2000字范文 > 小学体育教师 primary school PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

小学体育教师 primary school PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-02 22:36:14


小学体育教师 primary school PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

小学体育教师,primary school PE teachers

1)primary school PE teachers小学体育教师

1.The authors have investigated and analyzed the current situation of qualities of theprimary school PE teachers who have participated in the new curriculum training in Shandong Province, and revealed the following findings.对山东省参加新课程培训的小学体育教师素质现状进行了调查分析。


1.Motivation mechanism of continual education of middle and primary school sports teachers;中小学体育教师继续教育的动力机制

2.On the theories of Primary Schools and Middle Schools Athletic Teachers Continuous Education;中小学体育教师继续教育的理论研究

3.On continued education for physical education teachers of primary and middle school;关于中小学体育教师继续教育的思考

4.Thoughts on the Development ofFurther-education ofthe Teachers of Physical Education;开展中小学体育教师继续教育的思考

5.Recognition of P.E.teachers of school health education in elementary and middle schools in Zhejiang province;浙江省中小学体育教师对学校健康教育的认识

6.Research on Misconduct of P.E Teacher of Primary and Middle School in Fujian;福建省中小学体育教师行为失范研究

7.Research on P.E Teachers Professionalization Development of Elementary and High Schools in China;我国中小学体育教师专业化发展研究

8.An Analysis on Burnout of P.E Teachers in primaryand secondary School;中小学体育教师职业倦怠成因之解析

9.Research on Occupational Stressors of Primary and Secondary School Sports Teachers;中小学体育教师职业压力源调查研究

10.Research on the Prevent Situation and Influential Factors of Physical Education in Primary Schools;小学体育教师现状及影响因素的研究

11.On Flowing Characteristic of Middle and Primary School s Teachers of Physical Education in Jiangsu Province;江苏省中小学体育教师流动特征探讨

12.How to Face The Standard of Curriculum P·E·Teachers of Primary and Secondary School;中小学体育教师应如何面对《课程标准》

13.Teachers Role in Education in Middle and Primary School;中小学体育教师课程角色问题的研究

14.Researching on the P.E. Teachers of Ankang Primary and Secondary School安康市中小学体育教师队伍现状研究

15.The Solutions to the Problems of Danyang Primary and Secondary School PE Teachers Continuing Education;中小学体育教师继续教育的问题与应对策略

16.Continuing education courses of P.E. teachers in elementary and middle schools in Guangzhou city;广州市中小学体育教师继续教育课程研究

17.New Curriculum Background and the Plight of Professional Sports Teachers Outlets;专业化视野下的中小学体育教师教育改革研究

18.Trend of Continuing Educational Curricula for Primary or Middle school Gym Teachers;论中小学体育教师继续教育课程发展趋势


PE teachers in middle and primary school中小学体育教师

1.A discussion on the aptitude reconstruction and sports teaching perspectives restablishment of thePE teachers in middle and primary school;试谈中小学体育教师素质重构和体育教学观的重建

3)quality of P.E.teachers中小学体育教师素质

4)In-service Elementary School Physical-training Teachers在职小学体育教师

1.A Study on the Rotating Training ofIn-service Elementary School Physical-training Teachers;在职小学体育教师轮训工作研究

5)the written tests of elementary P.E.teacher recruitment小学体育教师招聘笔试

6)elementary and middle schools gym instructor in countryside农村中小学体育教师


小学和中学体育中、小学生身体正处在迅速生长发育时期,体育对促进他们的身体发展特别重要。中、小学生在各年龄阶段身体生长发育的程度不同,体育的内容和方法必须适合不同年龄青少年的生理、心理特点和性别的差异,以全面地锻炼身体、促进身体各部组织、机能、素质和基本活动能力的发展为主(图1、图2、图3)。 小学时期,儿童的大脑和神经系统生长发育很快,逐渐接近完成。因此,身体活动能力,特别是灵敏、速度、柔韧性的活动能力发展速度很快。但是,小学儿童的骨骼和肌肉的发展缓慢,心脏血管系统的生长发展还远未完成,不适当的、过大的力量和耐久力的活动,容易使骨骼变形或受伤,还可造成提前骨化完成,影响正常发育。因此,小学的体育要适应儿童的身心特点,通过各种有趣的游戏、活泼愉快的体操、简易的田径运动项目,引导小学生更有效地、 全面地锻炼身体(图4、图5)。少年学生到了青春期, 这是身体生长发育的高峰时期(图6、图7)。由于身体迅速增长需要大量营养,体育锻炼的运动负荷更要注意适当,不要消耗能量过多,以免影响身体的生长发育和健康。青春期开始后,两性的差异日益显著,体育的内容、方法和要求都应有所区别。在女生月经期开始的第1年中,要适当减轻运动负荷。另外在这个时期中,女生的身体活动能力有很大下降的现象(图8、图9),在心理上也逐渐不喜好活动,要注意多鼓励她们经常锻炼身体。15岁以后,身体进入稳定增长时期,女生身体的某些活动能力又逐渐回升。到17岁时,身体的发展已达到成年的80%以上。在这个时期,应逐渐增大运动负荷,提高身体活动能力的要求,加强力量和耐力性的锻炼。但是,许多女生仍然不喜欢体力活动,部分男生也不太喜欢体力活动,要进一步启发学生锻炼身体的自觉性,鼓励他们经常参加体育活动。 体育不仅是促进学生身体健康发展的学科,同时也是教导学生如何集体行动和遵守组织纪律的学科。因此,不论是在早操、课间操、体育课或课外体育活动中,从小学一年级起就要严格培养学生行动迅速、队列和动作整齐、服从指挥、认真执行任务等观念,从小学到中学逐渐提高要求,使体育更充分地发挥积极作用。(见彩图)
