2000字范文 > 煤矿提升信号 upgrade signals of coal mines英语短句 例句大全

煤矿提升信号 upgrade signals of coal mines英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-07 09:42:36


煤矿提升信号 upgrade signals of coal mines英语短句 例句大全

煤矿提升信号,upgrade signals of coal mines

1)upgrade signals of coal mines煤矿提升信号


1.Base on the CAN Bus to Research and Produce Enhanced Coal Mine Signal System基于CAN总线的煤矿提升信号系统的研制

2.The Study of the Colliery Hoist Signal and Autolaod & Unload Control System;煤矿主井提升信号及自动装载卸载控制系统的研究

3.Automation and Information of Main Coal Mine Well Hoist Control System煤矿主井直流提升机电控系统自动化与信息化

4.Research of Weak Signal Extraction and Transmission Technology Based on Low Voltage Power Line in Underground Coal Mine基于低压电力线煤矿井下信号提取和传输关键技术研究

5.Terms relating to coal mining--Hoisting and transportGB/T15663.5-1995煤矿科技术语提升运输

6.Integrate Small-scale Coal Mines to Upgrade the Coal Industrial Structure;整合小矿 提升我国煤炭产业结构水平

7.Electric Control System Analysis and Design of Linhuan Coal Mine"s Elevator临焕煤矿提升机电控系统设计与分析

8.Reinforcing Fundamental Management and Improving Safety in Colliery强化基础管理 提升煤矿安全保障水平

9.Research on the Wear Failure of Colliery Hoister Journal Bearing煤矿提升机滑动轴承的磨损失效分析

10.Research of Transformation Increasing Capacity of Coal Refuse Dumping平煤天安八矿矸石山提升能力升级改造研究

11.The Technical Reconstruction of Lifting System of Gaohe Colliery高河煤矿矿建工程提升系统技术改造研究

12.The Signal Identification and Localization of Rockburst and Their Application at Muchengjian Colliery;矿震信号识别和定位及其在木城涧煤矿的应用

13.Code for design of surface multirope friction hoisting system of coal mine煤矿地面多绳摩擦式提升系统设计规范

14.Application of slope tape winder in technical reconstruction in Anyuan mine大倾角胶带提升在安源煤矿技术改造中的应用

15.Technical Innovation of the Dynamical Braking of JKD-2.5miles Type Special Winding Used at Coal Mine;煤矿专用提升绞车JKD—2.5M动力制动的技术改造

16.Application of SRD Controlled by Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID in Mine Winch of Waste Rock Dump模糊PID控制的SRD在煤矿矸石山提升机中的应用

17.Analysis of Main Hoisting Belt Conveyor Designment in Qingshuiying Coal Mine清水营煤矿主提升大倾角带式输送机设计

18.Application of high-voltage frequency changer in upgrading of coal mine main shaft hoist高压变频器在煤矿主井提升机改造中的应用


promote machine煤矿提升

3)hoisting signal提升信号

1.In view of the problems existed in multi-level trainhoisting signal system of coal mine,a kind of simple and practicalhoisting signal unit combining the requirement ofhoisting signal with practicality is designed.针对煤矿多水平串车提升信号系统存在的问题,按提升信号的要求结合实际,设计了一种简单实用的提升信号装置。

2.In view of the problems existed in multi-level trainhoisting signal system of coal mine, a kind of simple and practicalhoisting signal unit combining the requirement ofhoisting signal with practicality is designed.针对煤矿多水平串车提升信号系统存在的问题,按提升信号的要求结合实际设计一种简单实用的提升信号装置。

4)lift signal提升[器]信号

5)lift winch in mine煤矿提升绞车

6)inclined hoisting shaft of coal mine煤矿提升斜井


