2000字范文 > 传热机理 heat transfer mechanism英语短句 例句大全

传热机理 heat transfer mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-04 08:20:48


传热机理 heat transfer mechanism英语短句 例句大全

传热机理,heat transfer mechanism

1)heat transfer mechanism传热机理

1.This paper,taking broccoli as an example, presents several analyses aboutheat transfer mechanism in L-N_2 spraying Fluidized quick freezing process.流态化技术被广泛应用于各种行业,本文以西兰花为例对液氮喷雾流态化速冻过程的传热机理进行了分析,通过焓法数学模型进行数值计算,求出冻结时间,并与实验结果进行了比较。

2.Conducts a comparative analysis of the intensifiedheat transfer mechanism of four common types of intensified heat exchange tubes as well as researches into each application site and processing technology.通过对常用的4种强化换热管强化传热机理的详细分析,研究了各自的应用场合和加工工艺。

3.The mesostructure of fly ash floating-bead was studied by the modern apparatus in this experiment, and theheat transfer mechanism of thermos-insulating material made from floating bead was discussed .利用现代分析仪器研究了粉煤灰漂珠的介观结构 ,并对传热机理进行了探讨 。


1.Investigation on Mechanism and Performance of Heat Transfer in Oscillating Heat Pipes;振荡热管传热机理及传热性能的研究

2.Mechanism Study on Heat Transfer and Flow of Hot Air Anti-Icing for Guide Vane导向叶片热气防冰流动传热机理研究

3.Research on Heat Transfer Enhancement Mechanism and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Compound Corrugation Plate Heat Exchanger;复合波纹板式换热器强化传热机理及传热特性研究

4.Study on Heat Transfer Mechanism of Heating and Heat Preservation Processes in Oil Tanker;油轮货油加热和保温过程传热机理研究

5.Analysis of Liquid Flow-status and the Mechanism of Passing-heat in Slab Heat-exchanger;板式换热器中流体的流动状况与传热机理分析

6.Study on Heat Transfer Mechanism in Spray Cooling and Terrestrial Simulation of Heat Transfer in Space喷雾冷却传热机理及空间换热地面模拟研究

7.This pater analyzed its heat transfer mechanism and determined the bellows tube to be a type of enhanced heat transfer effective element.通过分析波节管的传热机理,证明它是强化传热的有效元件。

8.Abstract: This pater analyzed its heat transfer mechanism and determined the bellows tube to be a type of enhanced heat transfer effective element.文摘:通过分析波节管的传热机理,证明它是强化传热的有效元件。

9.Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Typical Wood Sheets and Heat Transfer Analysis;典型木材表面火蔓延行为及传热机理研究

10.Investigation on Enhanced Heat Transfer Mechanism and Cleaning Dynamics of the Rotating Twisted Tape;内置旋转扭带强化传热机理及清洗动力学研究

11.Design and Studies on Heat Transfer Mechanism of Ship s Air-condition Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System;船舶空调吸附式制冷系统设计及传热机理研究

12.Study on Mechanism of Heat Transfer Enhancement of Ellipsoidal Vortex Generator;斜截椭圆柱式涡流发生器强化传热机理的研究

13.Heat Transfer Enhancement Mechanism and Fouling Development Outside Vibrating Pipe;振动圆管外强化传热机理及污垢生长特性研究

puter Simulation of Random Heat Transfer Characteristics for Ground Source Heat Pump地源热泵地理管随机传热特性计算机模拟

15.Mechanism study for thermal driving process of crude oil on the basis of exergy transfer theory基于传递原理的稠油热驱机理研究

16.Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism and Optimum Design of Heat Recovery of Heat Pipe Type Indirect Evaporative Cooler热回收型热管式间接蒸发冷却器的传热传质机理及优化设计

17.Selection and Design Principles of Insulation Materials Based on Heat Transfer Mechanism从热传导机理看隔热材料的选取与设计原则

18.Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of Aluminum Tolerance in Upland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);热带旱稻抗铝的遗传及分子机理研究


heat conduction mechanism热传导机理

1.In order to know further about temperature distribution in wellbore of dual tubing production with sub heat tracing in developing thick oil reservoirs,this paper studies the alternation of temperature and pressure in the main wellbore s fluid by usingheat conduction mechanism.为了进一步了解采用双管拌热技术开采稠油油藏时的井筒温度分布情况,利用井筒热传导机理研究了主管内流体温度和压力的变化情况。

3)heat transfer condition热传递机理

1.The geothermal reservoir research, where the heat come from,heat transfer condition and geothermal reservoir concept model of Tianjin geothermal field are studied in this dissertation.本文以天津地热田为例在地热储存条件、地热热源分析、热传递机理,热储概念模型、地热流体运移模型等几个方面进行了地热热储工程系统研究。

4)Mechanism of Mass and heat传质传热机理

5)heat transfer enhancement mechanism传热强化机理

6)Heat transfer mechanisms at the interfacee界面热传递机理


边界层传热传质物体与气流作高速相对运动时,在紧贴物面的边界层中,气体的温度和速度等会发生剧烈变化,并常伴随出现热和质量交换的现象。这种现象称为边界层传热传质。运动速度愈高,这种交换愈剧烈。高速闯入大气层的流星体就是例子。再入大气层的航天器的表面和喷气发动机的内部也存在边界层传热传质现象。这种现象直接影响有关部件的设计,因而是高速空气动力学的一个重要研究内容。高速气流在物体表面会产生剧烈温度变化的主要原因是:由于粘性作用,高速运动的气流在边界层内被物体表面减速,气体动能转化成热能,被减速的部分气体温度剧增并达到远高于物体表面的温度,于是热量便由物体表面传入物体内部。滞止压力为一个大气压力。所谓滞止压力是指在气流压缩时其熵不增加的情况下,气流减速到静止时的压力,相应的温度为滞止温度。对于不同飞行速度,空气可达到的滞止温度值见下表。由表可见,高速飞行器表面的传热现象很显著。除了气流的速度以外,影响边界层传热的还有下列几种因素:①气流成分和化学状态:不同的气体有不同的热力学性质和输运性质,在高温下有不同的化学反应和反应速率,从而产生不同的热效应。②绕流物体的形状:不同形状的物体,表面压力分布不同,边界层内气体流动的状态也不同。③边界层的流态:边界层有两种基本流态,层流和湍流。如果其他条件相同,湍流的热交换比层流大得多。④表面光滑度:在同样的情况下,粗糙表面的热交换比光滑表面剧烈得多。⑤表面有否质量交换:由于高速飞行器表面和喷气发动机内壁温度很高,一般材料会被熔化和烧穿,所以采用防护手段。防护手段一般都采用质量交换的方法。如"发汗冷却"法,使能气化吸热的物质泄出物体表面,气化产生的气体起着一层低温隔热气垫的作用,使整个边界层变厚,温度变化变缓,减少气流传热。"烧蚀"法防热的原理也与此类似。研究上述因素对边界层传热的影响是边界层传热传质的重要研究课题。高速气流在边界层内因粘性作用被物体表面减速,气流给物体的反作用则形成摩擦阻力。摩擦阻力、传热、传质现象实质上反映边界层中动量、能量、质量交换的过程。在一定条件下,三者有相似性,这种相似性常被用来简化传热传质的理论计算。研究边界层传热传质的主要理论方法是高速边界层理论及其有关数值计算方法。随着计算机的发展,也可直接从纳维-斯托克斯方程求解边界层传热问题。风洞实验、弹道靶实验和模型飞行试验等是研究这一问题的主要实验手段。参考书目J.P.Hartnett, et al., Recent Advances in Heatand Mass Transfer,McGraw-Hill,New York,1961.
