2000字范文 > 病情监测 Monitor英语短句 例句大全

病情监测 Monitor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 18:38:30


病情监测 Monitor英语短句 例句大全



1.The monitoring report of Kashin-Beck disease prevalence rate of whole country in 2002 year;2002年全国大骨节病病情监测总结报告

2.The monitoring and prognotic value of detecting serum tumor supplied group of factor in ovarian malignant neoplasm血清肿瘤特异性生长因子对卵巢恶性肿瘤病情监测及预后判断的价值


1.Summary of national surveillance on Kashin Beck disease (KBD) prevailing condition for 10 years (1990~1999)全国大骨节病病情监测总结(1990~1999)

2.The monitoring report of Kashin-Beck disease prevalence rate of whole country in 2002 year2002年全国大骨节病病情监测总结报告

3.Report of national surveillance on Kaschin-Beck disease prevalence in 全国大骨节病病情监测总结报告

4.Report on monitoring results of Kaschin-Beck disease in Shaanxi Province in 陕西省大骨节病病情监测报告

5.The levels of Hcy and usCRP can be used as the pathogenetic condition monitoring index of DN.它们的水平可作为糖尿病肾病病情监测指标。

6.Surveillance Report of Kaschin-Beck"s disease serious territory of in Hulun Buir呼伦贝尔市大骨节病重病区病情监测报告

7.The monitoring report of Kaschin-Beck disease prevalence rate in Yuyang county of Shaanxi province from 2001 to 2001~陕西省榆林市榆阳区大骨节病病情监测

8.Survey report of Kersan disease in Duolun Xilinguole 锡林郭勒盟多伦县克山病病情监测报告

9.Surveillance and analysis of Kaschin-Beck"s disease serious territory tieshan village in Arong County in 大骨节病重病区阿荣旗铁山村病情监测及分析

10.Indices of Clinical Monitoring in Disease Activity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease;炎症性肠病病情活动指标的临床监测

11.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site of Nanxian County,1990-1990~南县国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

12.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site of Wangcheng County,-~望城县国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

13.Surveillance of schistosomiasis in national surveillance sites of Zhenjiang City,-~镇江市国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

14.Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Disease(STD)Surveillance in Hangzhou City 1998 to 1993杭州市1988~1993年性病疫情监测分析

15.National surveillance of schistosomiasis in China,-~全国血吸虫病疫情监测

16.Analysis on HIV/AIDS epidemic surveillance in Yuanjiang元江县历年艾滋病疫情监测结果分析

17.Monitoring of lepracy infections in Jingmen City in 2000~ and control measures荆门市2000~麻风病疫情监测分析

18.Surveillance of snails after schistosomiasis transmission being interrupted in Jiaxing City嘉兴市血吸虫病传播阻断后螺情监测



1.A Study of Diagnostic and Monitoring Value of Lysophosphatidic Acid for Human Epithelial Ovarian Cancer;溶血磷脂酸对卵巢上皮性癌诊断及病情监测价值的研究

2.Objective To investigate the value of lysophosphatidic acid in diagnosing andmonitoring ovarian epithelial cancer.目的探讨溶血磷脂酸(LPA)在卵巢上皮性癌中的诊断和病情监测价值。


1.Analysis of Keshan DiseaseSurveillance in Yunnan Province in ;云南省克山病病情监测结果分析

2.Surveillance on the endemic of schistosomiasis post transmission interruption in Jiaxing Prefecture;浙江省嘉兴市血吸虫病传播阻断后病情监测分析


1.Epidemicsurveillance of schistosomiasis after blocking its transmission in Jiaxing;浙江省嘉兴市血吸虫病流行传播阻断后疫情监测分析

5)ice condition supervising冰情监测

6)monitoring on ice-jam凌情监测


