2000字范文 > 流感大流行 influenza pandemic英语短句 例句大全

流感大流行 influenza pandemic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-01 05:26:14


流感大流行 influenza pandemic英语短句 例句大全

流感大流行,influenza pandemic

1)influenza pandemic流感大流行

1.Evaluative Investigation on the Impact on Public Health and Health Service of the New Influenza Pandemic in ShanDong Province;新一轮流感大流行对山东省人群健康和卫生服务影响的预测与评估研究


1.Study on Characters of Influenza Pandemic and Strategies of Influenze A (H1N1) Prevention and Control流感大流行特征启示甲型H1N1流感防控策略

2.As with seasonal influenza, the principal defences against a new pandemic influenza strain are vaccination and antiviral drugs.与季节性流感一样,新流感大流行的预防有免疫接种和抗流感药。

3.In the USA, the mortality rate during that pandemic was around2.5%.美国流感大流行中死亡率在2.5%右。

4.Ponder Over the China Capacity Building for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Prevention and Human Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Project Granted by World Bank Avian/Human Influenza Facility At Second Phase对世界银行中国禽流感及人流感大流行防控项目二期设计的思考

5.In many respects, the 1918 influenza pandemic was similar to others before it and since.与之前或之后的流感相比,19的流感大流行在许多方面是类似的。

6.Vaccines effective against a pandemic virus are not yet available.目前仍没有可有效预防流感大流行的疫苗。

7.A Study of Public Health Ethical Issues in Responding to Pandemic Influenza流感大流行应对中公共卫生伦理学问题研究

8.Challenges of Pandemic (H1N1) Virus Infection to Health Surveillance甲型H1N1流感大流行对健康监测带来的挑战

9.Therapy of severe cases of pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 甲型H1N1流感大流行重症病例的治疗

10.Study on Multi-sectional Cooperation Mechanism of Preparation for Influenza Pandemic at County Level县级多部门应对流感大流行合作机制研究

11.Influenza pandemics are remarkable events that can rapidly infect virtually all countries.流感大流行可迅速传播到几乎所有国家,因而是一个重大事件。

12.What are the most important warning signals that a pandemic is about to start?流感大流行将要爆发的最重要的警告信号是什么?

13.Influenza-Preparing for a 21st Century Pandemic流感——为21世纪大流行做好准备

14.Pandemic Influenza:a time-honored disease and a great calamity to human;大流行性流感:古老的疾病,人类的灾难

15.Trace the Sources of 1918 Influenza Pandemic Strain;19流感世界大流行病毒株溯源

16.avian influenza [avian flu]禽畜流行性感冒〔禽流感〕

17.Desige and Development of Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Using Reverse Genetics;大流行流感裂解疫苗的研制及关键技术的研究

18.Evaluation on safety of domestic pandemic influenza vaccine among healthy adults in phase Ⅰ clinical trials国产大流行流感疫苗Ⅰ期临床试验安全性评价


pandemic influenza流感大流行

1.On the Ethical Issues of Public Health in Responding to Pandemic Influenza流感大流行应对中公共卫生伦理学问题研究

2.Apandemic influenza,which is different from both seasonal influenza and avian influenza,is an epidemic that outbreaks worldwide.流感大流行是指在全球范围暴发的流感。


1.The concept and algorithm may also be applicable topandemic and other infectious diseases and can be explored for further applications.该理论和模型很可能适用于当前的甲型流感大流行和其它传染性疾病,可被进一步开发应用。

2.Thepandemic outbreak of influenza has been started from Mexico in to 70 countries during 2 months.目前,该毒株的遗传进化关系已明确,通过遗传性状分析可获知该毒株可能的生物学性状,但流感大流行动向、毒株遗传变化、毒力及致病性变化仍在密切监控中。

4)Pandemic influenza vaccine大流行流感疫苗

1.Evaluation on safety of domestic pandemic influenza vaccine among healthy adults in phase Ⅰ clinical trials国产大流行流感疫苗Ⅰ期临床试验安全性评价


1.The first influenzapandemic which occurred in 1918 killed at least 20 million people.这些研究成果加深了我们对流感病毒本身的认识,更为重要的是,为下一次流感世界大流行的防治提供了若干有价值的信

6)pandemic influenza大流行性流感


