2000字范文 > 雅思口语烤鸭们头痛的“art or craft activity”

雅思口语烤鸭们头痛的“art or craft activity”

时间:2018-07-20 00:22:01


雅思口语烤鸭们头痛的“art or craft activity”


所以这个时候,就得把思路尽量打开,在学校里进行的art or craft activity不一定真的发生嘛对不!以前其实考察过手工制品,如果之前准备过类似话题的孩子只需把地点改在学校就OK了。

Anyway,说回来我们可能进行的活动。为了应试,这个手工流程还不能太复杂,否则会给我们的表达造成难度。所以按照我们中国考生一般掌握的语料,可以说的话题可以是摄影(photography),剪纸(paper cut),艺术节(art festival),绘画(painting)等等。

下面针对一个虚拟的art class,我们来看看怎么把看似复杂的手工制作过程化繁为简:

I remember when I was in primary school, in our first art class, our teacher brought a pile of white masks to the classroom, and handed them out to each one of us. We were all curious as to what she was about to do with them. Most of us thought maybe she wanted us to do the mask dance or something. We had no clue until she took out the brushes and watercolors.

She said, now it’s time to use your imagination and create your own unique masks. There are no rules, no limit, or so-called standards. You can do whatever you want to the blank mask. Everybody got so excited ‘cause we had never done anything like that before. All the students started to paint with the stuff our teacher provided.

I’m a huge fan of painting, so I didn’t think there would be anyone who’s more elated than I was. I used to love Spiderman at that time, so I decided to draw the face of him on the mask. But the thing was, I couldn’t do it without a picture, you know. I just had a rough idea about what he looked like, so all I could do was draw it according to my memory. As you can imagine, I applied lots of red and blue watercolors.

And 5 minutes before the class ended, our teacher told us to stop. And then she walked up to the platform, and told us why she assigned us this task. She explained that the way we draw the mask could reflect our personalities in some ways. The colors we used could tell if we are passionate or boring, you know, stuff like that.

That was the first art class in my life. I’m really grateful ‘cause she let me know at an early age what art is, and what art can do.

如果有参加过摄影展或者乐器比赛的孩子们,当然可以把自己的亲身经历说出来。当然你还可以写团队比赛,这样的话,另一个话题“a team you’ve been part of”也顺带着搞定了呢!


