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微型飞行器 micro air vehicle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 12:45:05


微型飞行器 micro air vehicle英语短句 例句大全

微型飞行器,micro air vehicle

1)micro air vehicle微型飞行器

1.A study on flight attitude model of flapping wingmicro air vehicle;扑翼微型飞行器飞行姿态模型研究

2.Numerical simulation for the low Reynolds number 3D flows aroundmicro air vehicle;微型飞行器低雷诺数三维流场数值模拟

3.Experimental Research on Performances of Micro Air Vehicle Drive;微型飞行器驱动装置特性试验研究


1.Research on Flight Dynamics of Flying Wing Micro Air Vehicles飞翼式微型飞行器飞行动力学特性研究

2.The bionic flying micro-robot is a complicated intelligent robot, i. e. and a micro aerial vehicle.微型仿生扑翼飞行器是一种新概念的微型飞行器。

3.Design and Implementation of Real-time Flight Simulation System of MAVs微型飞行器实时飞行仿真系统的设计与实现

4.Key Problems Study on Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles;仿生微型飞行器若干关键问题的研究

5.Some Dynamic Problems in Micro Air Vehicles;微型飞行器中的若干动力学问题研究

6.GPS-Image Integrated Navigation Technology Based on Micro Aerial Vehicle微型飞行器的GPS-图像复合导航技术

7.Building Model Using System Identification for Certain Micro Air Vehicle某型微型飞行器验证样机辨识建模研究

8.Novel Hybrid Magnetic Helm Actuator of Micro-Aircraft微型飞行器新型极化电磁驱动舵机的研究

9.A Study of Low-Reynolds-Number Performance Over a Two-Dimensional Airfoil for Micro-Air Vehilce;微型飞行器低雷诺数二元翼型的气动特性研究

10.Optimization Design of Airfoil by Genetic Algorithm for MAVs基于遗传算法的微型飞行器翼型优化设计

11.Research on Conceptual Design and Performance Analysis of 15cm Fixed-Wing MAV;15厘米固定翼微型飞行器总体设计与性能分析

12.The Study and Design of Autonomous Flight Control System for Micro Aerial Vehicle;微型飞行器自主控制系统的研究及设计

13.The Research on the Methods of Embedding Telemetry Data into MPEG4 Stream in Micro Air Vehicle;微型飞行器中MPEG4码流嵌入遥测数据方法研究

14.The Integrated Design of Fuzzy Logic and Data Acquisition System for Micro Aerial Vehicle;微型飞行器模糊控制及信号采集系统综合设计

15.Research on Dynamics Modeling and Control Algorithm of Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicle;扑翼微型飞行器动力学建模与控制算法研究

16.Attitude control for micro-vehicle based on fuzzy adaptive algorithm基于模糊自适应的微型飞行器姿态控制

17.Experimental investigation on the aerodynamic characteristics of biplane micro-air-vehicles双翼布局微型飞行器气动特性试验研究

18.Experimental investigation on the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of biplane MAV in horizontal gust双翼微型飞行器水平阵风响应实验研究



1.Flow visualization experiments ofMAV in low Reynolds number;微型飞行器低雷诺数流场显示试验研究

2.Experimental investigation of aerodynamic configuration forMAVs;微型飞行器相关布局气动特性实验研究

3.Study on Dynamic Character and Flight Control ofMAV;微型飞行器的动态特性与飞行控制研究

3)Micro Aerial Vehicle微型飞行器

1.Attitude tracking control for flapping wing micro aerial vehicle based on feedback compensation;基于反馈补偿的扑翼微型飞行器姿态跟踪控制

2.Numerical analysis of low Reynolds number flows around thin wings for micro aerial vehicle;微型飞行器小展弦比机翼的低雷诺数气动力特性分析

3.The Integrated Design of Fuzzy Logic and Data Acquisition System forMicro Aerial Vehicle;微型飞行器模糊控制及信号采集系统综合设计

4)micro air vehicles微型飞行器

1.Design of strain-gage balances formicro air vehicles and their experiments in wind tunnel;微型飞行器测量天平设计与风洞试验

2.Analysis of wingtip vortex characteristics in flows around low-aspect-ratio thin wings formicro air vehicles;微型飞行器小展弦比薄翼流场中的翼尖涡特性分析

3.Themicro air vehicles(MAVs)are not simple scale-downs of common aircraft,but face many technical challenges.微型飞行器(MAVs)设计绝不是常规飞行器在尺度上的简单缩小,面临许多技术难题。

5)micro air vehicle(MAV)微型飞行器

1.The design of magnetoresistive compass of micro air vehicle(MAV)based on DSP is presented,which consists of S/R circuit,3D magnetic sensors,signal processing circuit and DSP.介绍了一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的微型飞行器(MAV)磁罗盘,它包括S/R电路,三轴磁阻传感器、信号调理电路和DSP。

2.As a fresh blood to the unmanned air vehicle(UAV) family,micro air vehicle(MAV) is restrict to the mass,package size,power requirements and capability of its sensors.微型飞行器是无人机家族的新成员,它体小质轻的特点决定了它对所需传感器的质量、尺寸、能耗和性能有严格的限制,根据常规传感器已经很难设计出具有良好飞行性能的厘米级微型飞行器。

6)micro air vehicle微小型飞行器

1.The guidance,navigation and control(GNC) system ofmicro air vehicle(MAV) is constructed.构建了微小型飞行器(MAV)导航、制导与控制(GNC)系统。

2.The accurate mathematic model ofmicro air vehicle(MAV) can hardly be gotten.微小型飞行器(MAV)精确的数学模型很难得到,限制了单纯动态逆控制方法的使用,比例-积分-微分(PID)等传统的控制方法已不能满足要求。


16mm微型信号发射器产品名称:16mm微型信号发射器16mm mini flare kit研制单位:英国谢尔穆利(佩因-韦塞克斯)有限公司schermuly (pains-wessex) ltd.,gb现状:装备用途:发射信号与照明

概述16mm微型信号发射器也称为1号微型单兵信号装置,是英国谢尔穆利有限公司于70年代中期研制生产的,已装备英国和许多其他国家的部队。结构特点16mm微型信号发射器结构简单,实用,体积小,质量小,可放入衣袋内携带。1.发射器用铝合金制成的钢笔式发射器由发射器本体及扳机等击发、发射机构组成,发射器本体经过阳极氧化处理。发射时,将信号弹或照明弹拧入发射器本体前端的内螺纹槽内,用手握持发射器使弹朝向天空,然后用拇指压下扳机,击针在弹簧力的作用下击发火帽而将弹发射出去。携带时,可将弹药从发射器拧下旋入防水塑料(150×54×19,mm)盒内,盒内可装8发信号弹。2. 弹药该发射器发射16mm系列信号弹。弹药由铝弹壳、抛射药与星光体组成。信号弹的星光体有红、绿、白等颜色。发光时间为5~7s,射高85m。性能数据口径----16mm发射方式----单发供弹方式----手工装填发射器长----120mm发射器宽----22mm发射器总质量----216g配用弹种----16mm信号弹
