2000字范文 > 贵州苗族传统民居 Traditional houses in Miao of Guizhou英语短句 例句大全

贵州苗族传统民居 Traditional houses in Miao of Guizhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-23 22:06:24


贵州苗族传统民居 Traditional houses in Miao of Guizhou英语短句 例句大全

贵州苗族传统民居,Traditional houses in Miao of Guizhou

1)Traditional houses in Miao of Guizhou贵州苗族传统民居


1.Several Enlightenments to Modern Residential Construction Based on Study of Traditional Houses in Miao of Guizhou贵州苗族传统民居对现代住宅建设的几点启示

2.Tourism Development of the Folk Houses of Guizhou Minorities and the Protection Strategies;贵州少数民族传统民居旅游发展及其保护策略

3.An Analysis of the Significance of the Long-dwelling Peoples Festivals in Guizhou;贵州世居民族传统岁时节日的意义分析

4.By Guizhou Miao National Minority Tradition Clothing Culture Traveling Value论贵州苗族传统服饰文化的旅游价值

5.Guizhou National Minority Tradition Diagnosing and Treating Method Probe--Take the Miao,the Buyi,the Dong,the Tujia,the Shui and the Yao As the Example贵州少数民族传统诊疗方法试探——以苗族、布依族、侗族、土家族、水族、瑶族为例

6.Inheritance and development of traditional minority national sports in Guizhou贵州少数民族传统体育的传承和发展

7.About the Ecology of the Natural Environment of the Traditional Folk Houses of Guizhou Province;贵州传统民居建筑的环境自然生态观

8.The Study on Cognition Schematic of Harmonious Family by Residents of Miao Nationality Settlement in the Southeast of Guizhou Province;贵州省黔东南苗族聚居地居民对和谐家庭的认知图式研究

9.A Study on the Feasibility of Popularizing Traditional Minority Sports in Guizhou s Universities;贵州高校推广贵州民族传统体育可行性初探

10.The Apocalypse (Illumination) of the Chinese Modern New Country Dwelling Constructing from the Folk-style Architecture of Miao Nationality in Guizhou;贵州苗族吊脚楼民居对中国现代新农村民宅建设的启示

11.A Study Summary of the Religious Music of Guizhou Minorities--of the Miao Nationalit;贵州少数民族宗教音乐研究——苗族篇

12.The National Characteristics and Art Character of the Miao Feige(flying song)贵州“苗族飞歌”的民族个性与艺术品格

13.Exploring School-Based Curriculum in order to Inherit and Develop the Minority Culture--Take Qiannan District in Guizhou Province as an Example开发民族地区校本课程,传承发展民族文化—以贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州为例

14.Tourism development of Guizhou karstarea s traditional residence;贵州喀斯特地区传统民居风格的旅游开发

15.Put Traditional Nationalities Minorities Athletics Sports to Rational Use, Promoting Tourist Development of Guizhou;合理开发利用贵州少数民族传统体育推动贵州旅游业的发展

16."Bai Miao Tu" and Ethnic Culture of Guizhou Province in Early 19th Century“百苗图”与19世纪初贵州各民族文化

17.Rheological situation and influencing factors of Minority Traditional Sports in Guizhou Province;贵州少数民族传统体育的流变及影响因素

18.Research on Pro-ecology National Traditional Physical Culture of Guizhou;对贵州原生态民族传统体育文化的调查研究


Guizhou"s long-dwelling people贵州世居民族

3)Guizhou"s traditional minority sports贵州民族传统体育

4)Traditional sports of Guizhou minority ethnic groups贵州少数民族传统体育

5)Guizhou Miao nationality贵州苗族

1.In the social life ofGuizhou Miao nationality, Lusheng is a cultural compound with multi-functions.在贵州苗族地区的社会生活中 ,芦笙是一种多功能的文化复合体。

6)Inhabitant of the Miao nationality苗族居民


