2000字范文 > 国际条约法 international treaty law英语短句 例句大全

国际条约法 international treaty law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-21 08:48:12


国际条约法 international treaty law英语短句 例句大全

国际条约法,international treaty law

1)international treaty law国际条约法

1.The treaty interpretation of WTO dispute settlement is regarded as the most dynamic practice in the field ofinternational treaty laws and as the most valuable materials for academic research.WTO争端解决的条约解释提供了迄今为止国际条约法领域最丰富、最具研究价值的实践。

2.Some rules on the interpretation of treaties in someinternational treaty law at present have become a part of the international customary law.目前的一些国际条约法中关于条约解释的规定有些形成了国际习惯规则的一部分,与WTO争端解决中的条约解释问题有着不可分割的关系。

2)treaties of private international law国际私法条约

1.The sources of German private international law include traditionally statute law,treaties of private international law which Germany has concluded or acceded, customary law and case law.在传统上,德国国际私法的渊源包括制定法、德国缔结或者参加的各种国际私法条约、习惯法和判例法,但是随着欧盟国际私法统一化的深入发展,尤其是欧洲共同体在公司法、合同法、物权法、知识产权法、破产法和国际民事诉讼程序法等领域的立法不断加强,欧盟法中的国际私法规范逐渐渗入德国国际私法,从而使德国国际私法的渊源突破了传统的范围,越来越多地打上了欧盟法的烙印,呈现出“欧盟化”倾向。


1.Review the problems that influence the application of the international private laws in the civil ones;再论国际私法条约在国内法上适用的几个问题

2.From Contract to Treaty: The Impact of the Truth of Private Law on Law of Nations;从契约到条约看私法理念对国际法的影响

3.regional private international law区域性国际私法公约

4.A New Breakthrough in the Process of Unification of EU s Private International Law--Analyses and Comments on the Treaty of Amsterdam;欧盟国际私法统一化进程的新突破——《阿姆斯特丹条约》相关规定评析

5.Treaty of International Procedural Law国际诉讼程序法条约

6.Traite concernant l"introduction aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et au Luxembourg d"une loi uniforme sur le droit international prive比、荷、卢统一国际私法公约

7.Hague Conventions on Private International Law关于国际私法的海牙公约

8.Convention on Private International Law关于国际私法的公约(美洲)

ment on Forum Non Conveniens Article of Model Law of Private International Law;述评《国际私法示范法》中的不方便法院条款

10.Private International Law Concerned on the Concurrence of Contractual Liability and Tortuous Liability;违约与侵权责任竞合的国际私法问题研究

11."The EU Constitution Treaty" and the Evolution of International Law;《欧盟宪法条约》与当代国际法的演进

12.International Institute for the Unification of Private Law国际私法统一协会国际私法统一学会

13.Substantive Treaty of Private Law Applicable to Foreign Civil and Commercial Trial in China;我国涉外民商事审判中实体私法条约的适用

14.Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法

15.Montevideo Treaty on International Criminal Law蒙得维的亚国际刑法条约

16.International Trade Law Treaties and Relevant Trade Instruments国际贸易法律条约和相关贸易文书

17.Treaty on international Commercial navigation Law关于国际通商航行法的条约

18.This oath binds you to the treaty by international law.根据国际法,他们必须遵守这个条约。


treaties of private international law国际私法条约

1.The sources of German private international law include traditionally statute law,treaties of private international law which Germany has concluded or acceded, customary law and case law.在传统上,德国国际私法的渊源包括制定法、德国缔结或者参加的各种国际私法条约、习惯法和判例法,但是随着欧盟国际私法统一化的深入发展,尤其是欧洲共同体在公司法、合同法、物权法、知识产权法、破产法和国际民事诉讼程序法等领域的立法不断加强,欧盟法中的国际私法规范逐渐渗入德国国际私法,从而使德国国际私法的渊源突破了传统的范围,越来越多地打上了欧盟法的烙印,呈现出“欧盟化”倾向。

3)Treaty concerning International Commercial Law国际商法条约

4)Treaty on International Civil Law国际民法条约

5)International treaty国际条约

1.Application of principle of legality in the international criminal law: from the angle of international treaty;罪刑法定原则在国际刑法中的适用——以国际条约为视角

2.Thinking on Conflict Settlement of International Treaty and National Law——Based on Constitution and Law of Procedure of the Conclusion of Treaties;解决国际条约与国内法冲突问题的新思考——以《宪法》和《缔结条约程序法》为依据

3.After that,the issue from the international treaty law and the international private law is emphasized and the conclusion is that the court must hear the cases strictly in accordance with the governing law which is directed by the conflict rules in the relevant domestic laws.针对目前我国船舶油污民事赔偿责任法律体系中法律适用较混乱的情况,在分析我国现行几部调整船舶油污民事法律关系的法律及《国际油污损害民事赔偿责任公约》之后,从国际条约法和国际私法角度阐述法律的适用问题。

6)international treaties国际条约

1.On the WTO Treaties and International Treaties Resources and Their Retrieval;WTO条约群与国际条约文献的检索利用

2.On Deficiency of Application of Relevant International Treaties In China s Constitution;论我国宪法中有关国际条约适用的缺失

3.The legal relation between Hong Kong and the nations and regions all over the world and the international organizations concerned and the international legal status of Hong Kong are mainly embodied by means of applying all theinternational treaties and agreements.香港与世界各国、各地区和各有关国际组织的法律关系和香港的国际法律地位,主要是通过适用于香港的各种国际条约和协定体现出来。


