2000字范文 > 子女教育认知 cognition of childrens education英语短句 例句大全

子女教育认知 cognition of childrens education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-01 20:30:45


子女教育认知 cognition of childrens education英语短句 例句大全

子女教育认知,cognition of children"s education

1)cognition of children"s education子女教育认知

2)cognitive education认知教育

1.The paper discusses the necessity of the emphasis on optimizing the students psychological well - being and the development of their qualities in teaching maths and holds that affect should be stressed while strengthening thecognitive education.本文阐述在数学教学过程中,应注重优化学生的心理品质,注重学生各种素质的发展,在重视认知教育的同 时,亦重视情感教育。

2.Cognitive education is one of the effective means to improve the psychological health standard of college students Throughcognitive education from different aspects and classroom teaching on psychological health, we have practically changed the condition of psychological health of college studen认知教育是提高大学生心理健康水平的有效途径之一 ,通过多维的认识教育和心理健康教育 ,可切实改变大学生心理健康状况。


1.On Education of Self-consciousness on Part of “Peripheral” College Students;“边缘化”大学生的自我认知教育探讨

2.Meta - cognition----New development of cognition theory of physical education;元认知——体育教学认知论研究的新发展

3.Understanding the Education about the Mathematical Quality in Junior Middle School Judged by the Fundamental Cognition;从元认知角度认识中学数学素质教育

4.The Importance of the Conservation Awareness in the Physical Education Of the College;养护认知在大学体育教育中的重要性

5.Research of Implicit Cognitive Behavior of Sports and Health;内隐认知在体育与健康教育中的作用

6.Application of Metacognitive Concept in Reflective Teachers Training;元认知理论指导下的反思型教师教育

7.Application of Meta-cognitive Theory in Teaching;略论元认知理论在教育教学中的运用

8.A Review of Teacher Cognition and Language Education:Research and Practice教师认知视角下的语言教学——评《教师认知与语言教育——研究与实践》

9.A study on design and evaluation of the metacognition teaching model in the major of physical education;体育教育专业元认知教学模型设计与评价研究

10.Cognition and Practice of Strengthening the Aesthetic Education within Mathematics Teaching;寓美育于数学教育教学之中的认知与实践

11.The Pedagogy Cognition of the Concept of "Authority" and its Value;“权威”概念的教育学认知及其价值意义

12.The Approaches About Students Medical Ethics Cognition and Education;医学生的医德认知与医德教育的途径

13.A Cognitive Study of Children s Language Acquisition;儿童语言习得认知观与早期双语教育

14.The Analysis Of The Use Of Social Cognitive Regularity In P.E. Teaching;体育教学中社会认知规律的应用分析

15.A Survey of College Students Cognitive Level of Psychological Education;大学生心理教育认知水平的调查研究

16.Cognitive Characteristics of Adults with Learning Disabilities and Educational Intervention;成人学习不良的认知特点与教育干预

17.Non-logic cognition: a cybernetic view on education innovation;非逻辑认知:教育创新的控制论观点

18.The Cognition of the Extra-impoverished College Students Psychology and the Study of Educational Model;特困大学生心理认知与教育模型研究


cognitive education认知教育

1.The paper discusses the necessity of the emphasis on optimizing the students psychological well - being and the development of their qualities in teaching maths and holds that affect should be stressed while strengthening thecognitive education.本文阐述在数学教学过程中,应注重优化学生的心理品质,注重学生各种素质的发展,在重视认知教育的同 时,亦重视情感教育。

2.Cognitive education is one of the effective means to improve the psychological health standard of college students Throughcognitive education from different aspects and classroom teaching on psychological health, we have practically changed the condition of psychological health of college studen认知教育是提高大学生心理健康水平的有效途径之一 ,通过多维的认识教育和心理健康教育 ,可切实改变大学生心理健康状况。

3)non-cognitive education非认知教育

4)Meta-level training元认知教育

1.Pochhacker’s opinion onMeta-level training and the Relevance Theory, aims at offering a fresh channel for the professionalization of interpretation in China by forming three interrelated dynamic triangles out of four still factors in interpretation.Pochhacker提出的Meta-leveltraining(元认知教育)出发,融入笔译中的"关联理论",将静止的四元素组合成三组相互独立又相互联系的动态三元关系,旨在为中国口译的职业化道路打开新的思路。

5)women"s education女子教育

6)women education女子教育

1.Influence of church missionary women school forwomen education in modern times of China;教会女校对中国近代女子教育的影响

2.The church missionary women school and the production of thewomen education in modern times in China;教会女校与中国近代女子教育的产生

3.He advocatedwomen education,regarded it as the fundamental method to liberation;His Women Ideas include carryng out women vocation education and pushing of women s sports.他积极提倡女子教育,认为实行女子教育的目的在于妇女解放。


子女1.男和女。 2.美女;年青女子。 3.儿女。
