2000字范文 > 物权凭证 document of title英语短句 例句大全

物权凭证 document of title英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 04:39:01


物权凭证 document of title英语短句 例句大全

物权凭证,document of title

1)document of title物权凭证

1.Analysing the substantial meaning of the function of the bill of lading asdocument of title;解析提单物权凭证功能的内涵

2.The Legal Research for the Nature of Straight Bill of Lading as Document of Title and Releasing the Cargo by Virtue of a Straight Bill of Lading Issued;记名提单的物权凭证属性及放货问题之法律研究

3.It was concluded that FCR is neither adocument of title nor a document by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document.结合有关案例,讨论货运代理人收据的法律性质及与提单的异同,认为货运代理人收据既不是物权凭证,也不是承运人保证据以交付货物的单证,并提醒货物卖方应充分注意FCR运输方式的风险。


1.The title deed is the document, which proves ownership of the goods.所谓物权凭证,乃是证明货物所有权的一种单据。

2.The main document in exporting is the Bill of Lading which is the title deed to the goods.出口中的主要单据是提单,它是物权凭证。

3.The real right of bill of lading under the payment of document against payment;付款交单方式下提单物权凭证性质的探讨

4.As a document of title, the bill of lading may lose its property title.作为一份物权凭证,提单的物权效力是可能丧失的。

5.The Legal Research for the Nature of Straight Bill of Lading as Document of Title and Releasing the Cargo by Virtue of a Straight Bill of Lading Issued;记名提单的物权凭证属性及放货问题之法律研究

6.Corments on Documents of Title on Bills of Lading--Also on the Nature of Non-vessel Operation Common Carrier;提单的物权凭证属性——兼论无船承运人提单的性质

7.A document certifying ownership.凭证证明所有权的文件

8.The aggregate evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control.所有权凭证产生占有或控制某物的法律权力的全部证据

9.function authority credentials (FAC)功能使用权凭证;功能授权凭证;功能特许证

10.The basic reason is that the bill has the dual nature of chattel and document.其根本原因在于票据本身具有动产物和权利凭证的双重属性。

11.Your storage charge is 2 yuan.Look after your extracting evidence,and extract your goods.您的寄存费是2元,请把提取凭证保管好,凭提取毛凭证来取物品.

12.The pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the document of title.质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。

13.We are a firm of consultants with empowerment credentials.我们是有授权凭证的顾问的一个公司。

14.Money can be formally defined as a title of goods and services, as a measure of value and as a method of storing wealth.从表面上看,货币可解释为取得货物和劳务的权利凭证,衡量价值的尺度和储存财富的方法。

15.The following categories of documents shall be taxable documents:下列凭证为应纳税凭证:

16.How to Get the Legal Accounting Voucher of Land Transfer Royalty?如何取得土地使用权转让费的合法入账凭证?

17.Pricing the Collateralized Debt Obligations--The Nonparametric Estimator of Copula and Its Application;担保债权凭证定价——Copula函数的非参数估计与应用

18.Doc(s) [documents]凭证、单据、文件[


evidence of guarantee担保物权凭证

3)Document of Title权利凭证

1.This paper holds that the bill of lading is the document of title.论述了提单包括记名提单不是“物权凭证”而是“权利凭证”,无论采用哪种法律解释,中国《海商法》下记名提单都应理解为凭单放货,同时对记名提单与海运单的异同作了分析。

2.Bill of lading is generally regarded as the most important document of title, whose functions have been beyond the scope of shipping field.提单是重要的“权利凭证”,其作用已经远远超出了海上货物运输的环节,在国际贸易中扮演了举足轻重的作用。

4)ostensible title债权凭证

5)authority credentials权限凭证

6)certificate authority凭证授权


