2000字范文 > 知识产权归属 ownership of intellectual property英语短句 例句大全

知识产权归属 ownership of intellectual property英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 03:10:51


知识产权归属 ownership of intellectual property英语短句 例句大全

知识产权归属,ownership of intellectual property

1)ownership of intellectual property知识产权归属

1.Theownership of intellectual property(IP) in international cooperation in science and technology(ICST) means the allocation of the rights and IP interests of the cooperative achievements among the parties, which often leads to disputes due to different legal arrangement of the ownership of IP and lack of such international legal rules.国际科技合作中的知识产权归属是指合作成果及其产生的知识产权权益在合作方之间的分配。


1.Discussion on Attribution of Intellectual Property in Provincial Agricultural Research Institutes;省级农业科研单位知识产权归属探讨

2.Research on the Ownership Issues of IP in International Cooperation in Science and Technology;国际科技合作中的知识产权归属问题研究

3.Intellectual Property Ownership of the State Investment Research and Development Projects;国家投资科研项目成果的知识产权归属探讨

4.Establishment of Integrated Intellectual Property Affiliation System--Combination of Science and Technology Progress Law and Intellectual Property Law完整的知识产权归属制度的确立——论科学技术进步法与知识产权法的结合

5.Ownership of Intellectual Property in International Cooperation in Science and Technology: China s Contract and Legislative Practice;国际科技合作中的知识产权归属:中国的缔约和立法实践

6.Research on the Intellectual Property of the Projects Sponsored by NSFC;国家自然科学基金资助项目形成的知识产权归属问题研究

7.The Ownership of Intellectual Property in Wedlock and the Regulation of Its Interests;试论婚内知识产权的权利归属和财产利益调整规则

8.Rules of Division of Intellectual Property Rights in Conjugal Property System论夫妻财产制中知识产权的权利归属及分割规则

9.A Study on the Doctrine of Liability Fixation in Infringement of Intellectual Property Right;知识产权侵权案件归责原则问题研究

10.Reach the Same Goal by Different Routes--Analysing the Debate between the Fault Liability and No- fault Liability in Intellectual Property;殊途同归——析知识产权侵权的归责原则之争

11.On the Private Right in Intellectual Property-Take Patent Right as an Example;知识产权私权属性解构——以专利权为例

12.Distinguishing and Analyzing the Intersection between Intellectual Property Right and Human Rights:On Questioning the Idea of "Intellectual Property Rights Belonging to Basic Human Rights";知识产权与人权的关联辨析——对“知识产权属于基本人权”观点的质疑

13.Public Authority of Intellectual Property;论知识产权之公权性质——对“知识产权属于私权”的补充

14.Liability Principle of Act of Tort in TRIPs and Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property in China;TRIPs侵权行为归责原则与中国知识产权司法保护

15.The Principle Fault and Non-Fault in the Liability of Tort of Intellectual Property;知识产权侵权责任归责之“过错”与“无过错”

16.On Principle of No-fault Liability for Intellectual Property Rights Infringement;论知识产权侵权行为的无过错责任归责原则

17.The Doctrine of Liabitlity Fixation about the First Infringer of Intellectral Property Right`s Civil Liability;知识产权第一侵权人民事责任归责原则探析

18.Studies on Principles of Assumed Liability for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights;知识产权侵权归责原则的探索与比较研究


non-intellectual property attribute非知识产权属性

1.This article discusses the differences between virtual property and the object of intellectual property and between rights based on virtual property and intellectual property in detail,and clarifies thenon-intellectual property attribute of virtual property.文章具体论述了虚拟财产与知识产权客体的区别以及基于虚拟财产所生权利与知识产权的区别,澄清了虚拟财产的非知识产权属性。

3)the intellectual property"s attribution知识产权权属制度

4)property ownership产权归属

1.From the perspective ofproperty ownership, this paper examines the current situations of the protection of the buildings and analyzes the relationship ofproperty ownership and protection with the Yihe Road area as an example.本文以颐和路公馆区为例,从产权归属入手,审视了该地区民国建筑保护工作的现状,分析了产权归属与保护之间的相互关系。

5)intellectual property知识产权

1.Study onintellectual property of biological medicine industry in Jilin province;吉林省生物医药产业知识产权问题研究

2.Expectation the Tang-Steel of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in "11th-FY";唐钢知识产权工作“十一五”期间展望

3.Anaslysis of the Affirmation and Reparntion of Infringement of Intellectual Property in Farniture Industry;对家具业知识产权侵权的认定与赔偿的探讨

6)intellectual property right知识产权

1.Analysis of status quo ofintellectual property rights protection in universities and the countermeasures;高等院校知识产权保护现状分析和对策

ments onintellectual property rights in the field of water resources and hydropower research;关于水利水电科研领域中知识产权问题的若干思考

3.China s accession to WTO and law ofintellectual property right;加入WTO对我国知识产权立法的影响


