2000字范文 > 法律的经济分析 economic analysis of law英语短句 例句大全

法律的经济分析 economic analysis of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-04 03:48:38


法律的经济分析 economic analysis of law英语短句 例句大全

法律的经济分析,economic analysis of law

1)economic analysis of law法律的经济分析

1.On Adam Smith s Economic Analysis of Law;论亚当·斯密对法律的经济分析

2.Based on the incentive theory andeconomic analysis of law in economics, studied is the mill supervision system for oil and gas pipeline, and discussed are its necessity and rationality.采用经济学中的激励理论和法律的经济分析方法,对驻厂监造制度进行了研究,对驻厂监造制度为什么存在和存在的必要性、合理性进行了探讨。

3.The mainstream school represented by Posner defines the disciplinary nature of "law and economics" as "economic analysis of law",from the antitrust laws to all fields of law and jurisprudence in research scope,and emphasizes the analytical methods of neo-c.以波斯纳为代表的主流学派把“法经济学”的学科性质定位于“法律的经济分析”,在研究范围上包括从反托拉斯法到法律和法学的各个领域,在研究方法上偏重新古典经济学的分析方法;而以麦乐怡为代表的非主流学派则把“法经济学”的学科性质定位于“经济、社会、哲学等比较分析”,在研究范围上纳入更多意识形态内容,在研究方法上强调经济、政治、社会判断方法的综合。


1.Economic Jurisprudence:Economic Analysis Of Law & Legal Analysis Of Economy;法经济学:法律的经济分析和经济的法律分析

2.From Marx’s Economics Analysis of Law to Modern Law Economics;从马克思对法律的经济分析到当代法律经济学

3.Review:Introduction of Bosna s“Economic Analysis of Law”;析波斯纳《法律的经济分析》之导论

4.On Economic Function of Law;法律的经济功能──要素资源配置的法经济学分析

5.Jurisprudential Analysis On Legal Regulations Of The Economic Industries In China;对我国经济行业法律规范的法理分析

6.A Research Outline of Legal Economical Analysis Method;法律经济分析方法论的一个研究提纲

7.An Economical, Legal and Hurisprudencial Analysis of Tele phone Installation Fee;电话初装费的经济、法律及法理分析

8.The Development Way of Law Economics in Civil Law System--The Analysis of Law Economy as Methodology;大陆法系法律经济学的进路——作为方法论的法律经济分析

9.The Legal Structure of Business Organizations: A Functional Perspective;商事组织的法律构造——经济功能的分析

10.Law and Economics Study on Tender Offer of Listed Company;上市公司要约收购的法律经济学分析

11.On Legal Economical Analysis of Stock Market;证券市场治理结构的法律经济学分析

12.An Analysis of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit System from the Perspective of Law Economics;环境公益诉讼制度的法律经济学分析

13.Economic Analysis of the Admission of Foreign Law;承认外国法律效力问题的经济学分析

14.Economic analysis on Chinese legal system of transaction of rural house site;农村宅基地流转法律制度的经济分析

15.Legal Economics Analysis on the System of Anticipatory Breach in China;我国预期违约制度的法律经济学分析

16.Institutional Economics Analysis on the Legal System of Government Procurement and the Perfection;政府采购法律制度的制度经济学分析

17.A Legal and Economical Analysis of Liability Insurance for Drunk Driving;酒后驾车责任保险的法律和经济分析

18.Economy Analysis And Thoughts On Law Behind the Collusion Between Bureaucrats And Coal Businessmen;“官煤勾结”背后的经济分析及法律思考


Introduction of "Economic Analysis of Law"《法律的经济分析》导论

3)economic analysis of law法律经济分析

1.Although the theory ofeconomic analysis of law don t convincingly illuminate why the rights to information privacy should be protected by the law, it put forward that the rights to information privacy is a kind of property rights and should be protected with a property rights approach.法律经济分析理论虽然难以令人信服地说明信息隐私权为何受法律保障,但是所提出的信息隐私权具有财产权性质并主张按照财产权方式予以保障的观点却极有学术价值。

2.Economic analysis of law(EAL) has been introduced into China for nearly twenty years and has produced undeniable fruits.法律经济分析(EAL)进入中国已近二十年,这一新兴领域内产生的效果不容否定。

3.However,in this article the author uses the method ofeconomic analysis of law and then demonstrates its theoretical base,category of exertion and material path.以四个发生在公共场所的侵权纠纷为例 ,提出运用法律经济分析方法的判断思路 ,并论证该方法的理论基础、适用原则及具体思路。

4)analysis in terms of economics and law经济法律分析

5)Law Economics Analysis法律经济学分析

6)Economic analysis of criminal law刑法的经济分析


