2000字范文 > 责任期间 period of liability英语短句 例句大全

责任期间 period of liability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-01 11:30:30


责任期间 period of liability英语短句 例句大全

责任期间,period of liability

1)period of liability责任期间

1.This paper has clarified that theperiod of liability of the carrier is in fact the period of dominant duty of the contract.本文首先明确了承运人“责任期间”实际上是其合同主义务期间。


1.Period of Carrier"s Responsibility承运人的责任期间承运人对货物的责任期间

2.Period of Responsibility of Carrier in the Carriage of Goods by Road公路运输承运人的责任期间

3.The Responsibility Period of the Carrier in International Carriage of Goods by Air;论国际航空货物运输承运人责任期间

4.Brief Analysis on Period of Liability of Carrier--Discussing Amendments of Article 46 of CMC;浅析承运人的“责任期间”——兼谈对我国《海商法》第46条的修改

5.On Link-up of Period of Responsibility in Carriage of Goods by Sea and by Railway论海上货物运输与铁路货物运输责任期间的衔接关系

6.duration of risk on ship承担船舶风险责任的期间

7.Anti-Christian Violence during the Northern Expedition北伐期间反教暴力事件及其责任问题

8.Reflection on the Definition of Legal Responsibilityof Contemporary Folk Audit;新时期民间审计法律责任界定的再思考

9.School s liability for juvenile physical Damages;未成年学生在校期间人身损害的学校赔偿责任

10.During that time, she so gained my aunt" s confidence that she was put in charge of the domestic staff.在这期间,她得到了我姑姑如此的信任,结果被委任为家仆的负责人。

11.Period of Air Carriers Responsibility空运承运人责任期限

12.Interfaith Centre on Corporate Responsibility宗教间共同责任中心

13.kilometre interval of running responsible accident行车责任事故间隔里

14.They accused him of using his action last week to cover up problems during his term as governor.他们谴责他利用自己上周的行为掩盖其任职州长期间的问题。

15.The vice president will take the helm while I"m away at the summit meeting in Geneva.我外出参加日内瓦最高级会议期间,副总统将承担领导责任。

16.On The Civil Responsibilities Of Sponsors Within The Period Of Its Continued Existence During A Company s Incorporation;论公司设立存续期间发起人的民事责任——以第三人利益保护为视角

17.Legal Liabilities of the School for Personal Injuries Rendered to Minor Students at School;学校对未成年学生在校期间发生人身伤害的法律责任

18.Period Term and Validity of General Guarantee and Its Duty Concerned;一般保证与连带责任保证的保证期间与诉讼时效


Period of responsibility责任期间

1.Finally,the paper reaches the conclusion that there are some problems with the link-up between the international railway transport and the period of responsibility stipulated in the Hague rules and Visby rules,while the international railway transport has closer link-up with the period of responsibility in the Hamburg rules.最后总结出国际铁路运输与《海牙规则》、《维斯比规则》中的责任期间在衔接上存在着问题,与《汉堡规则》中的责任期间衔接的比较紧密。

3)period of insurance保险责任期间

1.In recent years, due to furious competition in domestic insurance market and needs of carriage of goods by sea in imports and exports commerce, there are many anti-dated policies in practice, and the anti-dated policy will leads theperiod of insurance extend beyond the time when the insurance contract was concluded, so retrospective insurance comes into existence.近年来,由于国内保险市场的激烈竞争和进出口贸易中海上货物运输的需要,在海上货物运输保险实务中存在着大量倒签保单的现象,而倒签保单将导致保险人的保险责任期间扩大至保险合同成立之前,这就构成了追溯保险。

4)liability for guaranty保证责任期间

1.Stipulations on the period ofliability for guaranty, vital in system of ability to guaranty, practically has become a very important reason to insisting in free fromliability for guaranty.保证责任期间是保证责任制度的重要内容,实践中有关保证责任期间的规定,已成为保证人在实践中主张免除保证责任的非常重要的理由。

5)carrier"s period of responsibility承运人责任期间

6)nature of Guarantee obligation保证责任的期间


