2000字范文 > 二年级第一学期课例Unit7 Weather Let’s learn_小学二年级英语教案

二年级第一学期课例Unit7 Weather Let’s learn_小学二年级英语教案

时间:2018-12-06 00:18:41


二年级第一学期课例Unit7  Weather Let’s learn_小学二年级英语教案


1、学习 let’s learn中的七个新词 winter、cold、wind、snow、hats、gloves和scarfs。

2、操练句型 do you like…?yes ,i do.(no, i don’t.)




在课堂教学中,我充分利用看、听、说、唱、游戏、对话表演来激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在新授一开始,我就让学生来了一段“a miming game”不但吸引了学生的注意力,又训练了学生的听力、说话能力和表演能力。同时通过提问的方式,很自然地引出了新授单词,winter, cold, wind,和 snow。为了让学生进一步理解和掌握单词我采用了动作表演、闭眼想象、自编儿歌等教学手段,如教学cold时我让学生动作表演冷(搓手、跺脚和摸脸),教学snow时让学生闭眼想象下雪时的美景(see white snow, make a snow man, play snow balls.)。仿佛亲身体验,身临其境。同时还通过新旧知识的迁移,让学生记住新词的音和行。在学了hat、gloves、scarfs之后,我还让学生说说还有哪些保暖的物品,学了冬天后,让学生说说其它季节的气候特征。给学生一个自我发挥、自我创新的空间,最后用自编儿歌回到原处,不但巩固了新授的单词,而且还显得完整呼应。


teaching aims:

1. 学习新词 hats gloves scarfs winter cold wind和snow。

2. 操练句型 do you like…?yes,i do. (no,i don’t.)。

3. 学习儿歌,自编儿歌。

main point:


teaching aids:

pictures、slides、tapes、hats、gloves、scarfs and so on.

(一).pre-task preparation:

warming up: greeting.

show a slide “a miming game”.

1.look and listen. 2.say and act.

(二).while-task procedure:

teaching winter

1.presentation: t.which season is it? p.winter.

2.show it and teach it.

teaching cold、wind、snow.

1.presentation: t.what’s the weather like in winter?p.coid. wind .snow.

2.show them and teach them.

a. cold、wind (act out ,miming the sound.)。

b. snow (close your eyes.think it over.)(p.see white snow, make a snowman,play snowballs.)。

3.teaching rhyme.

teaching hats、gloves、scarfs.

1. presentation: t:i’m very cold.i need a hat、gloves、a scarf. put on my hat…(say and act)。

2. show them and teach them.

a. hata hattwo hats.

b. glovesa pair of gloves.two pairs of gloves.

c. scarfa scarftwo scarfstwo scarves.

3. say the rhyme.

hat hat hat.i love you.put on my hat.warm warm warm….

(三).post-task activity:

1. listen and say the new word.

2. one speak a word the other point it.

3. ask and answer.(do you like…?).

4. listening.

5. make a short dialogue with the new words.(situation.(1)two students meet on their way to school.(2)go shopping.)。

6. think it over. what’s the werther like in spring…?

(四).home work:

1. listen and spell the new words.
