2000字范文 > 国际投机资本 International Speculative Capital英语短句 例句大全

国际投机资本 International Speculative Capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 18:11:37


国际投机资本 International Speculative Capital英语短句 例句大全

国际投机资本,International Speculative Capital

1)International Speculative Capital国际投机资本

1.Index System of Risk Prediction System ofInternational Speculative Capital国际投机资本冲击风险预警指标体系的构建

2.In view of allack power of intemational speculative capital in financial crises broken outin 90 s, the problem of international speculative capital has drawn governmellts attention ina great scale.鉴于国际投机资本在90年代所爆发的金融危机中所表现出来的冲击力,国际投机资本已引起了世界各国的高度重视,本文通过对有关国际投机资本的问题的分析研究,对中国在不断开放的经济环境下应如何防范国际投机资本的冲击进行了探讨。

3.But in reality, international speculative capital which makes speculations in every country\"s market for high short-term profits by new scientific technology and financial products becomes a big threat to every country\"s economy.然而在实践中,以投机方式获取短期高额利润的国际投机资本,其借助新科技手段及各种金融创新产品在各国金融市场进行的投机活动,给各国经济的健康发展造成了巨大的威胁。


1.third, international speculating capital weakens theindependency of Amphitryon monetary policy;国际投机资本妨碍东道国货币政策的独立性;

2.The influence of international opportunity capital floating to China and the countermeasures;国际投机资本流动对我国的影响及对策

3.Index System of Risk Prediction System of International Speculative Capital国际投机资本冲击风险预警指标体系的构建

4.Respecting international speculative capital, I must illuminate the definition of speculation.说到国际投机资本,不能不对投机的定义做一个详细的阐释。

5.Measurement of China s Financial Risks Induced by Input of International Speculative Capital;国际投机资本冲击风险引致中国金融风险的测度

6.USA MERRILL-KELLER INVESTMENT GROUP is an investment, finance and international trade as one of transnational capital operating organs.美国美林·凯勒投资集团是一家投资、融资及国际贸易为一体的跨国性资本运营机构。

7.Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Speculative Short-term International Capital Flow on China"s Economy投机性短期国际资本流动对中国经济影响的实证研究

8.International capital direct investment under Chinese attracting investments system;中国招商引资制度下的国际资本直接投资

9.FDI, Domestic Capital and Investor sDiscriminating Mechanism;外国直接投资、国内资本与投资者甄别机制

10.Basic Features of International Direct Investment since 1990s;90年代以来国际直接投资的基本特征

11.Dynamic Research on Capital Investment,Trade,and China s Economic Growth;资本投资、国际贸易与中国经济增长的动态研究

12.Agreement for International Investment Insurance Agency, draft国际投资保险机构协定(草案)

13.Articles of Agreement for International Investment Insurance Agency国际投资保险机构协定条款草案

14.International Investment Disputes Settlement Mechanism Under WTO Framework;WTO框架下国际投资争议解决机制探析

15.Study on the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes Arbitration Mechanism解决投资争议国际中心仲裁机制研究

16.The Motivation of Production Capital Investing in Finance in China;试论我国产业资本投资金融业的动机

17.As an international metropolis it is known as "South Gate of China" that closely tied with other provinces.珠三角成为国际资本和跨国公司、国际大财团投资最活跃的地区。

18.Global Investment Between a Capital Affluent Country and a Capital Absent Country资本缺乏与盈余下国际投资的博弈分析


international speculating fund国际投机资金

3)International investment国际投资

1.Market structure of trade,international investment and plant oil processing industry;贸易、国际投资与植物油加工业市场结构

2.Study onInternational investment liberalization and China s legislative Counter measures;国际投资自由化与我国的立法对策研究

3.On the Effective Regulation on International Investments of Pension Funds;关于养老基金国际投资的有效监管

4)international capital国际资本

1.Study on time series analysis ofinternational capital influence on real estate prices in China;国际资本投入对我国房价的影响分析与预测

2.On the Strategy for Utilization of International Capital in Hunan Domain of Science and Technology;湖南科技领域利用国际资本的对策研究

3.A Plain Analysis of International Capital Inflow s Structure and its Effects;国际资本流入的结构与绩效浅析

5)International Investment Law国际投资法

1.On the trend of liberalization of international investment law;论国际投资法的自由化趋势

2.The Contribution of Bilateral Investment Treaties to the Development ofInternational Investment Law: A Chinese Perspective;论双边投资条约对国际投资法的发展:中国视角

6)International Investment laws国际投资法

1.The international investment laws are adaptive to the present situation of investment.国际投资法的单边、双边、区域层面上的自由化趋势日渐明显,但现有的国际投资多边立法仍然难以适应全球化经济发展以及国际直接投资快速发展的需要,国际社会需要完善国际投资法律体系以满足投资自由化的需要。


