2000字范文 > 历史上最残忍的20种刑具


时间:2018-11-17 02:54:33



Do you know what would have been the worst aspect of life during the European middle ages? Heinous personal hygiene? No. Disease and famine? Hardly. That really crappy mandolin music that midgets enjoy dancing to? Close, but wrong again. The worst thing about medieval life was the unwavering evil of the Christian “justice” system and the tools of torture they employed.The following are the 20 worst torture devices of all time in the European History…


(20.) Punishing Shoes20. 惩治鞋

The shoes were often used in conjunction with the standing pillory (a device that holds your head and wrists in place while you stand). How long do you think you could stand on your tippy-toes before you had to rest your heels on those iron spikes?

这种鞋子常常是联合直立用颈手枷(站立时枷住头部和手腕的一种装置)使用的 。你觉得在你累到必须靠脚后跟踩到钢钉上来休息之前,你能靠脚尖支撑多久?

(19.) Heretic’s Fork19. 异端者尖叉

The four sharp points snugly nestled under the chin and sternum were designed to allow the victim just enough range of motion with his mouth to murmer a confession.


(18.) Dunking Stool18. 浸猪笼(浸河椅)

Used primarily on women (as was the case for most devices of pseudo-sexual torture), the dunking stool would dip its occupant into a river for as long as the authorities saw fit.这个方法主要针对于妇女使用(因为大多数刑具都是伪双性的【鳄鱼注:这里我的理解是不分性别使用的】),这种椅子用于把坐在上面的人浸到河里去,知道当局者满意为止【鳄鱼注:只要你供认了你的罪行,就会被释放出来然后用其他刑具杀掉,不然就浸到你溺死或者改用其他刑罚为止】。

(17.) The Boots17. 木靴子

The victim’s legs were placed between two planks of wood and bound together with cords. Between the cords the torturers placed wedges with which they would violently hammer. Each time a wedge was hammered, an acute portion of the shin bone was shattered. The tormentors could hammer at least a dozen wedges up and down the legs. When the Boots were removed, the bone fragments fell to pieces and the skin of the lower legs merely served as loose sacks for them.受害者的脚被用绳子固定在两块厚木板之间,拷问者还会在绳子之间放置用于暴力敲打的楔型物。每次敲打这些楔形物都会对胫骨(小腿骨)产生严重的粉碎性骨折。每个受刑之人的腿上至少都会被敲进一打这种楔形物。当木靴子被拿掉之后,小腿上的皮就像一个松散的布袋子一样装着这些破碎的骨头。

(16.) Water Torture16. 水刑

This is the only non-medieval, European torture on our list. The water torture was a favorite among Japanese POW guards during WWII. The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags. Next, the guards would snake a tube down the victim’s nasal passage and bloat his belly with water. Once that was finished, the guards would kick and beat the poor sap’s midsection until his stomach lining burst and and death ensued.这是我们列表上唯一一个不属于中世纪欧洲刑讯的项目。水刑是二战时期日本战俘守卫最喜欢的一种刑罚。受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。接着,守卫将一根管子从受刑者鼻腔内插入,并开始往他肚子里灌水。当灌满水后,守卫将踢打这个可怜人的肚子,直到其胃部破裂而死亡。

(15.) Cat’s Paw15. 猫抓

This was simply used to slowly tear the flesh from its victim, often times all the way down to the bone.这个方法就是简单的慢慢从受刑者身上撕肉,通常情况下都是撕到露出骨头为止。

(14.) The Rack14. 拷问台

It does exactly what it looks like it does: the rack pulls your body from end to end until your limbs are slowly plucked from their joints.


(13.) Quartering by Horses13. 四马分尸

Quartering is the rack taken to the next level and was reserved only for murderers and those who killed or attempted to take the life of a nobleman or royalty. Each of the prisoner’s limbs were tied to a horse and the horses were whipped simultaneously so that each limb would erupt from the body in an instant. A crowd favorite.四马分尸是拷问台的升级版,只是适用于那些杀死或者蓄谋杀害贵族或者皇室成员的犯人。犯人的四肢被绑在四匹马身上,然后行刑者同时抽打四匹马,接着犯人的四肢就会马上被扯下来。这是一种人们喜爱观看的刑罚。【鳄鱼注:中世纪欧洲人真变态,居然喜欢聚众观看这么血腥的场面】

(12.) The Pear12. 菊花梨

Hinging on your gender, the pear was either placed in your anus or your vagina in its thin form and then cranked to open up and blossom into a rather uncomfortable position按照你的性别,菊花梨以闭合状态插入你的菊花或者阴道里,然后转动手柄使之打开,并发展成让你非常难受的状态。

(11.) Cleansing the Soul11. 净化灵魂

In many Catholic countries, the clergy believed that the corrupted soul of a damned person could be cleansed if they were forced to consume boiling water, burning coals, or both. Of course, this was what happened to prisoners before they were punished for their crime — sort of a “warm-up” torture, if you will.在许多天主教国家里,神职人员认为如果强迫一个邪恶的人喝下沸腾的热水或吃下燃烧的煤块又或者两者兼服,他堕落的灵魂就能得到净化。当然,这只是在他没有因他的罪行而受罚之前进行,如果你愿意的话可以称之为行刑前的一种“热身”。

(10.) The Hanging Cage10. 吊笼

The pictured victim is one of the lucky ones because most occupants were caged completely naked to expose them to either extreme cold or hot weather conditions. And… most caged prisoners were usually placed in there only after other means of extreme physical torture were administered. But wait — there’s more! The victims were left in the cage until they died from either the elements or thirst, which could take weeks.图片中的受刑者还算是比较幸运的了,因为大多数受刑者都是被扒光衣服被放进笼子,并暴露在极冷或者极热的环境中的。而且...大多数囚犯都是在被施行了其他的极度身体刑罚之后才被吊起来的。但是等等——我还有要补充的(更残忍的)!受刑者往往都是被吊在笼子里直到渴死或者自然的力量(风雨雷电等)杀死他为止,而这一过程往往都需要数周的时间。

(9.) The Head Crusher9. 裂脑器

If ever an explanation was in a name, the head crusher is it. Death by head crusher usually went something like this: the teeth imploded into their sockets and smashed the surrounding jaw bones. Then the eyes squirted from their sockets and finally, brain matter squirted from the ears. Unbelievably, many nations still use a version of the head crusher to this very day as an interrogation tool.如果想要给裂脑器这个名字一个解释的话,被施以裂脑器刑罚的人是这么死的:牙齿挤入牙槽内并造成周边颚骨破碎。接着眼睛从眼窝被挤出来,脑浆从耳朵溢出来。难以想象的是,很多国家(民族)直到现在仍然在继续使用一种裂脑器来作为审问的工具。

(8.) Burning at the Stake8. 火刑

A favorite execution for those accused of witchcaft. Clergy believed that the burning of a witch permanently removed her evil spirits from the physical world, thus eliminating the possibility of any further contamination of innocent souls. Makes sense.这是一种最喜欢对巫婆(怀疑是巫婆)使用的刑罚。神职人员认为,焚烧一个巫婆可永久消灭她在有形世界的邪恶灵魂,从而消除将来任何进一步会对无辜灵魂污染的可能性。这倒也说得通。

(7.) Judas Cradle7. 叛徒尖凳

The victim was hoisted above the pyramid and slowly lowered, crotch first, onto its sharpened pinnacle. Hinging on the torturers mood, he could vary the amount of the victim’s body weight applied to the point.


(6.) The Cradle6. 刀凳

The Cradle is the nastier second cousin to the Judas Cradle. We believe the picture does all the explaining for us.刀凳是叛徒尖凳更加残忍的第二代表亲。我们相信这张图片已经足以说明一切了。

(5.) Iron Maiden5. 铁娘子

The following is a depiction of the first recorded use of the Iron Maiden on August 14, 1515 : “A forger of coins was placed inside, and the doors shut slowly, so that the very sharp points penetrated his arms and legs in several places, and his belly and chest, and his bladder and the root of his member, and his eyes, and his shoulders, and his buttocks, but not enough to kill him; and so, he remained making great cry and lament for two days, after which he died.”接下来的是于158月14日初次记录的使用铁娘子的描述:“一个假币的制造者被放在里面,接着门被缓缓的关上,门上的尖刺刺穿他手和脚、肚子、胸腔,他的膀胱、大腿根部、眼镜、肩膀和臀部,但是并不足以杀死他(避开了主要器官和动脉等),所以他大声喊叫和哭号了两天后才死去。”

(4.) Interrogation Chair4. 审讯椅

Not only were the hundreds of tiny spikes uncomfortable to sit on, but a fire was usually kindled under the iron chair to make it reach a horrible scalding point.


(3.) Impalement3. 刺刑

This was the standard form of punishment for traitors in Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and Salee during the Middle Ages. Believe it or not, once the lengthy spike entered the victim’s posterior and exited their mouth or throat, the victim might live for more than a day in this state and was left to crawl in the dirt for all to watch.这是中世纪在在阿尔及尔,突尼斯,的黎波里和赛利【鳄鱼注:Salee不知道怎么翻】对叛国者标准的处罚形式。不管你是否相信,一旦这根长刺从受刑者的菊花插入,再从他的嘴或咽喉里穿出,受刑者可以在这个状态活一天以上,并被扔到烂泥中爬行,供大家观赏。

(2.) The Saw2. 锯刑

The saw may represent human ingenuity’s darkest hour. The idea here is that when the victim is suspended upside down, most of the blood will go to the head. That is an important part of the process, you see, because as the torturers saw into the victim’s crotch, all of the blood in the head will oxygenate the brain so that the victim will not pass out as one normally would under such excruciating pain. Typically, the saw would reach the victim’s navel before unconsciousness would take hold — sometimes as far as the midriff.


(1.) Breaking with the Wheel1. 轮刑

Okay, we’ve saved the most treacherous display for last. So, if you’ve had trouble with any of the above and want to turn back now, no one will think less of you for it……………. You still here? You sick bastard. Okay, here we go… In terms of frequency used, the wheel was second only to hanging as the most common form of execution in Germany during the Middle Ages. First, the victim (usually naked) had each of his limbs spread apart and tied to the ground. However, wooden crosspieces were placed under each major joint such as the wrists, ankles, knees, hips and shoulders. The torturer would then smash each limb and joint with the heavy, iron-enhanced wheel. But that was just the beginning of the nightmare. Once the limbs were reduced to gelatinous appendages of mashed bones, blood and flesh, each arm and leg was braided into the spokes of the wheel and then hoisted upright for display. The agonizing victim would remain in this position for days as crows and insects feasted on him or her until death.好的,我们把最危险的留在了最后。所以,如果你觉得上面的那些都已经够你受的了,你可以选择不看这条,没有人会觉得你丢人的.....................你还在这儿吗?你还真是够变态的。好了,我们要开始了......就使用频繁性而言,轮刑是德国在中世纪时期仅次于绞刑而被用于处决的刑罚方式。首先,受刑者(通常是赤裸的) ,被四肢分开地绑在地上。不过,木制横杆会分别绑在各主要关节,如手腕,脚踝,膝盖,臀部和肩膀。行刑者会用沉重的包铁的轮子碾碎四肢和关节。但是,这仅仅是恶梦的开始。等四肢的骨骼分别打碎,并与血、肉、骨头混合成绵软状态后,四肢被扭成麻花状并分别编到轮子的辐条上,然后直立着悬挂、展示。痛苦的受刑者将继续保持这种状态数日之久,乌鸦和昆虫将享受这道大餐(直到他或她死去。
