2000字范文 > 香港物流 Hong Kong logistics英语短句 例句大全

香港物流 Hong Kong logistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 16:29:32


香港物流 Hong Kong logistics英语短句 例句大全

香港物流,Hong Kong logistics

1)Hong Kong logistics香港物流

1.Currently,the external factors affectingHong Kong logistics are rapid development of surrounding areas and increasing fierce competition on source of goods.当前,影响香港物流发展的外部因素是周边地区迅速发展,货源竞争日趋激烈。

2)HongKong Shopping Festival香港购物节

1.Thoughts about the Development of Tour Shopping in China——Taking "HongKong Shopping Festival" as An Example;发展我国旅游购物的思考——以“香港购物节”为例


1.Thoughts about the Development of Tour Shopping in China--Taking "HongKong Shopping Festival" as An Example;发展我国旅游购物的思考——以“香港购物节”为例

2.Hong Kong is a shopper"s paradise.香港是购物者的天堂。

3.Here is the information of 4th Hong Kong Mega Showcase. Please check it and reply me asap.以下是有关第四届?香港冬季购物节。请浏览下列资料及从速联络我们!

4.In addition they could also purchase festival tickets online and receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour.另外,还可以在网上购买香港艺术节的节目门票,并可享受香港游超值优惠套餐。

5.Hong Kong is a shopping paradises, dietary world , leisure summer resort, and culture window.香港是购物天堂、饮食世界、休闲胜地和文化之窗。

6.The analysis on Hong Kong universities materials and equipment stock;香港高校物资设备采购管理体制解析与借鉴

parative Study on the Behavior of Mall Shoppers in Xi an and Hong Kong;购物中心顾客行为的跨地区比较:西安与香港

8.Contract Issues of Online Shopping in Mainland China and Hongkong内地和香港特区网上购物合同若干问题研究

9.The Excelsior, Hong Kong is in the heart of the entertainment, business and shopping district, with spectacular views over Victoria Harbour.座落于维港海滨的香港怡东酒店,是城中的娱乐、商业及购物中心。

10.Coordinative Development between Hong Kong & Mainland Logistics Industry;香港与大陆物流产业的协同发展——国泰并购港龙的案例分析

11.Tender for the Purchase of Articles or Materials from the Government of HKSAR [GF 232]招标承投购买香港特别行政区政府物品或物料〔通用表格第232号〕

12.Study on Shopping Habits and Revision of Chapter 6 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines购物习惯及修订香港规划标准与准则第六章的研究

13.Discussion on Vertical-shaped Shopping Center Taking the MegaBox Mall,Hong Kong as an Example大块头有大智慧——由香港MegaBox看垂直型购物中心建筑设计

14.The Hong Kong Sky Mall will be a world-class retail complex covering some 30 000 square metres inside the passenger terminal.香港机场购物中心位于客运大楼内,占地约3万平方米,是世界级的购物商

15.Hongkong is even better known as a "Shopping Paradise", where you shall never miss this rare shopping opportunity since most of the goods are tariff-free.香港更享有"购物天堂"的美誉,大部分物品不收关税,可别错过如此之好的采购机会。

16.Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology [Chinese University of Hong Kong]香港生物科技研究院〔香港中文大学〕

17.January, 1992 Gave performances at the Hong Kong Art Festival at the invitation of the Hong Kong government.1992年1月应香港市政局邀请,赴香港参加’92香港艺术节演出。

18.The financial arrangements of China Mobile (Hong Kong ) in their new mergence and its enlightenmenting guidances;中国移动(香港)并购融资安排及其启示


HongKong Shopping Festival香港购物节

1.Thoughts about the Development of Tour Shopping in China——Taking "HongKong Shopping Festival" as An Example;发展我国旅游购物的思考——以“香港购物节”为例

3)Hong Kong Botanic Garden香港植物园

1.This paper discusses the first modern Botanic Garden of China-Hong Kong Botanic Garden (1871-).本文讨论了中国第一个现代植物园——香港植物园的建园历史和建138年来历史变革和中国第一个现代植物标本室(1678~)的建立,香港动植物园的现况和讨论了在香港发展植物园事业的前景与问题。

4)airport logistics空港物流

1.Taking Guangzhou Baiyun Airport as an example,the paper discusses the advantages and good opportunities to develop theairport logistics,analyzes the industrial effect caused byairport logistics based on the experiences of the developed countries and brings forth some suggestions for the development of Baiyunairport logistics.以广州新白云国际机场为例,探讨其发展空港物流的具有的优势以及良好契机,同时借鉴发达国家重要航空港发展经验,分析空港物流的产业效应,并提出广州空港物流发展的问题和建议。

2.After finishing the analysis ofairport logistics procedure and matched the suitable equipments, we can design a reasonalbe and efficient information system which based on different functional parts of the lo.深圳机场物流园区的信息化建设一般以业务流程重组(优化)为基础,在一定的深度和广度上利用计算机技术、网络技术和数据库技术,自动控制技术和集成化管理运营活动中的所有信息,实现企业内外部信息的共享和资源有效利用,以提高空港物流园区企业的经济效益和市场竞争能力。

5)port town logistics港市物流

1.Finally,it brings forth the development strategy of coastalport town logistics.以港口空间结构为切入点,对山东沿海港口进行实证研究,运用Lorenz曲线和移动-分享模型定量分析其集聚程度和差距变动态势,并加以定性讨论,提出了沿海港市物流发展战略。

6)port logistics港口物流

parison and evaluation ofport logistics companies by use of factor analysis;基于因子分析的港口物流企业实证比较和评价

2.Development ofport logistics of our country from perspective of development of world s key ports;从世界主要港口的发展看中国港口物流的发展

3.Long river downstreamport logistics development countermeasure research;长江下游港口物流发展对策研究


