2000字范文 > 优化捆绑治疗 Optimized bundle treatment英语短句 例句大全

优化捆绑治疗 Optimized bundle treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 14:38:27


优化捆绑治疗 Optimized bundle treatment英语短句 例句大全

优化捆绑治疗,Optimized bundle treatment

1)Optimized bundle treatment优化捆绑治疗

2)optimization therapy优化治疗

1.Objective To investigate the effects ofoptimization therapy on depression degree,glycemic level and life quality of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.目的:观察2型糖尿病患者优化治疗方案对抑郁程度、血糖水平、生活质量的影响。


1.Optimization and Individualization in the Blood Pressure Lowering Management and Reaching Target Blood Pressure;降压达标治疗中的个体化原则与优化治疗

2.Thinking of the Reasons and Good Treatment to Refractory Depression;难治性抑郁症成因与优化治疗的思考

3.Standardization and Optimized Treating Plan of IBS优化治疗方案治疗肠易激综合征肝郁脾虚证的临床研究

4.Optimize Therapeutic Scheme and Dir ect Rational Medication in Clinical by Pharmacoeconomics用药物经济学优化治疗方案,指导临床合理用药

5.Development and Application of Evaluation Techniques in Optimum Treatment of Hypertension;高血压优化治疗评价方法的建立与应用

6.A Set Membership Identification Based Model for Optimal Therapy of Heart Failure;基于集员辨识的心力衰竭优化治疗模型研究

7.Thoughts on Optimization Theraphy Pattern in Multdrug-resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis;耐多药肺结核的最优化治疗模式的几点思考

8.Optimizing the Project of Treating Hepatitis B.,Truly Evaluate the Therapeutic Effect;优化乙肝治疗方案 真实评价治疗效果

9.A Study on Optimization of Beam Orientations and Beam Weights for Conformal Radiotherapy;适形放射治疗中射野方向优化的研究

10.Beam Orientation Optimization for Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy;调强放射治疗中射野方向优化的研究

11.The clinical treatment scheme optimization study of epidemic parotitis流行性腮腺炎临床治疗方案优化研究

12.Selection of Optimal Treatment Scheme for Multiple Brain Metastasis of Iung Cancer肺癌多发脑转移治疗方法的优化选择

13.Real-time in Vivo Monitoring and Dosimetry Optimizing of Photodynamic Therapy for Port Wine Stain;鲜红斑痣光动力治疗的监测与治疗方案优化设计

14.Improve Therapeutic Efficacy of SSNHL by Application of Comparative Study;运用比较治疗学的方法促进SSNHL治疗决策的最优化

15.Improve Insulin Therapeutic Efficacy of T2DM by Application of Comparative Study运用比较治疗学的方法促进T2DM胰岛素治疗决策的最优化

16.Efficacy Analysis of Youfuning、Thymosin and Chemical Drug on MDR-TB优福宁 胸腺肽联合化疗药物治疗耐多药肺结核疗效分析

17.Analysis and Optimization of MLC Shape in Radiotherapy放射治疗中多叶光栅适形效果分析及优化

18.The Experimental and Clinical Research for Evaluation and Optimization of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Plans with Radiobiological Models;乳腺癌放射治疗计划优化的基础和临床研究


optimization therapy优化治疗

1.Objective To investigate the effects ofoptimization therapy on depression degree,glycemic level and life quality of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.目的:观察2型糖尿病患者优化治疗方案对抑郁程度、血糖水平、生活质量的影响。

3)optimization theraphy最优化治疗

1.It is a difficuity to treat multdrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, antituberculosis theraphy should be individual, as a result of diversity of cause of formation in multdrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis and kints of resistant drug,it was progressed thinking and summarising onoptimization theraphy pattern in multdrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.耐多药结核病是结核病治疗中的一个难点,由于耐药成因和耐药种类的多样性决定了治疗应该个体化,对耐多药肺结核的最优化治疗模式的应用和价值进行了思考和总结,这对结核病的治疗有极为重要的意义。


1.The paper introduces the theory of port binding technology on ethernet switch,with which we solving the problems of ethernet switch mutual unite in real network circumstances.以太网交换机端口捆绑是一种扩展以太网交换机互联带宽的技术,该技术在不同类型交换机中配上不同的命令能实现一样的功能,并在实际网络环境应用中解决了以太网交换机互联、网络双冗余热备份的问题。

2.In this paper the phenomenon of binding in CPA trade is put forward.通过对会计师事务所执业风险的分析,指出国内外CPA行业里存在的捆绑现象,剖析了在我国的CPA行业中该现象产生的原因、捆绑对注册会计师以及CPA行业的危害,并针对捆绑产生的原因提出了抑制这种关系的对策。

3.The cognitive neural science and brain science focus on the binding problem at present that refers to how the brain integrates dispersed representations in many cognitive activities.捆绑问题是认知神经科学和脑科学研究的重要问题之一,其关注的是大脑如何解决分散表征的整合问题,现在已经成为许多认知领域的研究热点,但情节记忆和工作记忆中对于捆绑的研究还存在不足和分歧。


1.Based on analyzing the current situation of CDM projects development in China,this paper discusses relevant issues of developing andbundling small.本文从分析中国CDM项目的开发现状入手,探讨小型CDM项目开发和捆绑的相关问题,并最终提出对策建议。


1.This thesis was not confined to one implementation method, and propsed that make the design and implementation of abundle system which does not consider the type of the link.链路聚合技术,又叫链路捆绑技术,目前已被广泛地应用在一些网络连接中。


