2000字范文 > 煤矿安全规程 safety regulation in coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿安全规程 safety regulation in coal mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-17 07:18:57


煤矿安全规程 safety regulation in coal mine英语短句 例句大全

煤矿安全规程,safety regulation in coal mine

1)safety regulation in coal mine煤矿安全规程


1.(2) having a mine production system that conforms to the mine safety rules formulated by the State;(二)矿井生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程;

2.According to the requirements of Safety Regu lations in Coal Mine, the formula of antiskid checking calculation of safety bra king deceleration for tower-type friction winder is deduced in the paper.根据《煤矿安全规程》要求,推导出了塔式摩擦提升机安全制动减速度的防滑验算公式。

3.Employees of coal mining enterprises must abide by the laws and regulations governing safety in production, rules and regulations for the coal industry and rules of coal mining enterprises.煤矿企业职工必须遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规、煤炭行业规章、规程和企业规章制度。

4.A Study on the Economic Law Regulation on the Safety of Our Country s Coal Production;我国煤矿生产安全的经济法规制研究

5.Analysis on Principal-Agent Relationship in China"s Coal Mine Safety Regulation煤矿安全规制的委托—代理模型分析

6.Safety Regulation,Responsibility Rules and Coal-mine Safety;安全管制、责任规则与煤矿企业安全行为

7.The Application Study about Mine Safety Remote Supervision Early-Warning System;远程煤矿安全预警监察系统应用研究

8.Application and Research of Safety System Engineering in Coal Mine安全系统工程在煤矿中的应用与研究

9.Model for Evaluating the Safety Innovation Effects in Coal Mines based on "Security Force Engineering"基于“安全力工程”的煤矿安全创新效果评价模型

10.Test of glass fiber reinforced plastic product safety property for coal miningGB16413-1996煤矿井下用玻璃钢制品安全性能检验规范

11.Implementation of policy and regulation for coal mine safety production and law consideration;煤矿安全生产政策法规的实施与法律思考

12.On the Theoretical Motivation,Standard Design and System Perfection of Coal Mine Safety Regulation;煤矿安全规制的理论动因、标准设计与制度补充

13.Study of coal mine safety rules and control measures based on extension基于可拓的煤矿安全规律及控制措施研究

14.The Varying Law of Coalmine Safety State with the Development of Social Economy煤矿安全状况随社会经济发展演化规律研究

15.An Analysis of the Agency Costs of Coal Mine Safety Regulations from the Perspective of the Incentive Compatibility激励相容视角下的煤矿安全规制成本分析

16.Terms relating to coal mining--Mine safetyGB/T15663.8-1995煤矿科技术语煤矿安全

17.Research on Theories and Methods of Group Safety Construction of Coal Mine;煤矿班组安全建设系统工程理论与方法研究

18.Design of Remote Monitoring and Control System for Coal Mine Safety Based on DSP基于DSP的煤矿安全远程监控系统的设计


《The Coal Mine Safety Rules》《煤矿安全规程》

3)coal mine safe technological manipulative regulations煤矿安全技术操作规程

4)coal mine safety regulation煤矿安全规制

1.An Analysis of the Agency Costs of Coal Mine Safety Regulations from the Perspective of the Incentive Compatibility激励相容视角下的煤矿安全规制成本分析

2.First,this paper analyzes the mechanism and the failure of coal mine safety market,and thus demonstrates the theoretical foundation forcoal mine safety regulation.煤矿安全规制是纠正市场失灵、保障煤矿工人劳动过程中健康和安全的重要手段。

3.The paper mainly analyses effects ofcoal mine safety regulation in China based on VAR model.本文在煤矿安全规制效果理论分析基础上,采用VAR模型实证检验中国煤矿安全规制效果。

5)coal mine security煤矿安全

1.Research aboutcoal mine security management based on spatial data mining;基于空间数据挖掘的煤矿安全管理的研究

2.This article analyzed the reasons for the frequencycoal mine security accidents from objective and subjective separately in view ofcoal mine security situation in China,and proposed the countermeasures.本文针对我国煤矿安全生产形势,分别从客观和主观两方面详细地剖析了煤矿安全事故频发的原因,并提出了对策,研究结果对煤矿安全生产具有一定的指导意义。

3.In this paper, consistency between the model ofcoal mine security and the model of fuzzy control is analyzed under the consistence of data input and data output.在有输入和输出数据的前提下,分析了煤矿安全的模型与模糊控制模型的一致性;介绍了煤矿安全评价中检查表法的基本概念及其在本次工作中的作用。

6)mine safety煤矿安全

1.Design of lightweight type silt coal loader for water sump based onmine safety;基于煤矿安全的水仓轻型淤煤装载机的设计

2.Discussion on several issues ofmine safety monitoring and control system;煤矿安全监测监控系统有关问题的探讨

3.Application of Grey Markov Mode to predictmine safety accident;利用灰色马尔可夫模型预测煤矿安全事故


《电业安全工作规程》《电业安全工作规程》Regulations on Safety Work in Electric Power IndustryD一anye Anquon Gongzuo Gu一Cheng《电业安全工作规程》(尺亡gulat~,SafetyW“谧inElect沱尸刚叮了玲己ustry)中国电力主管部门为确保工作人员在电力生产过程中的人身安全和设备安全,组织制定的行业标准。它分为《电业安全工作规程(发电厂和变电所电气部分)》、《电业安全工作规程(电力线路部分)》和《电业安全工作规程(热力和机械部分))}三册。它是电力生产安全管理的基本规程之一,是多年电力生产的实践经验及事故教训的总结。电力企业根据现场情况制定本企业的补充条文时不得违背、抵触或低于《电业安全工作规程》的要求。《电业安全工作规程(发电厂和变电所部分)》主要内容有:总则,高压设备工作的墓本要求,保证安全的组织措施,保证安全的技术措施,线路作业时发电厂和变电所的安全措施,带电作业、发电机同期调相机和高压电动机的维护工作、在六氛化硫电气设备上的工作、在停电的低压配电装工和低压导线上的工作、在继电保护仪表等二次回路上的工作、电气试验、电力电缆工作等的安全措施。《电业安全工作规程(电力线路部分)》主要内容有:总则,线路运行和维护,保证安全的组织措施,保证安全的技术措施,一般安全措施,在配电变压器台上的工作、在邻近带电导线地方工作、带电作业、电力电缆工作等的安全措施。《电业安全工作规程(热力和机械部分)》主要内容有:总则,热力机械工作票制度,运煤设备的运行和检修、憔油设备的运行和检修、锅炉和煤粉制造设备的运行与维护、锅炉设备的检修、汽(水)轮机的运行与枪修、管道容器的检修、化学工作、氢冷设备和制氢储组装t的运行与维护、水银工作、电焊和气焊、高处作业、起重和擞运、土石方工作、潜水工作等的安全措施。
