2000字范文 > 职业认同 professional identity英语短句 例句大全

职业认同 professional identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 13:18:02


职业认同 professional identity英语短句 例句大全

职业认同,professional identity

1)professional identity职业认同

1.A review on the research of professional socialization andprofessional identity among nurses in foreign countries;国外护士职业社会化与职业认同的研究

2.Librarian s indispensable professional spirit——professional identity;图书馆员不可或缺的职业精神——职业认同

3.A research on university teachersprofessional identity;我国大学教师职业认同现状的调查与分析


1.A Study on Teacher"s Professional Identification of the Secondary Vocational Schools in Zhengzhou郑州市中等职业学校专业课教师职业认同研究

2.The Approach Option of Improving Workers Political Identify and Occupational Identify;提高工人政治认同与职业认同的路径选择

3.Probes into the Strengthening of the Professional Sense of Teachers;关于加强教师职业认同感的问题探讨

4.The Investigation and Study of "the Ad Hoc Post Teachers"" in Rural Area农村“特岗教师”职业认同的调查研究

5.An Investigation and Research on the Career Identity of the PE Teachers in the Middle School中学体育教师职业认同感的调查研究

6.Increase the education of professional identity in the undergraduate nursing education.在护理本科教育中增加职业认同教育

7.The influence of social support on profession identification社会支持对护士职业认同的影响研究

8.The Study on Kindergarten Teachers Professional Identity and Their Professional Development of Lanzhou;兰州市幼儿教师职业认同与专业发展研究

9.Career Identity Achievement and Its Correlated Factors of Individual in Their First Employment;初次就业个体的职业认同获得及其相关因素

10.On Foreign Teachers Professional Identity and their Professional Development;国外教师职业认同与专业发展研究述评

11.Strategic Analysis on Improving the Professional Identification of the Librarians提升图书馆从业者职业认同感的策略分析

12.Professional Identity of Nurses and Its Relationship with Work Stressor and Burnout护士职业认同水平及其与工作压力、职业倦怠的相关研究

13.The Status of the Vocational Identity Research and the Training Strategy in the German Vocational Education德国职业教育领域职业认同的研究现状及培养策略

14.The correlations between job stressors,job burnout and professional identity of nurses护士职业认同水平与其工作压力、职业倦怠的相关性研究

15.A research on university teachers professional identity;我国大学教师职业认同现状的调查与分析

16.Investigation and Analysis of Rural Middle School Teachers Professional Identity;农村中学教师职业认同现状调查与分析

17.Reflections on Enhancing College Counselors Career Identity in the New Era;增强新时期高校辅导员职业认同感的对策研究

18.Career Identity of Female-Laid-Off Maternity Matrons in Harbin City哈尔滨市下岗女工月嫂职业认同的研究


career identity职业认同

1.This study aimed to explorecareer identity achievement and its correlated factors of individual s first employment in the changing organization and working environment.研究初次就业个体在充满变革的组织与工作环境中的职业认同获得及其相关因素。

2.Thecareer identity of female-laid-off maternity matron which is the synthesis of thecognization of the profession and the internalized profession role, experience and behav-ior tendency, is the female-laid-off maternity matrons’attitude related to their professionand also the internal factor of determining the pattern of their behavior.下岗女工月嫂职业认同是她们对其职业及内化的职业角色的认知、体验以及行为倾向的综合体,是下岗女工月嫂的一种与职业有关的态度、是决定她们行为方式的内在因素。

3)professional identification职业认同

1.Through listing the behaviors of librariansprofessional identification desalting,this paper analyzes on the factors of influencing theprofessional identification,and advances some measures for improving librariansprofessional identification.通过列举图书馆员职业认同感淡化的行为,分析了影响职业认同的因素,提出图书馆提高馆员职业认同的措施。

2.The thesis is a conclusion of the study, which is about kindergartenersprofessional identification.本文是关于幼儿园教师职业认同研究的结果。

3.Because of the specificity of teaching,teacher\"sprofessional identification is much more important than others.职业认同对于每一个从业人员都是至关重要的,尤其是教师这一职业,由于具有教书育人的特殊性,职业认同尤为重要。

4)Career identity development职业认同发展

5)professional role-identity职业角色认同

1.This research was to explore the traits of theprofessional role-identity of Shanghai primary and middle school teachers.本研究是在了解新课程背景所倡导的教师角色的基础上,对教师职业角色认同状况的调查和分析。

6)teacher professional identity教师职业认同

1.As one aspect of teacher identity,teacher professional identity has begun to gain interest in this area.而教师职业认同作为其中一个主题也开始引起研究者的注意。

2.The results manifested:(1) The overall of Chinese normal college students\"teacher professional identity is lower than working teachers.自编问卷对243名高等师范生教师职业认同现状进行了调查,结果显示:(1)我国师范生教师职业认同水平略低于在职教师的水平。


角色认同说角色认同说role identificational theory角色认同说(role identificational theory)解释性别角色的获得和两性心理行为特征的形成的一种性别差异心理学理论,渊源于精神分析学派,以后也为其他学派所借用。精神分析学家十分强调认同在男女心理发展中的作用,认为认同是保持心理平衡的防御机制。男女儿童为消除恋母、恋父情结,把自己放置于同性父母以及其他同性成人的地位,从而获得相应的性别角色和特定的心理行为特征。当儿童的性心理发展到阳具欲期,才开始形成性别差异。男孩产生的是恋母情结,但由于阉割恐惧,他抑制自己对母亲的性欲冲动,转向与父亲相认同,以达到替代性满足,结果内化了由父亲所代表的社会规范和继承了由父亲所代表的男性权力与品质。女孩由于阳物妒羡产生的是恋父情结,但这种愿望既得不到真正的满足,又得不到彻底的解脱,其性别角色认同获得的是依附、被动、自卑、嫉妒、受虐等女性特征。弗洛伊德解释两性差异形成的阳物中心论观点受到了后人的批评,但其关于性别角色认同的思想则为后来的学者所探讨。社会学习理论在解释性别角色社会化的进程时,也强调了模仿、认同的作用。(茜冬杏撰高玉样审)
