2000字范文 > 排水沥青混合料 porous asphalt mixture英语短句 例句大全

排水沥青混合料 porous asphalt mixture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-15 15:53:55


排水沥青混合料 porous asphalt mixture英语短句 例句大全

排水沥青混合料,porous asphalt mixture

1)porous asphalt mixture排水沥青混合料


1.Characteristic of vertical distribution of porous asphalt based on X-ray computed tomography imaging techniques基于X-CT技术的多孔排水沥青混合料空隙竖向分布特性

2.Application Study on Expressway Porous Asphalt Mixture;高速公路排水性沥青混合料应用研究

3.Test and Analysis on Permeability of Porous Asphalt Mixture排水性沥青混合料渗透性测试与分析

4.Study on Gradation Design and Pavement Performance of Porous Asphalt Mixture排水性沥青混合料配合比设计及技术性能研究

5.Research on the Properties of Porous Asphalt Mixture Containing High Viscosity Additive;掺高粘度沥青添加剂排水性沥青混合料的性能研究

6.Determination Method of Compaction Temperature for Drainage Asphalt Mixture排水性沥青混合料压实温度的确定方法

7.Study on low temperature property of porous asphalt mixture using TPS additive掺TPS添加剂排水性沥青混合料的低温性能研究

8.Application of Complex Modified Asphalt in Permeable Asphalt Mixture复合改性沥青在透水沥青混合料中的应用

9.Study on Component Design and Properties of Fibers Modified Porous Asphalt Mix;纤维改性排水性沥青混合料组成设计与性能研究

10.Research on Design & Application Technique of the Asphalt-treated Permeable Base;沥青稳定碎石排水基层混合料组成设计与应用技术研究

11.Analysis of long-time water stability of thermal regeneration asphalt mixture热再生沥青混合料长期水稳定性分析

12.Performance of Cement Modified Asphalt Emulsion Mixture水泥改善乳化沥青混合料的使用性能

13.Test and Analysis of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Warm Mixed Asphalt温拌沥青混合料节能减排效果的测试与分析

14.mixing plant for bituminous mixture沥青混合料拌和基地

15.Road performances of Sasobit asphalt mixtureSasobit沥青混合料路用性能

16.Research on Asphalt Mixture Functional Layer for Cement Concrete Pavement水泥混凝土路面沥青混合料功能层研究

17.Specifications and test methods of bitumen and bituminous mixtures for highway engineering公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程

18.The Experimental Study on the Performance of Hard Asphalt and Asphalt Mixture;硬沥青及硬沥青混合料性能试验研究


porous asphalt排水性沥青混合料

1.Influence of bitumen index onporous asphalt mixture performance;沥青指标对排水性沥青混合料性能的影响

2.The research was conducted to evaluate polyester fibers and cellulose fibers on the properties ofporous asphalt mixes by using the tests of draindown,abrasion,volumetric properties,rutting and moisture damage.通过析漏、飞散、体积性能、车辙、冻融劈裂等试验,研究了聚酯和木质素2种纤维对排水性沥青混合料性能的影响。

3)porous asphalt mixture排水性沥青混合料

1.Factor analysis on strength ofporous asphalt mixture;排水性沥青混合料强度影响因素分析

2.Controll index of run-off loss forporous asphalt mixture;排水性沥青混合料析漏损失控制指标

3.Durability ofporous asphalt mixture;排水性沥青混合料耐久性

4)porous asphalt mixtures排水性沥青混合料

1.The application of fibre material inporous asphalt mixtures;纤维材料在排水性沥青混合料中的应用探讨

bined with practical work the requirements ofporous asphalt mixtures on raw materials and mix proportion design are discussed.结合具体工程,就排水性沥青混合料对原材料的要求以及配合比设计作了论述,并对混合料运输、摊铺及碾压控制进行了描述,同时介绍了日本排水性沥青混合料设计开发的发展趋势,最后指出了今后的研究方向。

5)Permeable asphalt mixtures排水层沥青混合料

6)porous asphalt mixture(PA)排水面层沥青混合料


