2000字范文 > 证型分类 classification of syndrome英语短句 例句大全

证型分类 classification of syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 14:06:26


证型分类 classification of syndrome英语短句 例句大全

证型分类,classification of syndrome

1)classification of syndrome证型分类


1.Multi-class Diagnosis Classification on High Dimension Data by Information Gain Models;以信息增益模式探讨在高维数据上的多类别证型分类

2.The Study of Pattern of Syndrome of TCM in Knee Osteoarthritis(KOA) and the Correlation with Pathological Change in X-ray;膝骨性关节炎中医证型分类及其与x线改变的相关性研究

3.An Empirical Research on Two Kinds of Strategical Motives of FDIFDI两种战略动机类型的实证分析

4.Empirical Analysis to Four Industrial Classification Index of Shanghai Stocks by VAR Model关于上证行业类指数的VAR模型实证分析

5.Research on Discriminant Analysis for Rheumatoid Arthritis of TCM Pattern Identification;类风湿关节炎中医辨证分型的判别分析研究

6.The Empirical Research of Yantai County Economy Style based on the Principal Component Analysis;基于主成分分析的烟台县域经济类型实证研究

7.To Explore the Spectrum and Frequency of Causes for Chronic Cough and Discuss the Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Patients with Chronic Cough Using Cluster Analysis.慢性咳嗽的病因分布和中医证型聚类分析探讨

8.A Type of Simulation Model Analysis and Empirical Study in the Financial Market;一类金融市场模拟模型分析及实证研究

9.Application of Fusion Model of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Reasoning in Remote Sensing;Dempster-Shafer证据推理融合模型在遥感分类中的应用

10.The New Method of almost Periodic Solution to Second-order Neutral Differential Equations一类二阶中立型微分方程的概周期解的新证法

11.The model evident study of technical indicators for classification of chemical power化学电源技术指标分类的模型实证研究

12.Studying on Information Service Quality and Evaluation System of Securities Industry基于聚类分析的证券业信息服务评价模型研究

13.An Principal-Agency Model Based on the Type Difference of Agent and Its Empirical Study代理人类型差异及其委托代理的实证分析

14.Analysis of Correlation between Syndrome-Type in Tcm and Pathology Type in Children with Frequent Relapse Nephrotic Syndrome;小儿频复发性肾病中医证型与病理类型的相关性分析

15.Research of the Relationship between the Deposition of Immune Substance and the Clinical Classification, TCM, Syndrome Type in the IgA NephropathyIgA肾病免疫物质沉积类型与其临床分型、中医证候的相关性研究

16.Evaluation Model of Scientific Diathesis Based on AHP and Clustering Analysis and Its Empirical Study;基于AHP和聚类分析的科学素质评价模型及实证分析

17.Impact to the Results of ARCH Type Models with Different Distribution of the Residual;不同分布对ARCH类模型结果的影响——基于上证指数收益率的对比分析

18.Volatility Analysis on the Shanghai Security Index in the Stock Rights Splitting Reform;股权分置改革中上证指数的波动——基于ARCH类模型的比较分析


Evidence type证据类型

3)syndromic types证候类型

4)pulse type脉证类型

1.Exploration onto differentiatingpulse types of Taiyang syndrome by A Treatise on Febrile Diseases;《伤寒论》太阳病脉证类型探析

5)Type of proofs凭证类型

6)certification type认证类型

1.Following a risk-oriented policy, we can induce thecertification type by quantifying the risk factors.根据风险导向的原则,从产品的监测标准和自然属性中解析得出风险因子,并进行量化分析,来确定产品认证类型决策。

2.About thecertification type, the development of international product certification mainly has gone through three phases, namely, voluntary certification, man.合理有效的认证制度对于协调社会利益冲突、规范市场经济秩序具有至关重要的作用,尤其是关于认证类型的选择和认证模式的确定,更是直接影响认证活动的价值实现和社会效果。


上证指数分类法 上证指数分类法——上证指数分类法是指上海证券交易所为编制新的沪市成份指数,将全部上市公司分为5类,即工业、商业、地产业、公用事业和综合类,并分别计算和公布各分类股价指数。
