2000字范文 > 政府间国际组织 Inter-governmental international organization英语短句 例句大全

政府间国际组织 Inter-governmental international organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-01 07:51:10


政府间国际组织 Inter-governmental international organization英语短句 例句大全

政府间国际组织,Inter-governmental international organization

1)Inter-governmental international organization政府间国际组织


1.On the International Legal Position of the NGOs;论非政府间国际组织的国际法律地位

2.The United Nations is an inter-governmental international organization composed of sovereign states.联合国是由主权国家组成的政府间国际组织。

3.Analysis of Development of Non-governmen International Organization Influence on International Law;浅析非政府间国际组织对国际法发展的影响

4.Analysis of NGOs Personality Restrictions Under International Law;非政府间国际组织的国际法律人格限制性评析

5.Non-government Organizations of Environmental Protection in International Environmental Conflit;国际环境争端中的环境保护非政府间国际组织

6.(b) The International Bureau may consult with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerning preparations for conferences of revision.(b)国际局可以就修订会议的筹备工作与政府间组织和非政府间国际组织协商。

7.In principle, Taiwan is also ineligible for membership in other categories of inter-governmental organizations.其他政府间国际组织,原则上台湾也无权参加。

8.All the specialized agencies and organizations of the United Nations system are inter-governmental organizations composed of sovereign states.联合国系统的所有机构,是由主权国家代表参加的政府间国际组织。

9.International Organization for International Carriage by Rail国际铁路运输政府间组织(铁路运输组织)

10.Non-United Nations Intergovernmental Organizations非联合国政府间组织

11.Inter-governmental Organizations Should Appear as Party to Contentious Proceedings before the International Court of Justice;政府间组织应该成为国际法院诉讼当事方

12.Thoughts with International Law on Taiwan s Participation to Governmental International Organizations;关于台湾参加政府间组织的国际法思考

13.INGOs and “Multinational Legislation”in the International Law--From the Perspective of Global Governance;国际非政府组织与国际法之“跨国立法”

14.On the International Religious NGOs Participation in the International Affairs;国际宗教非政府组织的国际参与刍议

15.Study on the Relationship between Chinese Ngos and the Government;中国非政府组织与政府间的关系研究

16.The Partnership between Government and NGOS in UK;英国政府与非政府组织之间伙伴关系

17.The Relationship between INGOs and Developed Countries in the Perspective of Political Opportunity Structure;政治机会结构视角下国际非政府组织与发达国家间关系探析

18.materials presented free of charge by foreign governments or international organizations;外国政府、国际组织无偿赠送的物资;


international political organizations国际政府间组织

3)International NGOs Rules非政府间国际组织规则


1.On the International Legal Position of theNGOs;论非政府间国际组织的国际法律地位

5)international non-governmental organization国际非政府组织

1.With continuous emergence of global public problem,it is increasingly obvious for the role ofinternational non-governmental organization.面对全球公共问题的不断涌现,国际非政府组织的作用日趋明显。

2.The number, size and type of International Non-governmental Organization have been greatly increased in the past years and have got important role in the international system and legal orders.国际非政府组织的数量、规模、类型在过去的几十年中都大量增加 ,并且在国际社会和国际法律秩序中具有重要地位和影响 ,它们的发展和活动已经影响到了传统的国际法律秩序 ,尤其对国际法的编撰、发展和实施等产生了重要的影响。

6)international non-governmental organizations国际非政府组织

1.The Research on International Non-Governmental Organizations in China in the Perspective of Corporatism;法团主义视角下的在华国际非政府组织

2.Investigations and Countermeasures on the Activities of International Non-governmental Organizations in China国际非政府组织在中国的活动现状及对策

3.International Non-Governmental Organizations Play Roles in Promoting Equity of Education in Poor Areas发挥国际非政府组织作用 促进我国贫困地区教育公平


