2000字范文 > 公路桥涵 highway bridge and culvert英语短句 例句大全

公路桥涵 highway bridge and culvert英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-14 00:50:07


公路桥涵 highway bridge and culvert英语短句 例句大全

公路桥涵,highway bridge and culvert

1)highway bridge and culvert公路桥涵

1.Study actuality summary of backfilling materials behind abutments ofhighway bridge and culvert;公路桥涵台背回填材料研究现状综述


1.Code for design of highway bridge and culvert in forest regions林区公路桥涵设计规范

2.Code for design of steel structure and timber structure highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵钢结构及木结构设计规范

3.Code for design of ground base and foundation of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范

4.Discussing about construction and design of highway bridge back filling culvert pier公路桥涵台背填土设计与施工的探讨

5.Characteristics of DX piles and their application to the pile foundationDX挤扩装置特性及其在公路桥涵桩基中的应用

6.Cause Study on the Reasons of Vehicle Jumping from Bridge Culvert and Preventive Measurements in Tibet西藏公路桥涵跳车病害原因分析与防治措施

7.Analysis on construction technology for back filling behind abutment of bridges and culverts in one expressway某高速公路桥涵台背回填施工技术分析

8.Crack prevention and temperature control of frontier defense highway bridge arch concrete边防公路桥涵混凝土裂缝预防和温度控制

9.Analysis and prevention of the appearance quality flaw of the road bridge and culverts concrete公路桥涵混凝土外观质量缺陷分析与防治

10.An Approach to Assessing Methods for Bridge Technical State of Bridge in "Specification for Highway Bridge Culvert Maintenance"关于《公路桥涵养护规范》桥梁技术状况评定方法的探讨

11.The Analysis of Differential Settlement at the End of Bbridge and Culvert of Freeway and the Especially Construction Technic;高速公路桥涵台背差异沉降分析与特别施工技术

12.Research on Safety Evaluation System of Against Water Damage Design of Bridge and Culvert on Expressway in Qinba Mountain Area秦巴山区高速公路桥涵抗水毁设计安全性评价体系研究

13.The Study on the Engineering Character of Backfill Material and the Backfill Quality Detection at Back of the Bridge and Culvert in Dianlin Expressway垫邻高速公路桥涵台背回填材料工程特性及回填质量检测研究

14.The Grouting Strengthening Technology of Bridge and Culverts Abutment Steel Flora Tube in Kaiyang Highway开阳高速公路桥涵台背钢花管注浆加固处理技术

15.The term highway includes its highway subgrade pavement, bridges, culverts and tunnels.公路包括公路的路基、路面、桥梁、涵洞、隧道。

16.The part of a road or embankment that passes over such a sewer or drain.涵洞桥跨越涵洞的公路或堤岸的一部分

17.Code for design of masonry and concrete highway bridges and culverts公路砖石及混凝土桥涵设计规范

18.Discussion on special foundation treatment method of the highway small bridge and culverts公路小桥涵特殊地基处理方法的探讨


highway bridge and culvert standard公路桥涵规范

1.Taking the Xuchang-Bozhou Highway and Arongqi-Shenzhen Highway in Henan Province as an example, the present paper analyses the difference of silty sand foundation bearing ability evaluation between "construction foundation standard" and "highway bridge and culvert standard", giving each suitable range,pointing out the main evaluation methods of silty sand foundation bearing ability.以河南许昌至安徽亳州高速公路、阿荣旗至深圳高速公路 (河南境内 )为例 ,分析了在河南省黄泛区广泛分布的粉性土地基承载力评定中“建筑地基规范”与”公路桥涵规范”承载力表的差异 ,提出了河南省黄泛区粉性土地基承载力评定的方

2.Taking the Xuchang-Bozhou Highway of Henan Province as an example,the difference of silty sand foundation bearing ability evaluation between "construction foundation standard" and "highway bridge and culvert standard" is analysed.以河南许昌至安徽亳州高速公路为例,分析了在河南省豫东地区广泛分布的粉性土地基承载力评定中"建筑地基规范"与"公路桥涵规范"承载力表的差异,提出了豫东黄泛区粉性土地基承载力评定方法。

3)small and medium highway bridge and culvert公路中小桥涵

1.Hydrologic analysis and computation relates directly to the fixing of the span and the general construction scheme of thesmall and medium highway bridge and culvert——an important part of work in highway engineering.文章介绍了公路中小桥涵水文分析计算的内容和方法,并通过介绍具体的工程实例,对公路中小桥涵水文分析计算起到一定的借鉴作用。

4)Back filling behind abutment of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵台背回填

5)Railway Bridges and Culverts铁路桥涵

6)road of bridge桥(涵)路


