2000字范文 > 民族民间文化教育 Ethnic folk-culture Education英语短句 例句大全

民族民间文化教育 Ethnic folk-culture Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-23 08:49:05


民族民间文化教育 Ethnic folk-culture Education英语短句 例句大全

民族民间文化教育,Ethnic folk-culture Education

1)Ethnic folk-culture Education民族民间文化教育

2)National culture education民族文化教育


1.A Study of the Ethnic Culture Education in the Teaching of Ethnic Theory;民族理论教学中的民族文化教育问题研究

2.The Role of Cultural Inheritance Played by Minority People s Education;民族教育应担当起民族文化传承重任

3.A Brief Discussion on Localization of Ethnic Education and Multicultural Education;略论民族教育本土化与多元文化教育

4.Multi-cultural Education Conception in America and Education for Nationalities in China美国多元文化教育观与我国民族教育

5.Multi-cultural Education and the Inheritance of Minority Cultures;多元文化教育与少数民族文化的传承

6.Opinions on Ethnic Language Education in the Time of Multi-cultures;多元文化格局下的民族语文教育刍议

7.Research on Traditional Nationality Culture in Local Teaching Materials from an Education Perspective;地方教材中民族传统文化的教育透视

8.The Citizen Education of Ethnic Minority under the Multicultural Education;多元文化教育视角下的少数民族公民教育

9.Enlightenment from Multicultural Education to Civic Education of Ethnic Minority in China多元文化教育对中国少数民族公民教育的启示

10.A Brief Discussion of National Traditional Culture and Pluralistic Integration s Education;浅谈民族传统文化和多元一体化教育

11.Reform of Ethnic Education Based on Cultural Construction in Ethnic Schools;民族学校文化建设背景下的民族教育改革

12.School Education and Cultural Inheritance in the Minority Areas;少数民族地区的学校教育和民族文化传承

13.Put Cultural Education of National Music in Minority Area into Practice;论少数民族地区民族音乐文化教育的实施

14.Teachers in Multicultural Education:The Leader in the Heritage of National Cultures多元文化教育中的教师:民族文化传承的主导

15.Educational Messengers between Ethnic Cultures:A studyon the Statement of Bilateral-cultural Teacher;跨越民族文化的教育使者——民族地区双文化教师口述研究

16.On the education of the excellent Chinese national traditional culture in the institutes of higher learning高校中华民族优秀传统文化教育刍议

17.An Exploration to the National Vocal Music Education under the Plural Culture Vision;多元文化视野下的民族声乐教育探索

18.Multi Native Culture and Development of Basic Education;多元的民族文化传统与基础教育发展


National culture education民族文化教育

3)national folk culture民族民间文化

1.Taking about "Going forward with Times of National folk culture Under" the Background of Globalization;谈全球化背景下民族民间文化的与时俱进问题

2.The art of Mongolian dress is one of the protection projects of Chinesenational folk culture.蒙古族服饰艺术是我国民族民间文化保护工程项目之一。

3.Human s destruction and naturalextinction innational folk culture awakened people s preservative awareness.由各级政府重点扶持、在全国范围内实施、为期的“中国民族民间文化保护工程”于全面启动。

4)folk culture民族民间文化

1.Thefolk culture protection is an important national project.民族民间文化保护工程是国家的一项重要举措,但由于我国历史悠久、幅员广阔,需要保护的项目太多,各级政府每年拿出的资金有限,致使不少项目在短时间内不能得到及时有效的保护。

2.Protection offolk culture in Yunnan means the protection of the long history of all the nationalities in Yunnan as well as the cultural basis and driving force for their survival,development and future.保护云南民族民间文化就是保护云南各民族悠久的历史,保护云南各民族赖以生存、发展并走向未来的文化根基和动力。

5)national and folk culture民族民间文化

1.It gives enlightenment on protectingnational and folk culture.铜鼓文化在新时代的复兴是壮族人民在物质生活水平提高后精神风貌的映射,是民族文化建设和社会主义精神文明建设的有机组成部分,在民族民间文化的传承与保护方面很有借鉴意义。

6)national culture民族民间文化

1.This paper reviews the literary choice in the setting of the War of Resistance Against Japan,and holds that,as for the literary creation in the setting of the war,the awareness ofnational culture is prominent,the awareness of life widely known,and literary style varied.提出抗战语境下文学创作的民族民间文化意识凸现、生命意识张扬、文学风格多样。


