2000字范文 > 四冲程摩托车 four-stroke motorcycle英语短句 例句大全

四冲程摩托车 four-stroke motorcycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-07 14:56:57


四冲程摩托车 four-stroke motorcycle英语短句 例句大全

四冲程摩托车,four-stroke motorcycle

1)four-stroke motorcycle四冲程摩托车

1.In response to increasingly stringent emissions legislation,the number offour-stroke motorcycle is more and more,so it is necessary to develop the specialfour-stroke motorcycle engine oil.随着我国环保法规的日益严格,四冲程摩托车数量越来越多,开发专门的四冲程摩托车油非常必要。


1.Development and Application of SJ 10W-30 Four-Stroke Motorcycle Engine OilSJ 10W-30四冲程摩托车油的开发及使用

2.The crankcase ventilation system for4- stroke motorcycle should be improved.四冲程摩托车用曲轴箱通风系统应当改进。

3.Parameter Optimization and Experimental Research of Electronic Control System for Four-stroke Motorcycle Engine;四冲程摩托车发动机电喷系统参数优化与实验研究

4.The Development and Research of Electronic Fuel Inject System for Four-stroke Motorcycle Engine;小型四冲程摩托车发动机电控燃油喷射系统的开发研究

5.four cylinder machine(400cc)四缸摩托车(400CC)

6.Research on Development of a LPG Four Stroke SI Engine for Motorcycle;LPG四行程摩托车发动机的开发研究

7.The Technological Process Analysis of Stamping Forming for the Outside Shell of Fuel Tank of Ride-Motorcycle骑式摩托车油箱外壳体冲压成形工艺过程分析

8.Analysis of the Simulation for Stamping Forming Process of Motorcycle Tank;摩托车油箱冲压成形计算机仿真研究

9.Calibration method of indication for odometer of motorcycles and mopedsGB/T5376-1996摩托车和轻便摩托车车速里程表指示值校核方法

10.Quickly the motorcyclists flashed their headlights around很快,摩托车骑手们用车的前灯向四周照射。

11.Motorcycle Driving Course [Customs and Excise Department]摩托车驾驶课程〔香港海关〕

12.The Study and Application of Motorcycle Covers in Reverse Engineering;摩托车覆盖件的反求及工程应用研究

13.The Application of Unigraphic in the Reversing Engineering of Motor Cycle;UG软件在摩托车身反向工程中的应用

14.These young mad-hatters dashed up and down the streets on their motor bikes.这些疯狂的年轻人骑着摩托车在街上横冲直撞。

15.There was a doctor noted for his reckless motor driving.有个大夫素以驾驶摩托车横冲直撞而知名。

16.Joe often tears around on his motorcycle with his girl friend乔经常和他的女朋友骑着摩托车到处乱冲。

17.A Finite-element Emulation Analysis of Motorcycle Wheel Hub Impact and Fatigue Damage摩托车轮毂冲击及疲劳破坏有限元仿真分析

18.The Impulse Response Analysis for Aluminum Wheel of Motorcycle with Sudden Impact强力冲击下摩托车铝合金轮的模拟分析研究


Two stroke motorcycle二冲程摩托车

1.Study on Reduction of Exhaust Emissions from Two Stroke Motorcycle;降低二冲程摩托车排气污染的研究

2.The main technological measures for reducing two stroke motorcycle exhaust emission in China and foreign country are introduced.介绍了国内外近年来在降低二冲程摩托车废气排放方面所采取的主要技术措施 ,分析比较了各种措施在结构、净化效果和成本等方面的特点 ,指出 :对现有二冲程摩托车化油器进行调整使混合气变稀、并改进化油器进气道形状 ,是降低二冲程摩托车废气排放的最简单且有效的措施 ;采用缸内燃料直接喷射技术是唯一能很好解决二冲程摩托车废气排放的技术措施 ;与采用缸内燃料直接喷射技术相比 ,分层扫气的结构简单、成本低 ,净化效果比化油器混合气稀化好 ,是一种值得进一步研究的净化措

3)Two cycle motorcycle engine摩托车用二冲程发动机

4)quadruple autocycle四轮摩托车

5)motor odometer摩托车里程表

1.Numeral-demonstrated device (type MCC-1) of charging magnet and checking for themotor odometer;数显式MCC—1型摩托车里程表充磁检测仪


1.Experiment study on preventingmotorcycle fire from spreading by building sprinkler system;水喷淋设备抑制摩托车火灾延烧的实验研究

2.The R & D of Special Powder Paints for Aluminum Alloy Wheels for Intermediate Cars and Motorcycles;中高档汽车、摩托车铝合金车轮专用粉末涂料的研制

3.Research and Progress of Powder Paint for Automobile and Motorcycle Aluminum Alloy Wheels;汽车、摩托车铝合金车轮粉末涂料的研究及进展


四冲程摩托车发动润滑方式浅谈四冲程摩托车发动机的润滑按供给润滑油的方式,可分为压力润滑和飞溅润滑两种。 早期的发动机普遍采用飞溅润滑,利用曲柄搅动机油,把机油油滴甩到发机各各机件润滑。为了增加飞溅出来的油量,一般都将曲柄设计得较长。飞溅润滑具有结构简单的优点,利于发动机的轻量化。但是润滑效果往往较差,尤其是对于各轴承而言,从外部甩油很难进行充分的润滑。特别是对于后来出现的顶置气门发动机,甩出的机油达不到位于气缸盖上的各机件。对于采用整体式曲轴和轴瓦的发动机,也同样存在润滑不到的问题。 此外,随着发动机转速的提高,曲柄甩油产生的阻力越来越大,产生较大的动力损失。同时,曲柄甩油也将使机油早期老化,并容易使气泡混入机油之中。 为了解决以上问题,现代发动机大都采用了压力润滑的方式。就是在发动机上增加机油泵,利用油泵的压力把机油强制地供给各润滑点。为了尽可能地简化发动机构造,压力润滑一般和飞溅润滑结合使用。例如,在发动机上,真正采用压力润滑的部位集中在曲轴各轴颈、凸轮轴等部件,而连杆小头、气缸、活塞、摇臂等则是利用了压力润滑后飞溅出来的机油进行润滑。
