2000字范文 > 受教育权 right to education英语短句 例句大全

受教育权 right to education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-20 11:07:59


受教育权 right to education英语短句 例句大全

受教育权,right to education

1)right to education受教育权

1.Country s responsibility:legislative,administrative and judicatory guarantee to equal civilright to education;国家责任:公民平等受教育权的立法、行政及司法保障

2.Realization of Right to Education in China in Respect to “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” ——Concurrently on legislative protection for Chinese citizensright to education;《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》中受教育权在中国的实现——兼论中国公民受教育权的立法保障


1.THE EDUCATED RIGHT STUDIED;受教育权研究——从人权的视角透视受教育权

2.V. The Right of Citizens to Education五、公民的受教育权利

3.V. Citizens" Rights to Receive Education五、公民的受教育权

4.On the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education from the Perspective of the Right to Education;从受教育权剖析义务教育的均衡发展

5.The Right to Receive Education is one Fundamental Civil Right--Talking from the Children Beggars Right to Receive Education;受教育权是公民的基本权利——从儿童乞丐的受教育权谈起

6.Freedom,Equality and Human Rights:An Interpretation of the Attributes of the Right to Education自由、平等、人权:受教育权属性解读

7.Research on Right to Compulsory Education as Absolute Power义务教育阶段受教育权的绝对权利属性及保障

8.Public Welfare Lawsuit of Education: New Development in the Judicial Guarantee of the Right of Receiving Education;教育公益诉讼:受教育权利司法保障新进展

9.On the Legal Protection of the Right to Education during Compulsory Education;浅论义务教育阶段受教育权的法律保护

10.The Legal Thinking about the Right to Receive Education in the Stage of the compulsory Education;义务教育阶段受教育权问题的法学思考

11.Protection of the Citizens right of Being Educated in the Compulsory Education;义务教育阶段公民受教育权的法律保护

12.Assurance of Citizens" Right to Education in Compulsory Education Period in Yanbian Korean Nationality Autonomous Prefecture延边州公民义务教育阶段受教育权保障

13.Women"s right to education is further protected.妇女的受教育权进一步得到保障。

14.right to education and to work受教育和工作的权利

15.The right to consumer education消费者受教育的权利

16.Criminals have the right to an education.--罪犯有受教育的权利。

17.The masses of serfs and slaves had no right to receive education.广大农奴和奴隶没有接受教育的权利。

18.It is wrong of him to strip his daughter of the right to education他不该剥夺他女儿受教育的权利


the right to education受教育权

1.Contradiction and equilibrium between the disciplinary authority of college andthe right to education;大学惩戒权与学生受教育权的冲突与平衡

2.As the most fundamental right of students,the right to education is one of the basic rights of citizens entitled by the constitution.受教育权作为学生权利中最根本的权利,是宪法赋予公民的一项基本权利,公民结婚与否不应成为其接受教育的限制条件。

3.Under the human right vision,the right to education which is attributed to a basic civil right is shown as legal rights increasingly.受教育权是公民享有的一项基本权利,属于人权的范畴。

3)right to receive education受教育权

1.How to protect impoverished students′right to receive education has become the common concern of the runners of colleges and universities,educational administrators and all walks of life.如何维护高校贫困生的受教育权已成为高等教育举办者、管理者和社会各界共同关注的问题,高校应准确把握贫困生问题解决过程中的难点和重点,将助学贷款作为解决贫困生学费问题的主渠道,加大设立贫困学生综合奖学金、单项奖学金的力度;政府应从政策上鼓励企业和个人在学校设立奖学金和各类基金,鼓励优秀的贫困生报考师范院校,并建立健全诚信机制,以此维护教育公平、促进社会和谐。

2.All these problems have caused inequality and discrimination for citizensright to receive education.我国教育出现的城乡教育尤其是城乡义务教育资源配置严重失衡,城乡之间、地区之间的教育机会不平等,性别、身体健康方面的特别要求,均成了对公民受教育权的不平等与歧视。

3.College student sright to receive education is a constitutional right and elementary human right confirmed and secured by constitution,law and international conventions,however it should be restricted considering not only college autonomy but also relation theory of special power.高校学生受教育权是一项宪法性权利,是基本人权,在我国受到宪法、法律和我国批准的国际公约的确认和保障。

4)education right受教育权

1.But in the legal society,the conflict between the autonomy right of university and the freeeducation right has brought unbalance in university,the conflict exists in two aspects.大学自治历来是大学发展遵循的重要原则,但在现代法治社会中,大学自治权与受教育自由权之间的冲突在大学校园越来越多,二者的冲突主要体现在教学自由权与学习自由权,以及行政管理权与基本的受教育权之间。

2.Education Right is the elementary right for citizens by the Constitution,and the country is responsible for the realization of citizenseducation right in minorities regions.受教育权是公民的宪法基本权利,国家负有保障民族地区公民受教育权实现的责任。

5)Right to be Educated受教育权

1.The right to be educated is a basic right of citizens.受教育权是宪法和法律赋予公民的一项基本权利,有权利就必须有救济,然而目前我国的受教育权司法救济渠道并不畅通,要解决这些问题就必须发现我国的宪法诉讼、行政诉讼、民事诉讼和刑事诉讼在保护受教育权方面存在的制度缺陷,并找到完善四种司法救济方式的措施。

6)right of being educated受教育权利

1.Theright of being educated which is regulated by constitution is the fundamental right of the citizen in our country.同时,在农村,与男子相比较,女性属于弱势群体,她们的受教育权利比男子更容易受到侵犯。


受教育权受教育权 :公民依据宪法和法律的规定,通过各种类型的学校和文化教育机构,接受科学文化教育的权利。
