2000字范文 > 中国明代 Ming dynasty of China英语短句 例句大全

中国明代 Ming dynasty of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-21 16:00:57


中国明代 Ming dynasty of China英语短句 例句大全

中国明代,Ming dynasty of China

1)Ming dynasty of China中国明代

2)Ming China明代中国

3)Chinese in Ming Dynasty明代中国人


1.The Japanese Marriage and Funeral in A Study of Japan: An Initial Study of Chinese Knowledge on Japan in Ming Dynasty;《日本考》所见的日本婚葬礼俗——明代中国人的日本观初探

2.On Population Movements during the Post-Ming Times: A Book Review on the Fifth and Sixth Volumes of Emigration History of China;明代以降六百年间中国的人口流动──评《中国移民史》明清近代分卷

3.Hemingway s The Old Man and The Sea and Contemporary Chinese Literature;海明威《老人与海》与中国当代文学

4.Material Civilization,Humane Studies,and Humanism in Ancient China;物质文明、人文科学与中国古代人文精神

5.portion of time in the life of a person,nation or civilization(人、国家、文明的)时期,时代

6.The Motif Of The Alien And Described UFO Story In Ancient China;外星人母题与中国古代外星不明入侵物叙事

7.A comparison between paintings by amateur literati in the Qing Dynasty and western modern painting;中国明清文人画与西方现代派绘画之比较

8.On Three Kinds of Theories of Human Nature during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Modern Turn of Chinese Ethics;明清之际三种人性论与中国伦理学的现代转向

9.The Study on Building the Contemporary China"s Administrative Personality in the Vision of Civilized Administration文明行政视域下当代中国行政人格塑造研究

10.However, you have demonstrated by your courageous action that the Japanese people, like the Chinese people, hope that China and Japan will be friends from generation to generation.但是你们的勇敢行动证明,日本人民同中国人民一样,是希望中日两国世世代代友好下去的。

11.Facing the Loss of Civilization: On the Humanistic Tendency of Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature面对失落的文明——论中国文学现代转型中的人文主义倾向

12.Insisting "Three Representatives" and Construting Present-Day Civilizating;坚持"三个代表"与建设当代中国文明

13.Abstract: Smallpox inoculation or variolation is a great invention of medicine in ancient China.文摘:人痘接种预防天花是中国古代医学家的伟大发明。

14.He observed, "China has already demonstrated that it could conquer poverty and the misery that generations of people have suffered.他认为,“中国已经表明它能征服贫困和几代人以来经受的苦难。

15.These newly unearthed cultural objects manifest the intelligence of the working people of ancient China.这些新出土的历史文物显示了古代中国劳动人民的聪明才智。

16.Joseph Needham from England pointed out, “Among mathematicians in the Ming Dynasty, Cheng Dawei was the most notable.英国李约瑟说:“在明代数学家当中,最引人注目的是程大位。”

17.Cosmetics Brand Star Spokesman Advertisement Strategy Analysis in Chinese Market;中国市场上化妆品品牌的明星代言人广告策略分析

18.Analysis of Temperamental Scholars Political Complex in Ancient China;中国古代性情文人的入仕情结——以陶渊明、李白、苏轼为例


Ming China明代中国

3)Chinese in Ming Dynasty明代中国人

4)civilization of the ancient China中国古代文明

5)Bai Ying白英(中国明代)

6)the modern Chinese ecological civilization现代中国生态文明

1.The value of the Confucian ideas ecological ethics in modern society so as to provide theoretical support for the construction of modern ecological ethics and to afford strong historical and cultural backing tothe modern Chinese ecological civilization.儒家生态伦理思想的现代价值表现在它既能为现代生态伦理学提供精神养料,也能成为建设现代中国生态文明的文化渊源。


