2000字范文 > FDI流入 FDI Inflow英语短句 例句大全

FDI流入 FDI Inflow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-29 01:04:47


FDI流入 FDI Inflow英语短句 例句大全

FDI流入,FDI Inflow

1)FDI InflowFDI流入

1.The author researches the change in the inflow of FDI in ASEAN members after the ASEAN Free Trade Zone was established and finds the main factors that affect the FDI inflow in the five ASEAN member countries in the South-South integration course.从自由贸易区计划启动到老成员建立自由贸易区,东盟成员的FDI流入基本上呈下降趋势,东盟自由贸易区建立对东盟成员的FDI流入没有显著的促进作用。


1.Analysis of the Effect of G-3 Exchange Rate Volatility on FDI Inflows of China;G-3汇率波动对我国FDI流入的影响

2.A Study on the Influence of FDI Inflow on China s Environmental Quality;FDI流入对我国环境质量的影响研究

3.The Impact on CEECs Inflowing FDI in the Condition of EU Enlargement;欧盟东扩对中东欧国家FDI流入的影响

4.The Effect and Implication of FDI S Flowing into Eastern China;FDI流入我国东部地区的效应及启示

5.A Study on the Effects of RMB Exchange Rate on FDI Inflows;人民币汇率水平对FDI流入的影响分析

6.An Empirical Research on the Relationship of FDI in Asian Countries;亚洲各国FDI流入相互关系的实证研究

7.Study on the Effect of Inflow of FDI in Services on China"s Economic Growth服务业FDI流入对我国经济的影响研究

8.The Impacts of Host Country"s Financial Market on FDI Inflows东道国金融市场因素对FDI流入的影响

9.The Estimation on the Hot Money Scale of the Inflow Amount FDI in China我国FDI流入量中热钱规模的估算

10.Analysis of the Impact of RMB Appreciation on Foreign Direct Investment in China人民币升值对我国FDI流入的影响分析

11.Empirical Analysis of Impact of FDI on China s Net Barter Terms of Trade;FDI流入对我国价格贸易条件影响的实证研究

12.An Empirical Analysis of Polish FDI Inflows and Its Effects on Economic Growth during the Transition Period;波兰转轨时期FDI流入的经济增长效应实证分析

13.On the Relationship of FDI and the Agricultural Economic Growth in the Northeast Areas;东北地区FDI流入与农业经济增长的关系

14.Ethnic Chinese Networks and FDI Flow into Mainland China;海外华人网络与FDI流入中国大陆的实证分析

15.Study on Factors Influence FDI in Changjiang River Delta;长三角地区影响FDI流入因素的实证研究

16.An Inquiry into the Impact of China"s FDI Inflows by the Change of RMB Exchange Rate人民币汇率变动对我国FDI流入的影响研究

17.Effect of FDI Inflows on the Regional Human Capital Development in ChinaFDI流入对我国地区人力资本发展的影响

18.An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between FDI Inflow of China s Service Industry and the Development of Service Trade;服务业FDI流入与我国服务贸易发展的相关性分析


entry of the FDIFDI的流入

3)FDI inflow locationFDI流入区位

4)volume of FDI influx in Japan日本FDI流入流量

5)Inward FDI输入型FDI

1.Taking the two-digital 27 sub-industries, the paper studies the function of inward FDI to Zhejiang manufacturing industrial agglomeration.本文利用浙江制造业两位数27个细分行业的相关数据,实证检验了输入型FDI对浙江产业集聚的作用。

6)Amount of FDI InflowFDI流量


