2000字范文 > 抽象原则 abstract principle英语短句 例句大全

抽象原则 abstract principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-11 20:38:20


抽象原则 abstract principle英语短句 例句大全

抽象原则,abstract principle

1)abstract principle抽象原则

1.So we should establish the scientific theory system of juristic act of real right ,which is composed of splitting principle,abstract principle,formalism principle.科学地构建我国物权行为理论体系是解决我国物权法理论中诸多疑虑与困惑的关键所在,应当构建起以分离原则、抽象原则(无因性)、形式主义原则为体系内容构成和体系逻辑层次的科学的中国物权行为理论体系。


1.The Abstract Principles and Means of the Verbs Generalized Meaning;动词类义的抽象原则与方法——动词类义系列研究之二

2.Marx on Absolute Method of Hegel Philosophy;马克思论黑格尔哲学的绝对方法——兼对哲学的抽象原则作一种理论性的辩护

3.The mechanism of letter of credit is based on the principle of independent abstractness and principle of surface authenticity.独立抽象性原则和表面真实性原则是信用证机制存在的基础。

4.You might say, as many people do, that it is iiot easy always to act on abstract principles.你可能会像很多人那样,认为总是遵循抽象的原则行事很不容易。

5.Software architecture deals with abstraction, with decomposition and composition, with style and esthetics.软件架构处理抽象,分解和组成,按照风格和美学的原则。

6.Most countries have submitted themselves to the exception of abstraction of the credit promise - exception of documentary credit fraud, but in the practice it is not so successful.各国均已承认独立抽象性原则的例外——信用证欺诈例外原则,但在具体适用上还不是很成功。

7.As to the organization of curriculum contents, the principles of sequence are: (1) proceeding from the simple to the more complex, (2) from the easiness to the difficulty, and (3) from the concrete to the abstract.对于课程内容的组织顺序,则应秉持由易入难,由浅入深,由具体到抽象的顺序原则。

8.Mathematics Methodology Principles of Education in the Three Formulas of Field Theory;场论三公式中的数学方法论教学原则──Stokes公式如何从物理现象中抽象出来

9.They inhabit abstract space, the desert void of politics, principles, right and wrong, and so forth.他们生活在抽象的空间里,生活在政治、原则、是非等等的荒漠般的虚空之中。

10.They lived not so much for the abstract principles of freedom and democracy, but for the communities from which they arose他们的生活不是为了抽象的自由、民主原则,而是为了他们从中成长起来的社会群体。

11.A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。

12.The basic principles of the administrative enforcement of law are extremely abstract criteria which incarnate the basic ideas of value of administrative law.行政法基本原则是一种高度抽象的、体现行政法的基本价值观念的规范。

13.Judicial review to abstract administrative actions in China under WTO regulation;WTO规则与我国抽象行政行为的可诉性

14.Mathematics deals with abstract concepts, which are derived from properties of physical bodies.数学是搞抽象概念的,而抽象概念则来自实物的属性。

15.The application of the drawer principle in the demonstration of one integer divided by another with no remainder;抽屉原则在证明整除性问题中的应用

16.The Experimental Research on Abstract Prototype and Concrete Exemplars of Stereotype;刻板印象抽象原型与具体样例的实验研究

17.Existence, Regularity and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Abstract Strongly Damped Wave Equations;抽象强阻尼波方程解的存在性,正则性与渐近性

18.The Abstract Prime Number Theorem and a Criterion for the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis抽象素数定理及广义黎曼假设的判别准则


principle of independent abstractness独立抽象性原则

1.The mechanism of letter of credit is based on theprinciple of independent abstractness and principle of surface authenticity.独立抽象性原则和表面真实性原则是信用证机制存在的基础。

3)abstract active principle抽象能动原则

1.Marxist philosophic transformation is the self practice central principles that may take the place of direct force principle of materialism andabstract active principle of idealism.马克思所实现的哲学变革 ,就是以贯穿自己哲学的实践主导原则取代了旧唯物主义的直观受动原则和唯心主义的抽象能动原则。

4)the independence principle of L/C fraud抽象独立性原则

5)Abstract Independence Principle抽象独立原则

6)the principle of independences and abstract独立抽象原则

1.However in reality, "the principle of independences and abstract" is often used by the evil intention carries on cheat.“独立抽象原则”正是信用证独特优越性的根源所在,是信用证制度得以存在和发展的基石。


