHUANG Zhi-gang;当前我国科技型中小企业产品出口存在的问题与对策

7.Research on the Current Situation and Prospect of Industrial Clustering Development of Small and Medium-sized Export Enterprises in China我国出口型中小企业集群化发展现状及前景探析

8.Analysis and Countermeasures to Risks of Credit Sales of the Small and Medium Foreign-trade Enterprises in China我国中小型外贸企业出口信用风险分析及对策探讨

9.A Study on Export and Trade Risk Management of SME in China我国中小企业出口贸易风险管理研究

10.Research on Innovation Strategy of Small & Medium-sized Enterprises Imports & Exports Financing;中小企业进出口业务融资创新策略探讨

11.Is the enterprise an export-oriented or a supplier to a large exporting enterprise?是否为出口型企业或与大型出口企业直接挂钩的供货型企业?

12.Analysis to Financing Through Pattern of Export Credit Insurance by Chinese Small & Medium Enterprises;中国中小企业利用出口信用保险模式融资分析

13.On the Role of International Factoring in SMEs Exporting Business;论国际保理在我国中小企业出口中的作用

14.On the Application of International Factoring in Small and Medium-Sized Import and Export Enterprises;国际保理在中小进出口企业中的应用分析

15.Small and medium-sized enterprises Import and Export Marketing Strategy Study in the Middle East中小进出口企业中东市场国际营销策略研究

16.Study on Financing Innovation of International Factor ahead of Supply Chain;国际保理业务在供应链前置中的融资创新研究——以我国出口生产型中小企业为服务对象

17.On the outlet of financial difficulties for small and medium-sized private enterprises中小企业产业集群:中小型民营企业财务困境的出路

18.Investigation and Study to Small and Middle-sized Enterprises′Export Competitive Power in Shantou;提升中小企业出口竞争力之对策——关于汕头市中小企业出口竞争力的调查研究


export-oriented SME出口型中小企业

1.The export-oriented small and medium-size enterprises(SME) contribute a lot into economics development, subprime lending crisis lead to the global finance crises, theexport-oriented SME are facing tough challenge, so it is very urgently important to analyze the existing problem and relation development.我国是一个出口依存度极高的国家,出口型中小企业为我国的经济发展做出了巨大的贡献。

3)small and medium sized export manufacturing enterprise出口生产型中小企业

1.The paper studies how to rely on supply chain and use finance combination to carry out trade financing forsmall and medium sized export manufacturing enterprises and discusses how to use the financing function of factoring business to solve the manufacturing problem due to lack of capital after winning the international order.以全球经济一体化、全球供应链规模不断扩大、中国的金融市场全面开放为研究背景;以中国出口生产型中小企业为服务对象,从理论研究和实际操作入手,研究如何依托供应链,运用金融产品的组合创新来为供应链上处在弱势地位的中国出口生产型中小企业进行贸易融资,探讨在供应链的前端,充分利用保理业务的融资功能,解决出口生产型中小企业在取得国际定单后由于资金短缺,无法顺利开展生产情况的问题。

4)Medium and small export enterprise中小出口企业

5)exported-oriented enterprise出口型企业

1.Through analysis of exchange rate risk and its impact on enterprises,this paper tries to explore and summarize corresponding strategy to avoid exchange rate risk,in order to help theexported-oriented enterprise.本文试图在这方面做些探索,通过分析家电业出口型企业面临的汇率风险以及汇率波动对企业的影响,探讨并总结相应的规避汇率风险的策略,希望能为我国出口型家电企业或者其他相关行业提供帮助。

6)medium or small enterprise中小型企业

1.Quality management of the auto coatings formedium or small enterprises;中小型企业汽车涂装品质管理

2.Design And Application of Web-based Sales Management Information System of Medium or Small Enterprises;基于Web的中小型企业销售管理信息系统的设计与应用


