2000字范文 > 高校校园文化 campus culture英语短句 例句大全

高校校园文化 campus culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-14 07:14:53


高校校园文化 campus culture英语短句 例句大全

高校校园文化,campus culture

1)campus culture高校校园文化

1.Campus culture is the summation of the culture,and the concept form culture of the material form created by college teachers and students,which have the nature of variety,innovation,containing nature and foresightness.高校校园文化是高校师生创造的物质形态的文化和观念形态文化的总和,具有多元性、创新性、包容性和前瞻性。

2.It is beneficial to study the effects ofcampus culture on college students in cultivating bettercampus culture and consequently making the students a platform of the culture.高校校园文化对于大学生的成长、成熟起着引导方向、提升修养、学习规范、指导社会化等多种作用。

3.Incampus culture, moral and politics culture therewith functions such as direction, training, contraction, inspiration and radialization, reflects the values, thinking modes and behavior criterion of people in colleges and universities.在高校校园文化中 ,思想政治文化以其独特的导向、育人、凝聚、激励、辐射功能 ,反映“大学人”这一社会群体的价值取向、思维方式、行为规范。


1.Popular words among college students and construction of campus culture in Colleges;大学校园流行语与高校校园文化建设

2.On the Campus Culture and Socialist Advanced Culture论高校校园文化与社会主义先进文化

3.Construction of College Campus Culture with Multi-Cultural Context谈多元文化背景下高校校园文化建设

4.New perspectives of the on-campus culture construction at college-On the promotion of on-campus cultural communication;高校校园文化建设的新视野——简论加强和促进高校校园文化交流

5.Campus Culture: Features and Its Formulation/Growth;正确分析高校校园文化特点 积极加强高校校园文化建设

6.The Construction of Harmonious Campus and the Two-level Mangement of the Campus Culture;和谐校园建设背景下的高校校园文化二级管理

7.The Construction of the University Campus Culture in The Context of Globalization;论全球化背景下的高校校园文化构建

8.Survey on the Advanced Character and Popularization of Campus Culture;略论高校校园文化的大众化和先进性

9.Discussion on culture transition and optimization of its function on campus;试谈高校校园文化的变迁与功能优化

10.Influences of campus physical culture on campus culture building;高校校园体育文化对校园文化建设的影响

11.Research of Campus Culture Integration of the Merged High School;合并高校多校区校园文化整合的研究

12.Developing College Culture and Constructing Harmonious Campus of the Adult College;发展学校文化 构建成人高校和谐校园

13.On the Role of College Media in Campus Culture;试论高校校报对校园文化的传播作用

14.A Discussion on Integration of Enterprisc Culture and Campus Culture in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校校园文化与企业文化的交融

15.Campus Culture and Library Development;大学校园文化与高校图书馆文化建设

16.On Quality Culture and Campus Culture of Higher Education关于高校质量文化与校园文化的思考

17.On Campus Media s Position and Effect in the Construction of College Campus Culture;高校校园媒体在校园文化建设中的地位和作用

18.The Status and Function of Campus Net in the Construction of Campus Culture;高校校园网在校园文化建设中的地位与作用


university campus culture高校校园文化

1.Campus culture is the important component of social culture and the construction ofuniversity campus culture is of great importance to the healthy growth and becoming somebody of university student.校园文化是社会文化的重要组成部分,高校校园文化建设对大学生的健康成长和成才至关重要,对于整个社会文化的发展发挥着引导、示范和辐射作用。

plexuniversity campus culture was affected deeply by the community culture.复杂的高校校园文化,深受地域性的社区文化的辐射和影响,同时也积极地反作用于社区文化。

3.Theuniversity campus culture, a sub-culture system, is an important component of social culture system.作为社会文化系统的一个重要组成部分,高校校园文化是一种高度集约式的亚文化,它对大学生价值观念的形成和个人行为的选择都具有明显的导向作用。

3)college campus culture高校校园文化

1.Research on the College Campus Culture Construction and the College Student s Innovation Quality Cultivation;高校校园文化建设与大学生创新素质培养研究

2.However,in the period of social transition,college campus culture is impacted by plural culture,mass culture,western culture and cyber-culture so that the moral functions cannot be brought into full play.高校校园文化具有导向、育人、约束、陶冶等德育功能。

3.With the development of socialist market economy and the deepening of college reform,the construction ofcollege campus culture is experiencing pressures like culture shock and re-orientation.随着社会主义市场经济的迅速发展和高校改革的不断深化,高校校园文化建设正经历着观念冲突、重新定位的压力,江泽民同志关于中国共产党始终代表“中国先进文化的前进方向”的重要论述,为高校校园文化建设指明了发展方向。

4)campus culture in colleges and universities高校校园文化

1.So,it is very important to the construction and innovation ofcampus culture in colleges and universities.高校校园文化是培养大学生创造力的有效途径和重要载体。

5)higher vocational campus culture高职校园文化

6)school culture校园文化

1.Cultivating the School Culture in Favor of the Integration of IT with Curricula;培育促进课程整合的校园文化

2.Construction of reforming pattern of the ball course blended intoschool culture;球类课程改革与校园文化融合共建模式

3.Management of college and department inschool culture;校系两级管理与校园文化建设


