2000字范文 > 外贸代理 foreign trade agency英语短句 例句大全

外贸代理 foreign trade agency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-26 12:04:57


外贸代理 foreign trade agency英语短句 例句大全

外贸代理,foreign trade agency

1)foreign trade agency外贸代理

1.International comparison offoreign trade agency and the adjustment of its law in China;外贸代理的国际比较及我国的法律调整

2.Legal Character of Foreign Trade Agency and Existing Problems in Practice in China;论我国外贸代理制的法律性质及存在问题

3.Theforeign trade agency internationally admitted is established with the perfect marketing economy protected by laws.国际通行的外贸代理制是建立在完善的市场经济体制之上,以合理的契约机制为支撑,以完备的法律制度为保障,体现为委托人、受托人各自为寻求利润最大化,成本最小化而平等、自愿地建立起委托代理关系,并经过长期实践形成了良好的工贸合作关系的一种制度,相比较而言,我国的外贸代理制却有着以下明显的缺陷。


1.On the Principal-Agent Theory and Export & Import Agency Systems;委托人-代理人理论与外贸代理制研究


3.Thinking of the Problem of Principal & Agent in China s Foreign Trade Agency System;中国外贸代理制的委托代理问题思考

4.The Legislative Location of Foreign Trade Agency System after the Issue of New Foreign Trade Law;新外贸法出台后外贸代理制度的法律定位

5.Analysis Foreign Trade Agency of China from the Direct Agency and Indirect Agency;从直接代理和间接代理看我国的外贸代理

6.Principle- agency Theory and China s Reforms in Foreign Trade Agent System;委托——代理理论与我国外贸代理制度改革

7.On the Deficiency and Its Solution of Foreign Trade Agency Institution of China;论我国外贸代理制度的不足及其完善

8.On Balance of Right and Duty in Foreign Trading Agent System of China;论我国外贸代理制的“权责均衡化”

9.Considerations about the Laws and Regulations of Chinese Foreign Trade Agent System;关于我国外贸代理制法律规范的思考

10.The Analysis of the Chinese System of Agency in Foreign Trade in Contract Law;合同法与我国外贸代理法律制度改革

11.Probe into the Evolution of Legislative Adjustment in China s Foreign Trade Agency System;中国外贸代理法律调整的演进及探析

12.The Evolution of and Probe into Legal Regulation of China s Foreign Trade Agency System;中国外贸代理法律调整的演进及思考

13.How to Make Use of 《Contract Law》 to Perfect the Agency System of Foreign Trade;试论如何利用《合同法》完善外贸代理制

14.General Research on Law Agency System and Development of Foreign Trade Agency System in China;代理法律制度研究兼析我国外贸代理制的发展

15.The Principal Agent Question of the Foreign Trade Proxy System in China under the Asymmetrical Information Situation;信息不对称下我国外贸代理中的委托代理问题

16.Contract Law--An Improvement of Agency Regulationsand Foreign TradeAgency System;《合同法》的代理规定与外贸代理制的完善

17.Research on China"s Foreign Trade Proxy Based on the Principal-agent Relationship基于委托代理关系的中国外贸代理制研究

18.Foreign Trade Agency System in New "Foreign Trade Law of PRC";《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》框架下的外贸代理制


agency in foreign trade外贸代理

1.Its an important content of Chinas structural reform of foreign trade to carry out the system ofagency in foreign trade.推行外贸代理制是我国外贸体制改革的重要内容。

3)foreign trade agency system外贸代理制

1.A Rustic Opinion of Foreign Trade Agency System of China—A Comment on Related Provisions in Contract Law of PRC;中国外贸代理制度刍议──兼析《合同法》的有关规定

2.The Research of China s Foreign Trade Agency System and Its Mode;我国外贸代理制及其模式研究

3.General Research on Law Agency System and Development of Foreign Trade Agency System in China;代理法律制度研究兼析我国外贸代理制的发展

4)foreign trade agent system外贸代理制

1.Starting from the conception of theforeign trade agent system and understandings of different genealogies of law about the agent system, this paper puts forward some suggestions of the laws and regulations of theforeign trade agent system.文章从外贸代理制的概念以及不同法系对代理制的理解入手 ,对外贸代理制法律规范提出见

2.The issue of new foreign trade law gives right to foreign business, but theforeign trade agent system still exists in our country for a long time.新外贸法的颁布施行,放开了外贸经营的管制,但外贸代理制仍将在我国长期存在。

5)foreign trade agency外贸代理制

1.Thinking of the Problem of Principal & Agent in China s Foreign Trade Agency System;中国外贸代理制的委托代理问题思考

2.Therefore, Foreign Trade Law, the basis of our foreign trade,ought to be the first one to be improved in legal principles, foreign trade operation,foreign trade agency, and service trade,e.我国改革开放和加入WTO的过程和结果首先应是按照WTO规则和我国在加入WTO谈判中的承诺 ,全面充实、调整和完善现行的外经贸法律、法规和规章 ,以建立起一个统一、公正和透明的外经贸法律体系 ,而作为我国对外经济贸易基本法的《对外贸易法》则首当其冲 ,应从其立法原则、外贸经营权、外贸代理制、服务贸易等方面加以完

6)Foreign Trade Agency外贸代理制度


外贸代理制 外贸代理制 外贸企业为客户积极开拓国际市场,受客户委托办理进出口业务,收取一定的代理费用,并承担相应的责任,而价格和其他合同条款的最终决定权属生产企业,进出口盈亏和履约责任最终由生产企业承担。
