2000字范文 > 雅思口语:Describe a mistake you once made

雅思口语:Describe a mistake you once made

时间:2021-10-05 10:47:08


雅思口语:Describe a mistake you once made


雅思口语新机经里,a mistake you made仿佛满是槽点。每个看到这个话题的娃们,是不是都开始陷入沉思,回忆自己当年干过的傻事儿了!不过这个雅思口语mistake不一定是那种需要“灭九族”的大错,只要是个能讲到2分钟的,都可以拿来谈,例如当年谈恋爱的时候有没有什么错误啦,上学的时候干没干过什么傻事儿啦,跟朋友之间有没有放过别人鸽子啊,等等。



I’d like to talk about a mistake I made in a project we did in our biology class.

First I need to say something about this class. My biology teacher is not like other those who only care about our grades. She’s humorous and can make everything about biology interesting. And her assignments always involve doing research online or solving problems with other team members.

I remember when we were learning the structure of human body, in order to help us have a better understanding of it, our teacher told us to make a life-sized skeleton with clay. I’ve never done something like that before, I mean, when I was little, I only made fruits like apples and oranges with Plasticine. So I was really excited about the homework. And there were 4 of us in my team, we decided each one of us made a certain body part, and then we put them together. I was responsible for the arms. But I made some mistakes in measurement, when we put all the parts together, the arms I made were even longer than the legs. So you can imagine our skeleton looked really weird.

Although my teacher tried to comfort me by saying what mattered was that we fully understood how our bones and joints work, I still felt sorry because we didn’t get a satisfying grade due to my hilarious mistake. And swore I would be more careful next time.


Well, I’d like to talk about a small but embarrassing mistake I made a few days ago. Um, I have two friends who were born on the same day, so we usually celebrate their birthday together. One of them is a big foodie, and a huge fan of green tea flavored stuff. And the other girl is a bookworm. She always has her head in all kinds of novels. Anyway, I spent a whole afternoon shopping for their gifts. I bought a whole bag of snacks, like puddings, cupcakes, instant milk tea, and something like that, and of course all of them are green tea flavored. And as for the other gift, I remember the other day, she mentioned that the lamp on her nightstand stopped working, so I thought it would be a good idea to buy her a new one. After that, I went to the customer service center to have them wrapped, but unfortunately they only have one kind of gift wrap left. And the worst part was, the two boxes were about the same size and weight, so it’s a little difficult to tell these two gifts apart. And that actually explains why I made the mistake I mentioned earlier. I sent each gift to the wrong person, and I didn’t realize it until one of them came up to me the next day, asking me why on earth I would buy her a full box of snacks.

So that is the embarrassing mistake I’ve ever made so far, but I guess the service center and I should share the blame for this.



