2000字范文 > 辽宁病毒 Liaoning virus英语短句 例句大全

辽宁病毒 Liaoning virus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-22 17:28:43


辽宁病毒 Liaoning virus英语短句 例句大全

辽宁病毒,Liaoning virus

1)Liaoning virus辽宁病毒


1.Pharmacological evaluation on anti-herpes simplex virus-1 effect of"Bingduning"in vitro;病毒宁体外抗单纯疱疹病毒药效评价


1.Role and significance of geochemical exploration in the discovery of the Dayangshugou molybdenum deposit,Liaoning;化探在辽宁大杨树沟钼矿发现中的作用与意义

2.The Strategy of Mineral Resources for the Revitalization ofLiaoning Old Industrial Base;辽宁老工业基地振兴中的矿产资源战略

3.The SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures for the Development ofLiaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry;辽宁省中药产业发展的SWOT分析及对策


1.Liaoning 665 477 8515辽宁6654778515

2.Liao Ning Industrial and Commercial Bureau awarded“ Liao Ning Famous Brand”.、辽宁省工商局授予的“辽宁省著名商标”。

3.Liao Ning Industrial and Commercial Bureau awarded “Liao Ning Famous Brand”.辽宁省工商局授予的“辽宁省著名商标”。

4.Statistical research on Liaoning economic contribution of fisheries辽宁渔业对辽宁经济贡献的统计分析

5.Liaoning is one of China"s provinces.辽宁是中国的一个省份。

6."Liaoning Panpan Group Co., Ltd."辽宁盼盼集团有限公司

7.The Niuheliang Site辽宁朝阳市:牛河梁遗址

8.This region is within the Province of Liaoning.这一带属辽宁地面。

9.A Liao Dynasty Btrial at Dapingtan, Taoyuan,Baojia, Beining,Liaoning;辽宁省北宁市鲍家乡桃园村大平滩辽墓

10.Two Liao Dynasty Tombs Found in Diaobingshan,Liaoning;辽宁省调兵山市城子村两座辽墓清理

11.A Preliminary Excavation of No.2 and No.3 Liao Dynasty Tombs in Tizimiao Temple,Fuxin;辽宁阜新梯子庙二、三号辽墓发掘简报

12.Test Report of Fertilizer Formula in Paddy Rice in Liaozhong County,Liaoning Province辽宁省辽中县水稻配方施肥试验报告

13.A Painted Wooden Coffin Chamber of the Liao Dynasty辽宁省博物馆征集入藏一套辽代彩绘木椁

14.Achievements of famous writers and artists in Liaoning province in Liao Dynasty;论辽宁地区辽代著名文学艺术家的成就

15.Preliminary Study of the Colored Flying Fairies Painted in Daxiong Hall of Fengguo Temple in Yi County of Liaoning Province in the Liao Dynasty;辽宁义县奉国寺大雄殿辽代建筑彩画飞天初探

16.Analyzes the Influence Effect of the Projects of Liaohe River Valley in Liaoning Province;辽宁省辽河流域防洪工程布局影响效果分析

17.Summarization of the work of the Research Institution of the Histories of Liao,Jin,Qidan and Nvzhen Dynasties in Liaoning province in twenty years;辽宁省辽金契丹女真史研究会二十年工作述略

18.Japanese Invasion of Liaoning Rural Area--Investigation and Study of Liaoning Rural Area during the Period of Manchukuo;概论日本对辽宁农村的统治——伪满时期辽宁农村问题的调查与研究



1.Pharmacological evaluation on anti-herpes simplex virus-1 effect of"Bingduning"in vitro;病毒宁体外抗单纯疱疹病毒药效评价


1.Role and significance of geochemical exploration in the discovery of the Dayangshugou molybdenum deposit,Liaoning;化探在辽宁大杨树沟钼矿发现中的作用与意义

2.The Strategy of Mineral Resources for the Revitalization ofLiaoning Old Industrial Base;辽宁老工业基地振兴中的矿产资源战略

3.The SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures for the Development ofLiaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry;辽宁省中药产业发展的SWOT分析及对策

4)Liaoning province辽宁

1.Study on Gemmological Characteristics of Jet from Fushun,Liaoning Province;辽宁抚顺煤精的宝石学特征研究

2.Ore-control role of ultra-magnesium peridotite in Houxianyu boron ore district,Yingkou,Liaoning Province;辽宁营口后仙峪硼矿区超镁橄榄岩的控矿作用

3.Ecological function zoning in Liaoning Province.;辽宁省生态功能分区研究

5)bingduning dosage"病毒宁"制剂

6)Dehydro Andrographolide Succinate Potassium/Virazole穿琥宁/病毒唑


辽宁话考究—辽宁方言试题单选题: 1.请选出"门坎子"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.门的扶手B.2.门的拉手C.3.门下面的横梁D.4.做门的工具 2.请选出"外屋地"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.房子外面的工地B.2.厨房C.3.仓库D.4.洗手间 3.请选出"家巧"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.麻雀B.2.乌鸦C.2.鸡D.3.喜鹊 4.请选出"本儿~楼"的正确答案. (10分) A.1.茶馆B.2.酒楼C.3.书店D.4.额头 5."傲傲牛X"意思是指:(10分) A.1.非常历害B.2.牛的犄角C.3.声意非常大D.4.人很懦弱 6.请选出"扯犊子"的正确答案:(10分) A.1.做些没用的事B.2.牵小牛崽C.3.没义气D.4.用力气大 7.请选出"包米楼子"的正确答案:(10分) A.1.大米的包装B.2.存放玉米的地方C.3.一种食物D.4.花生米果皮 8.请选出"鸡顾喽"的正确答案(10分) A.1.鸡的种类B.2.鸡的喉咙C.3.鸡下蛋的地方D.4.菜的名称 9."污渌八凸"的意思是指: (10分) A.1.模煳不清B.2.非常脏C.3.凹凸不平D.4.一个成语 是非题: 1.炕头是热的?(2分) A.是B.否 2."噶鸡窝"是指养鸡的地方(2分) A.是B.否 3."欠儿登"是指嘴很频,哪有事哪到.(2分) A.是B.否 4."矛楼"是指很简陋的房子?(2分) A.是B.否 5."少跟我俩整景"是指不要和我装腔作势.(2分) A.是B.否
