2000字范文 > 杓型 Dipper英语短句 例句大全

杓型 Dipper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 20:08:05


杓型 Dipper英语短句 例句大全



1.Methods:In 58 patients with essential hypertension 24h ambulatory blood pressure and echocardiography were observed, They were classified as dippers and nondippers according to ABP and the relationship between ABP and thickness of interventricular septum, left ventricular internal diameter .方法 :对 5 8例原发性高血压患者进行 2 4小时动态血压监测和超声心动图检查 ,分成杓型与非杓型组 ,比较昼夜血压变化与室间隔厚度、左室舒张末期内径、左室后壁厚度、左室重量等相关指标。


parison of c-reactive protein between dipper essential hypertension patients and non dipper essential patients杓型与非杓型原发型高血压患者的C反应蛋白水平比较

2.Effects of Circadian Rhythm of Anti-dipper and Over-dippers Blood Pressure on Early Renal Function反杓型及深杓型血压昼夜节律对早期肾功能的影响

3.In non-dipper group patients, sympathetic nerve damaged during daytime. And both sympathetic nerves and vagus nerves of patients in Non-dipper group damaged at night.非杓型病人日间交感神经受损 ,夜间交感神经、迷走神经双重受损

4.Effect of Telmisartan on Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Gerontal Hypertension;替米沙坦对中老年非杓型高血压及宽脉压的影响

5.Clinical effects of bisoprolol in comparison with metoprolol in hypertensive patients with non-dipper pattern of blood pressure比索洛尔和美托洛尔治疗非杓型高血压患者临床观察

6.The Effects of Nifedipine on Abnormal BP Circadian Rhythm in Hypertensive Patients in Elderly硝苯地平控释片对老年非杓型高血压患者昼夜节律变化的影响

7.Serum Uric Acid and Target Organ Damage Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Nondipping Blood Pressure in Patient with Primary Hypertension血清尿酸水平与原发性高血压患者靶器官损害、动态血压及非杓型高血压之间的关系

8.Effect of Circadian Variability of Dipper Blood Pressure Induced by Irbesartan in Patients with Non-Dipper Essential Hypertension on Levels of Aldosterone厄贝沙坦对非杓型高血压患者昼夜节律的干预作用及血醛固酮水平的影响

9.large wading bird that resembles a curlew; has a long slightly upturned bill.与杓鹬形似的大型涉水鸟;具有长而细的稍向上弯的喙。

10.The mRNA Expression of Different Muscle Fibre Types in Denervated Rat Musculus Cricoarytenoideus Posterior去神经支配后大鼠环杓后肌不同类型肌纤维的mRNA表达

11.Any of various orchids of the genus Cypripedium, such as the lady"s slipper.杓兰属植物一种杓兰属的兰花,如杓兰属植物

12.feed(a baby,etc)with a spoo用杓喂(小孩儿等).

13.I used three scoops of flour and one(scoop)of sugar.我用了三杓面粉和一杓糖。

mon Eurasian curlew.欧亚大陆普通的杓鹬。

15.dipper evacuation杓式冷凝水排出装置

16.a ladle that has a cup with a long handle.长柄的有容器的杓子。

17.She drained the water out through a sieve.她用漏杓把水控出去.

18.Any of several brownish, long - legged shore birds of the genus Numenius, having long, slender, downward - curving bills.杓鹬一种杓鹬属淡棕色长腿滨鸟,生有长而细的、向下弯曲的喙


Dipper and non-dipper type hypertension杓型与非杓型

3)dippers vs nondippers杓型及非杓型

4)Diping pattern杓类型

5)Dipper phenomenon杓型改变

6)Non-dipper phenomenon非杓型改变


