2000字范文 > 马鞍山长江公路大桥 Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge英语短句 例句大全

马鞍山长江公路大桥 Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 15:05:38


马鞍山长江公路大桥 Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge英语短句 例句大全

马鞍山长江公路大桥,Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge

1)Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge马鞍山长江公路大桥

1.The south tower of the suspension bridge ofMaanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge is located in the shoal area and the foundation for the tower is composed of totally 55 numbers of φ2.马鞍山长江公路大桥悬索桥南边塔位于浅滩区,桩基采用54根φ2。

2.The underground water at the site ofMaanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge is very abundant.马鞍山长江公路大桥施工桥位处地下水非常丰富,为验证在有水环境下根键顶进施工的可行性,在施工现场针对1个根式基础进行根键水下顶进试验。

3.0 m in height,ofMaanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge was selected as the testing object and the corresponding test was made.试验对象为马鞍山长江公路大桥的1个根式沉井,沉井外径6。


1.Study on Integrated Information Management of Maanshan Highway Bridge over the Changjiang River;马鞍山长江公路大桥项目信息集成管理研究

2.Determination of the Form of Intermediate Tower and Tower-Girder Connection of Three-Tower and Two-Span Suspension Bridge of the Left Branch of Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge马鞍山长江公路大桥左汊三塔两跨悬索桥中塔形式及塔梁连接方式的确定

3.Design of cable saddle at Beipan river Zhen-Sheng road in Guizhou贵州镇胜公路北盘江特大桥索鞍设计

4.In this paper, the construction of the deck surfacing of the Bridge is presented.介绍巴东长江公路大桥桥面铺装情况。

5.Jiangyin Changjiang River Highway Bridge and Taizhou Economy Agglomeration;江阴长江公路大桥和泰州经济的集聚

6.Analysis on River Channel Evolution and Regulation of Ma"anshan Reach of Yangtze River长江马鞍山河段河道演变及整治研究

7.The Steel-cofferdam Design of the Main Towers of Anqing Changjiang River Highway Bridge安庆长江公路大桥主塔墩钢围堰设计

8.Collective Structural Static Analyses of the Main Highway Bridge of Anqing Changjiang River Great Bridge安庆长江公路大桥主桥总体结构静力分析

9.The engineering geological conditions of the Badong Changjiang Highway Bridge are very complex.巴东长江公路大桥桥址区工程地质条件复杂。

10.New steel box beam fabrication technology in the main bridge in the Yangtse River Bridge in Anqing安庆长江公路大桥主桥钢箱梁制造新工艺

11.Quantitative Research on Fault Gouge from the Base of the Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge江苏镇江—扬州长江公路大桥桥基断裂断层泥定量研究

12.Analysis of Earthquake Liquefaction of North Anchorage of Jangyin Highway Bridge Over the Yangtze River江阴长江公路大桥北岸锚碇地震液化探讨

13.Experimental Study on the North Anchorage of the Jiangyin Yangtze Bridge江阴长江公路大桥北锚碇模型试验研究

14.The Application of the Fuzzy Theory to the Water Quality Assessment in Yangtse River Near Ma-anshan模糊集理论在长江马鞍山段水质评价中的应用

15.Construction of Very Long Rock Socketed Piles for North Pylon Pier of Edong Changjiang River Highway Bridge鄂东长江公路大桥北主塔墩超长嵌岩桩施工

16.Full-scale Model Test for Pylon Segment of Changshou Yangtse River Highway Bridge长寿长江公路大桥索塔节段足尺模型试验研究

17.Deformation Analysis of Soft Soil Sub-grade on Maanshan-Wuhu Expressway;马鞍山—芜湖高速公路软土路基变形分析

18.Large Caisson Location Technology for Intermediate Tower of Taizhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge泰州长江公路大桥中塔大型沉井定位施工技术


Junshan Highway Bridge over Yangtze River in Wuhan武汉军山长江公路大桥

1.Technology for Installation of Stay-Cable Tubes forJunshan Highway Bridge over Yangtze River in Wuhan;武汉军山长江公路大桥索道管施工技术

3)Yangtze River Highway Bridge长江公路大桥

1.Design of Special Shaped Duble Wall Steel Cofferdam for JingyueYangtze River Highway Bridge荆岳长江公路大桥异型双壁钢围堰的设计

4)Changjiang river maanshan section长江马鞍山段

5)Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge江阴长江公路大桥

1.The importance to monitor the pore water pressure and to study the permeability of soil under the north anchorage ofJiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is analyzed firstly.以江阴长江公路大桥北锚碇为例,首先阐述了锚碇地基土孔隙水压力观测和渗透性分析的意义。

2.Construction scheme and construction quality of tower, anchor and approach bridge for Bid-A project ofJiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge are introduced.介绍江阴长江公路大桥A标工程塔墩、锚碇、引桥工程的施工方案和施工质量。

6)the Yangtze River Highway Bridge at Jiangyin江阴长江公路大桥

1.The Temperature Control Technology for Large Volume Concrete Adopted in the Construction ofthe Yangtze River Highway Bridge at Jiangyin;江阴长江公路大桥大体积砼温度控制技术

2.The Construction of the South Cable Tower onthe Yangtze River Highway Bridge at Jiangyin;江阴长江公路大桥南索塔施工


