2000字范文 > 里程节约 distance saved英语短句 例句大全

里程节约 distance saved英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-30 02:18:40


里程节约 distance saved英语短句 例句大全

里程节约,distance saved

1)distance saved里程节约


1.The Optimization of the Scanning Method in Distribution Based on the VSP(Vehicle Scheduling Program)基于里程节约思想的配送扫描法的优化思路

2.This can save much valuable time and money on trips back to the plant and allows some to work (telework) from home.这样大大节约了往返于工厂的宝贵时间和资金,并使工程师们可以在家里(通过电传)工作。

3.Here I wish to speak briefly on practicing economy.我想在这里谈一下节约的问题。

4.International Festival of Cinema Television and Video of Rio de Janeiro里约热内卢国际电影电视录像节

5.Students should cut corners all they could in college.大学生们在学校里应厉行节约。

6.carnival time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil巴西里约热内卢的狂欢节

7.Its about two li from here to the zoo.从这里到动物园约二华里路程。?

8.Let"s face it, New York is not having a good sports season.说实话,在这一运动季节里,纽约乏善可陈。

9.If the key to Rio is music and movement,在里约热内卢,狂欢节主要是音乐和游行了。

10.As a DJ, John Leese admirably fills the bill.作为音乐节目主持人,约翰 里斯干得极为出色。

11.There is an earlier reference to the Jonah sign in Matthew 12:39-41.在马太福音12:39-41里有关于约拿的神迹的经节。

12.Our distance of travel this time will be about 3000 kilometers,我们这次行程约有3000 公里。

13.I think it"s about three kilometers.我想大约有3公里路程吧。

14.The next stage of the trip is about one hundred miles.下一段旅程大约是一百英里。

15.In a pocket was a note: Read John 14:27:29.在口袋里放着一张指示:“读约翰福音书14章27节到29节。

16.Control the key milestone such as NRP and CER.控制关键里程碑节点,如NRP,CER.

17.Here we will skip several details of the derivations.这里我们将避开推导过程的某些细节。

18.The Electrical and echanical Services Department promotes energy efficiency and conservation.机电工程署负责促进能源效率和推动节约能源。


Save mileage method节约里程法

3)KT knot节,海里(约合1.852公里)


1.Four Highlights of Urban-rural Planning Law:Integration,Legislation,Economy,and Harmony;统筹、法制、节约、和谐是《城乡规划法》的四大亮点

2.Thinking on InitiatingEconomy in Landscape Greening in Beijing;对北京市园林绿化工作倡导节约的思考

3.Economics Thoughts aboutEconomy and Intensivism Land Use;节约与集约用地的经济学思考


1.The latent capacity and measures of powersaving in Minhe magnesium plant;民和镁厂开展节约用电的潜力和措施

2.Important Roles for Leaders in Construction of Resources-saving Society;领导干部在建设资源节约型社会中肩负的职责


1.The necessity of developingconservation-orientated farm machinery is analyzed.分析了发展节约型农机的必要性,并结合目前农业的需要和农机本身存在的问题进行了探讨。

2.The author also puts forward some suggestion on such issues,namely,first,in terms of energyconservation,we should develop clean energy and upgrade energy structure;second,promo.节约能源必须发展清洁能源,使能源结构得到改善和升级;要通过法律约束、政策导向和经济激励等手段,推动大范围采用节能装备、节能建筑和节能产品,进而发展循环经济,提高能源的转换效率。


