2000字范文 > Unit 1 Hello_小学三年级英语教案

Unit 1 Hello_小学三年级英语教案

时间:2023-12-08 17:46:02


Unit 1 Hello_小学三年级英语教案

第一课时一、教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语》3a 第一单元 第一教时二、教学目标1 能听懂、会说hello / hi ,i’m…,并能应用在进行朋友间的打招呼上。2 学生能在教师的带领下进行上课问候,会说 stand up ,sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。3 学生能够听懂教师在课堂上的一般英语发令方式,如class begins, hands up, class is over等。4 会唱歌曲hello!5在教学活动中培养学生学习英语的兴趣。三、教学重点1 会说日常交际用语:hello / hi, i’m…2会说 stand up ,sit down 等,同时作出相应的动作。3 会唱歌曲hello!四、教学难点1 学生能够听懂教师在课堂上的一般英语发令方式。五、课前准备教学光盘,课件,卡片六、教学过程step1 free talk and motivation(4分钟)1. to greet伴着上课铃声教师面带笑容说出class begins.并且边用手做出上抬的姿势边说stand up,示意学生起立。依次演示问候,并让学生坐下。(学生第一次接触英语课堂,可能会比较好奇。)2. listen to an english song.t: this is an english song, do you like it? do you want to learn? from now on, we’ll learn a new ability, after that, we can sing lots of english songs, say many rhymes, and also can speak with foreigners. in XX, we can be in the service of beijing olympic games.


step2 presentation and practice(11分钟)1 课件出示课前学生起立的动作。t: what are they doing?拿出卡片领读stand up,由于上课前已演示过一遍,学生很容易就会领悟是起立的意思。同法教授sit down. hands up. hands down.2 领读rhyme: up, up , stand up. down, down, sit down. up, up , hands up. down, down, hands down.(学生在说的时候不能一次成型,所以要多练习几次。)3 do a gamet发出stand up. sit down. hands up. hands down.的指令,学生做出动作。t: hands up.ss:快速举手。t: stand up.ss:快速起立。………(可评出最佳灵敏者,进一步活跃课堂气氛。)step3 learn to say(16分钟)1 to introduce myself, in order to know each other.t: well, we are friends now. first, let me introduce myself to you. i’m your english teacher, i’m miss cong. hello!重复几遍hello!并挥手向学生问好,示意学生回答hello! hi!重复几遍hi!并挥手向学生问好,示意学生回答hi!t:问好的时候我们可以说hello.或hi.板书hello. hi.

2. present “hi, i’m …”t: there are some new friends in our class today, do you want to know? show an image, say to all the students. “hi, i’m mi laoshu.” then show another image say “hi, i’m tang laoya.” t: can you guess what the chinese meaning of the sentences“hi, i’m …” (借助卡通形象的神态、语言,巧妙地导出新知,使学生通过看、听、猜来理解句意。) 板书: i’m … teach reading “hi, i’m …”, and let the students pay more attention to the pronunciation of “i’m”. read after the teacher, and then read it one by one. ( 操练时采用跟读、齐读、分行读、个别读等多层次的形式进行实实在在的练习,以有效地分化读音中出现的难点,从而使学生掌握正确的读音、调调。) t: you know i’m miss cong. but i don’t know your names, can you introduce yourself to me? practice in pairs. 分成小组练习,练习的过程中教师不停巡视,发现问题可以及时纠正,并配以大量赞扬性的语言,如very good, excellent等,鼓励学生勇敢说出。 let the students to introduce them. s1: hi, i ’m… s2: hello, i ’ m… s3: hi, i ’ m… ………… 板书: i’ m …
