2000字范文 > 人力资本代际流动 Intergenerational Mobility of Human Capital英语短句 例句大全

人力资本代际流动 Intergenerational Mobility of Human Capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-16 01:25:26


人力资本代际流动 Intergenerational Mobility of Human Capital英语短句 例句大全

人力资本代际流动,Intergenerational Mobility of Human Capital

1)Intergenerational Mobility of Human Capital人力资本代际流动

2)International Flow of Human Capital人力资本国际流动


1.A Study on the Impact of International Flow of Human Capital on the Strategic Human Resource Management of China"s Financial Enterprise人力资本国际流动对我国金融企业战略性人力资源管理的影响研究

2.Latent Variable Analysis of Provincial-Level Migration of Human Capital in China;中国省际间人力资本流动原因的隐变量分析

3.RMB Mominai Exchange Rate,Asset price and Short-term International Capital Flows人民币汇率、资产价格与短期国际资本流动

4.Human Capital,Social Capital and Occupational Mobility;人力资本、社会资本与中国人的职业流动

5.2.private capital becomes leading role 3.international floating capital is moving in various ways.二、私人资本成为国际资本流动的主角; 三、国际资本流动的形式日益多样化;

6.The Merchant Capital"s International Fluxion and the Transformation of Modern West Europe商人资本国际流动与近代西欧社会经济转型

7.Research on the Influence of International Capital Flow on RMB Exchange Rate;国际资本流动对人民币汇率的影响研究

8.Research on the Exchange Rate Regime under International Capital Flow;国际资本流动背景下的人民币汇率制度研究

9.Study on Equilibrium Exchange Rate under Capital Flow and RMB Internationalization;资本流动和人民币国际化趋势下均衡汇率研究

10.On Merchant Capital International Flowing in the 16-18th Centuries;16-18世纪商人资本在西欧国际流动的原因探析

11.An Analysis of the Human Capital Tendency in the Mobility of China s Rural Labor;我国农村劳动力流动中的人力资本趋势分析

12.The Difference and Enlightenment of Two International Capital Flows;两次国际资本流动潮流的差异与启示

13.Production liberalization would promote international trade and accelerate fund flows that deepen the pressure of resources and environment of the earth;生产国际化过程促进了国际贸易并加速国际资本流动,加深了地球资源环境压力;

14.Analysis of Mutual Effect Between Flow of Human Capital and Adjustment of Industrial Structure;中国人力资本流动与产业结构调整互动分析

15.The Study of Chinese Financial Safety under International Capital Flow;国际资本流动下的中国金融安全研究

16.Influence of International Capital s Flowing to Our National Economy Development;国际资本流动对我国经济发展的影响

17.A Case of China:Estimates of Financial Capital Inflow and Outflow;国际金融资本流动规模研究——中国案例

18.International Capital Flow and the Economic Growth in China:1984~;国际资本流动与我国经济增长:1984~


International Flow of Human Capital人力资本国际流动

3)Human capital mobility人力资本流动

1.When there is enough evidence about the positive effects of human capital on technology spillovers of FDI,it is still unclear how does human capital effect technology spillovers of FDI and what are the roles of human capital stock,human capital organization and human capital mobility on the technology spillovers of FDI.人力资本对FDI技术外溢的正面作用已经在不少研究中得到了证实,但是人力资本在FDI技术外溢中的作用机制如何,人力资本存量、人力资本结构和人力资本流动性对FDI技术外溢分别起到什么样的作用等问题,还未见文献做过系统研究,本文试图对这些问题进行深入的研究。

4)human capital flow人力资本流动

1.The article starts with the connotation of the sustainability of development, and puts forward the criterion of whether the internationalhuman capital flow is of sustainability.本文从发展的可持续性内涵出发 ,给出判断国际人力资本流动是否具有可持续性的评判标准 ,然后在描述国际人力资本流动现状及造成的影响的基础上 ,得出其具有不可持续性的结论 ;文章的第二部分 ,通过首次引入人力资本带的概念 ,分析了国际人力资本流动具有不可持续性的原因 ;最后 ,从不同角度探讨了解决该问题的可能途径。

5)Cost of human capital flows人力资本流动成本

6)actual human capital实际人力资本

1.Based on limiting concept of hidden human capital andactual human capital,the paper puts forward latent human capital transformation model.基于传统的人力资本贡献度量模型 ,本文在提出与界定潜在人力资本与实际人力资本内涵的基础上 ,构建了人力资本转化模型 ,系统的阐述了潜在人力资本向实际人力资本转化的过程。


人力1.人的劳力,人的力量。 2.劳动力。指从事劳作的人。 3.仆役。
