2000字范文 > 财力资源 Financial resources英语短句 例句大全

财力资源 Financial resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-23 07:35:31


财力资源 Financial resources英语短句 例句大全

财力资源,Financial resources

1)Financial resources财力资源

1.With basic education theory and classical correlation analysis methods of multi-dimensional statistics analysis method,take universities subordinated the ministry of education for example,at~er analyzing the relations between three factors of higher school education;it is found that t the human resources,financial resources and physical resources are highly interdependent and interactive.借助教育学基本理论和多元统计分析方法中的典型相关分析方法,以教育部直属高校为研究样本,分析高等学校教育竞争力三大要素之间的基本关系,发现:高等学校的人力资本与财力资源、物力资源之间具有很强的相互依存、相互促进的作用。

2.Through a analysis on deviationof financial resources allocation of compulsory education in urban and rural areas of GuilinCity,we found there exists obvious difference on the deviation of the expenditure per student on compulsory education(EPS),budgetary education expenditure per students(BEEPS)and budgetary public expenditure allocation per student(BPEAP) between urban and rural areas.通过对桂林市城乡义务教育财力资源配置情况的调查分析,发现中小学生均教育经费、生均预算内教育经费、生均预算内公用经费的配置存在明显的城乡偏差。

3.This thesis analyses the current situation of disposition of internal financial resources of higher learning institutions in China.文章分析了我国高校内部财力资源配置现状:经费来源有限,经费支出需求量大;经费使用效率不高。


1.(of financial resources) not spent.(指财力资源)没有用完。

2.someone who controls resources and expenditures.管理财力资源和花费支出的人。

3.The Analysis on the Current Situation of Disposition of Internal Financial Resources of Higher Schools in China;我国高校内部财力资源配置现状分析

4.Government Administrative Ability and Government Financial Resources;政府行政能力与政府财力资源问题研究

5.Research on Deviation and Balance of Financial Resources Allocation in Urban and Rural Compulsory Education;城乡义务教育财力资源配置的偏差与平衡研究

6.A Study on the Utilization Efficiency of Financial Resources of Higher Teacher s College in Shanxi Province;山西省高等师范院校财力资源利用效率研究

7.On Optimized Allocation of Financial Resources of Institution of Higher Education;关于高等学校财力资源优化配置的研究

8.financial and human management财务及人力资源管理

9.On the Shift in the Focus of Financial Statements:From Financial Resources to Financial Ability;论财务报告重心的转移:从财务资源到财务能力

10.Viewpoint on Human Resources Accounting based on financial cost;以财务成本为基础的人力资源会计观

11.Quantification of Human Resources Results in Accounting and Finance Management Innovation;人力资源数量化与会计财务管理创新

12.On Resource Tax Reform and Coordinating Inter-regional Fiscal Capacities in China资源税制改革与统筹区域间财政能力

13.Educational resources refers to the total of manual labor, material resources and financial resources.教育资源是指用于教育的人力、力和财力的总和。

14.The Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector was established in June 2000, tasked with the mission to develop a vision on the human resources development in the financial services sector.财经界人力资源谘询委员会在二零零零年六月成立,为财经界人力资源培训建立远景目标。

15.one great original source of revenue . . . the wages of labor (Adam Smith).财富的一大起源是劳动力的工资(亚当 史密斯)。

16.“one great original source of revenue . . . the wages of labor” (Adam Smith).“财富的一大起源是劳动力的工资”(亚当·史密斯)。

17.No financial mind-set &analysis, HR is blind.没有财务分析和头脑,人力资源管理是盲目的。

18.Pondering on Channeling the Human Resources Accounting into the Financial Accounting System人力资源会计纳入财务会计核算体系的思考


Financial resource财力资源

1.According to professional resource of sports system in the east province as research object,above all,the author research structure character of the manpower resource and financial resource.以东部省份体委系统体育赛事资源为研究对象,首先对其人力资源和财力资源结构特征进行了研究,继而对其区位情况进行了比较。


4)government financial resources政府财力资源

1.Based on a thorough study and analysis on the relation between government administrative ability andgovernment financial resources, the paper attempts to explain how the government can administer efficiently and realize the puropse of developing its administrative ability.本文通过对政府行政能力与政府财力资源之间关系的研究分析 ,探讨政府如何有效地行政 ,以实现提高政府行政能力的目的。

5)Financial Resources Carrying Capacity财务资源承载力



森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
