2000字范文 > 安培力做功 the work of Ampere force英语短句 例句大全

安培力做功 the work of Ampere force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-03 12:16:35


安培力做功 the work of Ampere force英语短句 例句大全

安培力做功,the work of Ampere force

1)the work of Ampere force安培力做功

1.The electromagnetic induction is always followed bythe work of Ampere force and energy s change.电磁感应总伴有安培力做功 。


1.The work of Ampere force and the energy in electromagnetic induction电磁感应现象中的安培力做功与磁能

2.a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second.电能单位当电流为安培电阻为欧姆通电时间为秒时所做的功。

3.A unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of1ampere is passed through a resistance of1ohm for1second.焦耳电能单位,相当于1安培的电流通过1欧姆的电阻在1秒钟内所做的功

4.a unit of work equal to the work done by one horsepower in one hour.功的单位等于马力小时内做的功。

5.He loves the power and fame of which he acquired more than he had ever dreamed,but he still chews his nails.他热爱他获得的那种做梦也想不到的那么多的权力和功名,但他仍然忐忑不安。

6.Thanks to Zhi Xuan for his endeavors in this project. May the merits generated bring sooner enlightenment to all and much happiness in his family!感谢智宣对此企画所做的努力。愿此功德使大家早日成佛并且带给他的家人极多安乐!

7.a unit of electrical power equal to 1000 volt-amperes.电功率单位等于伏特安培。

8.Integrating Teaching and Learning with Practicing Strengthening the Student s Ability;融“教、学、做”为一体 强化学生能力的培养

9.Training Students’ Ability of Doing Should be Paid Attention to in Higher Vocational-Technical Colleges;高职院校应注重培养学生“做”的能力

10.Some Methods of Fostering the Ability of Middle School Students in Mathematical Application;培养中学生数学应用能力的一点做法

11.While it is moving, it has the capacity for doing work.当它在运动时,就具有做功的能力。

12.The capacity of a physical system to do work.能量,能物理系统做功的容量能力

13.I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examinations.我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。

14.Work was done in turning the paddle wheel against the resistance of the water.转动搅拌轮,克服水的阻力做功。

15.Success of ten stimulates people to further efforts.成功常激励人们做进一步的努力。

16.The merit done equals to the product of power and distance.所做的功等于力与距离的乘积。

17.Scientists say that work is done whenever a force moves.科学家们说,力移动时就做了功。

18.Our success sparked us to fresh efforts.我们的成功鼓舞我们做进一步努力。


But Ampere force is Lorentz force nature.安培力对它作功。

3)power capability做功能力

1.In order to evaluate energy parameters of propellant accurately and impersonally, thermodynamic parameters of different propellant formulations were computed by potential energy method, and the correlations between the thermodynamic parameters and expandingpower capability of propellant combustion gas in barrel weapon were researched.为了更加准确和客观地评价发射药的能量参数,采用内能法计算了不同组分发射药配方的热力学参数,研究了发射药燃烧气体在身管武器中的膨胀做功能力与热力学参数的相互关系。

4)work of magnetic force磁力做功

1.According to thework of magnetic force,the relationship between induction electro motive force and the energy change in magnetic field is analysed.根据磁力做功的特点 ,通过对感应电动势与磁场能量变化关系的分析 ,得出磁力做功是磁场能量改变的量度、电磁感应现象是能量转换的过程的结

2.According to the characters of thework of magnetic force,the concept of potential energy can be brought in the non conservative system-magnetic field.根据磁力做功的特点 ,在非保守场———磁场中也可以引入势能的概念 。

5)Gravity Acting重力做功

6)work done by friction摩擦力做功

1.A paradox ofwork done by friction is clarified, and the general format of principle of energy-work and the first law of thermodynamics are presented.本文澄清了一个关于摩擦力做功的佯谬,并提出了功能原理与热力学第一定律的一般形式。


