2000字范文 > 微水含量 moisture content英语短句 例句大全

微水含量 moisture content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 17:37:18


微水含量 moisture content英语短句 例句大全

微水含量,moisture content

1)moisture content微水含量

1.The Application Research of On-line Monitoring for SF_6 CB Moisture Content in Wudang 220kV Substation, Guizhou;贵州乌当220kV变电站SF_6开关微水含量在线监测应用研究

2.Study on On-line Monitoring System for Moisture Content in SF_6 Circuit Breaker Gas;六氟化硫开关微水含量在线监测系统研究

3.In order to on-line monitor and model themoisture content in transformer oil,moisture distribution in the transformer paper-oil insulation is analyzed in this paper,and a polyimide-based capacitive humidity sensor is employed to on-line monitoring of moisture in transformer oil.为了对变压器油中的微水含量进行在线监测和建模计算,介绍了变压器油纸绝缘中水分的分布和利用聚酰亚胺薄膜电容式湿度传感器在线监测变压器油中微水含量的原理并在变压器油中微水含量监测的相关理论基础上,提出了一种基于神经网络的在线监测计算模型以评估变压器油中的微水含量。


1.H_2O concentration detecting system in SF_6 based on ARM基于ARM的SF_6中微水含量检测系统

2.Experimental Research of No-line Measuring the Water Ratio in Turbine Oil Based on Microwave Resonant Cavity Perturbation;谐振腔微扰法在线测量透平油微水含量的实验研究

3.Research of On-line Monitoring System for Moisture Content in Transformer Oil;变压器油中微水含量在线监测系统研究

4.Study on On-line Monitoring System for Moisture Content in SF_6 Circuit Breaker Gas;六氟化硫开关微水含量在线监测系统研究

5.Analysis and treatment of SF_6 micro water content exceedance for power cable terminal220kV电缆终端SF_6气体微水含量超标分析及处理

6.All micronutrients measured, except boron, were at the high level.而微量元素含量除硼外均处于高水平。

7.Using GPR to Measure Soil Moisture Content利用低频微波波段GPR测量土壤含水量

8.testing methods for detection and estimation of micro-biological contaminants in highly purified water高纯水微生物含量测定法

9.testing methods for concentration of fine particles in highly purified water高纯水中微粒子含量测定法

10.Examining the Chloride Ion Content in Tap Water by Subminiature Titration Method;微型滴定法测定自来水中Cl~-的含量

11.The exact measurement of goat fluff exaggeration and the experiment of measuring humidity by microwave运用微波测湿实验对羊绒含水量进行精确测量

12.The trace elements content of natural mineral water in Shanghai上海市天然矿水中微量元素含量的探讨

13.On-line Testing of the Moisture Content of Veneer Based on Microwave Technique System;基于微波测量原理的单板含水率在线测量系统

14.Determination of Trace Elements Content in Fruits of Ligustrum obtusiifolium by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry原子光谱法测定水蜡树果中微量元素的含量

15.Clinical Significance of Determination of Trace Element Content in Chest, Ascites胸、腹水中微量元素含量测定的临床意义

16.Trace Elements Determination in Water Extract from Radix Paeoniae Alba by AASAAS法测定亳白芍水提液中微量元素的含量

17.Water-insoluble matters in salt products are determined with microwave heating method.用微波加热法测定盐产品中水不溶物含量。

18.Coking products--Determination of moisture content--Microcoulomb methodGB/T5074-1985焦化产品水分含量的微库仑测定方法


water vapor content微水含量

1.There are two main parameters in monitoring the status of SF6 gas, one is leakiness, and the other iswater vapor content.对SF6气体的状态监测主要体现在两个方面:泄漏和微水含量。


1.Approach to Forecast ofMicro-water in Transformer Oil Based on FNN;基于模糊神经网络预报变压器油中微水含量的探讨

4)micro-water content微量水含量

1.Determination ofmicro-water content in the liquefied propylene with flashing steam sample-in method;闪蒸汽化进样法测定液体丙烯中微量水含量

5)minim mercury contained water含微量汞水源

6)water containing minute quantities of lead含有微量铅的水.


