2000字范文 > 食品应急物流 food emergency logistics英语短句 例句大全

食品应急物流 food emergency logistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-21 19:30:33


食品应急物流 food emergency logistics英语短句 例句大全

食品应急物流,food emergency logistics

1)food emergency logistics食品应急物流

1.There\"s no enough attention to the research offood emergency logistics theoretically and practically.食品应急物流在理论研究和在实际操作中都没有得到充分的重视。

2)emergency food logistics system食品应急物流体系

1.This paper analyzed the characteristics and current situation of emergency food logistics for unexpected incidents in China,discussed the construction ofemergency food logistics system in order to solve the supply problem of necessary food for human being.本文分析了我国食品应急物流的特点与现状,探讨了如何建立食品应急物流体系,解决突发事件中受灾人员维持生命所必需的食品供应问题。

3)emergency food应急食品

1.The paper analyses the essence of the food emergency logistics,the feature of theemergency food and its classification.文中从食品应急物流的内涵分析出发,研究了应急食品的特点和分类,并以A省应急管理实战经验为基础探讨了食品应急物流的阶段划分及其运作流程设计。


1.The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims.政府把应急食品发给水灾受害者。

2."Monitoring Team for Food Supply, Commodity Inspection Bureau"商品检验局供港食品应急监察组

3.Study on the Emergency Mechanism in Food Safety Crisis Management食品安全危机管理中政府应急处理机制研究

4.Food Safety and Special Equipment Safety Early Warning and Emergency System食品安全和特种设备安全预警应急系统

5.Discussion on the Emergency Countermeasures of Food Hygiene for Victims in Temporary Settlements after an Earthquake震后灾民临时安置点食品卫生应急对策探讨

6.Urgent Circular of the Ministry of Commerce of the People"s Republic of China, on Ensuring Food Safety and Market Supply商务部关于保障食品安全和商品市场供应的紧急通知

7.Huadian City,Food safety Emergency Response Capacity to deal with the Status quo in the Health Inspection and the Effectiveness桦甸市食品安全应急处理中卫生检验能力现状及效用

8.break into emergency supplies of food动用应急储备的食物.

9.Emergency food rations.紧急时备用应急的食物配量

10.The research of the linkage mechanism of administrative organs and police in the public health emergency events公共卫生应急事件中的行刑联动机制研究——从食品药品监督执法的角度探析

11.The Ethiopians have a crying need for more food immediately.埃塞俄比亚人急切需要更多的食品。

12.The government of Sudan has appealed for emergency food aid.苏丹政府呼吁紧急食品援助。

13.a reserved ration预备口粮(紧急时使用的浓缩食品)

14.The Food Supply Chain Management and Food Safety in China;我国食品供应链管理与食品质量安全

15.chemical emergency response database化学品紧急应变资料库

16.Food was in short supply at that time.食品一时接应不上。

17.They purvey food for the army.他们供应食品给军队。

18.It is advisable to keep a little food in reserve in case of emergency.最好储备一点食物,以应急需。


emergency food logistics system食品应急物流体系

1.This paper analyzed the characteristics and current situation of emergency food logistics for unexpected incidents in China,discussed the construction ofemergency food logistics system in order to solve the supply problem of necessary food for human being.本文分析了我国食品应急物流的特点与现状,探讨了如何建立食品应急物流体系,解决突发事件中受灾人员维持生命所必需的食品供应问题。

3)emergency food应急食品

1.The paper analyses the essence of the food emergency logistics,the feature of theemergency food and its classification.文中从食品应急物流的内涵分析出发,研究了应急食品的特点和分类,并以A省应急管理实战经验为基础探讨了食品应急物流的阶段划分及其运作流程设计。

4)emergency provisions box应急食品箱

5)food logistics食品物流

1.On the basis of setting forth the complex situation offood logistics,the paper puts forward some corresponding tac-tics in postponed technique,food distribution mode,distribution processing,shelf life management,cold chain system,and environ-mental logistics so as to solve the main problems infood logistics.对目前食品物流所处的复杂环境进行了阐释,并从“延迟”技术、食品配送方式、流通加工、货架管理、冷链系统、绿色物流等方面提出相应策略,以解决目前食品物流存在的主要问题。

2.The security of thefood logistics system has been researched on by combining the RFID technology and thefood logistics together.将RFID技术与食品物流相结合,对食品物流系统的安全性进行研究。

3.Currently,many problems exist in the Guangzhoufood logistics security and safety field.食品物流安全是保障食品安全的重要手段,广州的食品物流安全现状堪忧,存在忽视物流过程控制,法律法规缺失、标准不完善,联合监管难以落实等问题。

6)emergency logistics应急物流

1.The Application of RFID in Emergency Logistics;RFID在应急物流领域的应用

2.Location-Routing Problem in Emergency Logistics for Public Emergencies;城市突发公共事件在应急物流中的定位——路径问题研究

3.The Status and System Optimization of Emergency Logistics in China;我国应急物流现状及系统优化


